
  1. 尽早询问细节,并与同事们探讨文化的细则。

    And talk to colleagues about the particulars of the departmental culture .

  2. 马库斯及其同事的跨文化研究表明,文化与人格是相互建构的。

    Markus and her colleagues ' cross cultural researches suggest that culture and personality are mutually constitutive .

  3. 日本人的日常工作时间很长,这和不倡导先于同事下班的文化约束以及工作量大有关。

    Japanese routinely work long hours , as much from cultural constraints on leaving before colleagues as from volume of work .

  4. 让我们努力,帮助我们的朋友,邻居,同学,同事了解中华文化,中华人民和大中华历史。

    It is our responsibilities to let our friends , neighbors , classmates , and colleagues know more about our culture , our people , and our history .

  5. 当我们从另外的心理学家MichaelCole和他的同事那儿知道非洲文化之上的成年人明显不能完成Kendler的任务时,起初的神秘加深了。

    The mystery at first appears to deepen when we learn , from another psychologist , Michael Cole , and his colleagues , that adults in an African culture apparently can not do the Kendlers'task either .

  6. 迈克尔:也许在我们了解了所有和同事共进午餐的文化以后就会找到答案!

    Michael : Maybe we can find the answer in learning all about the culture of having lunch with work colleagues !