
  1. 提单仲裁条款法律效力问题研究

    On legal effects of arbitration clause in bills of lading

  2. 论提单仲裁条款的效力

    On Validity of Arbitration Clause in Bill of Lading

  3. 其中虽然提单仲裁条款的有效性准据法与一般仲裁协议准据法有相似之处,但有自己的具体适用规则,故不能视为与之重叠。

    Section two is relevant to applicable law of the validity of arbitration clause .

  4. 关于提单仲裁条款能否约束保险人的问题,对否定说和肯定说做出了说明。

    About whether the binding arbitration clause in the bill of lading on the issue of insurance , said on the negative and made sure that description .

  5. 关于确定提单仲裁条款效力的适用法问题,列举了意思自治说、仲裁地法说和法院地法说。

    About the bill of lading to determine the effectiveness of arbitration under the terms of the applicable law , cited the autonomy that the law of arbitration and the courts said the law said .

  6. 涉及到的问题有:提单仲裁条款独立性问题,即主合同无效或失效,甚至根本不存在时,提单仲裁条款是否仍然有效;

    The main problems include : the autonomy of arbitration clause , i.e. where the principal contract is invalid or becomes invalid or even does not exist , is the arbitration clause in a bill of lading still effective ?

  7. 并入提单的仲裁条款若干法律问题探讨

    On Some Legal Issues Relating to Charter Party Arbitration Clause Incorporated in the Bills of Lading

  8. 其次针对并入提单的仲裁条款所属租约的识别问题展开论述。

    Secondly , the recognition problem of the arbitration clause incorporated in bills of lading is discussed .

  9. 在这部分的开篇阐述了对于并入提单的仲裁条款所属租约识别的原因和必要性,随之列举了我国司法实践中的做法和英国与此有关的案例,并总结出了识别的基本方法。

    At the first it elaborates the cause and necessity of the identification of the arbitration clause incorporated in bills of lading . Then it enumerates the judicial practice in China and the cases which related to in English . And it summarizes the basic method of the identification .

  10. 论提单并入租约仲裁条款

    The Arbitration Clause of Charterparty Incorporated into the Bill of Lading

  11. 仲裁条款独立性理论及其在我国的应用论提单中的仲裁条款

    Separability of Arbitration Clause and Its Application in China

  12. 论提单中的仲裁条款

    Arbitration Clause in Bill of Lading

  13. 本文通过一个具体的案例,对并入提单的租约仲裁条款的效力诸问题进行了探讨,希望对我国在处理类似纠纷时有所裨益。

    In this paper a specific case , the lease on the bill of lading incorporated the arbitration clause of the effectiveness of the various questions are discussed , and they hope to deal with our country at a similar benefit disputes .

  14. 对提单并入租船合同仲裁条款的条件等问题作出具体深刻的分析。

    It makes a material and profound analysis on the conditions of incorporation into the bill of lading of the arbitration clause contained in the charterparty .

  15. 并通过对仲裁和诉讼两种不同的争议解决方式之间的分析比较,指出提单管辖权条款在效力认定问题上相较提单仲裁条款的效力认定复杂得多,源于诉讼体现的准司法性。

    Then point out that it is much more complex to recognizing the effectiveness of Jurisdiction clause compared to the arbitration clause . Because the lawsuit manifests quasi-judicial .