
  • 网络pop-up ads;pop-up advertisement
  1. 这是一个间谍软件,您的计算机上还显示弹出式广告窗口。

    It 's a spyware , also pop-up ads windows on your computer .

  2. 和那些弄乱桌面又影响你浏览的讨厌的弹出式广告和隐性弹出窗口说再见吧。

    Say goodbye to annoying pop-up ads and pop-under windows that clutter up your desktop and distract you from your browsing .

  3. Google不接受弹出式广告,因为这会干扰用户查看所请求的内容。

    Google does not accept pop-up advertising , which interferes with your ability to see the content you 've requested .

  4. 论三维网络互动性对弹出式广告连续阅读过程的营造

    On the Uninterrupted Interact Quality of 3D Pop-Up Net Advertisement

  5. 比尔·汤普森:不,没有弹出式广告。

    BILL THOMPSON : No , these are not pop-ups .

  6. 最重要的一点就是要让人们自愿地去点击广告,而不是使用那些弹出式广告或是强制点击。

    It 's important that people want to click the ad so don 't start using popups or other forced clicks .

  7. 雷表示:人们在聊天时最不想看到的就是打断对话的广告条或弹出式广告。

    The last thing you want in a personal conversation is a banner ad or pop-up that interrupts that , Wray says .

  8. 赫尔利和陈士骏还吸取了谷歌的一些经验,包括不采用弹出式广告对用户实行轰炸。

    Mr Hurley and Mr Chen also soaked up the lessons of Google , including : do not bombard users with intrusive adverts .

  9. 介绍了网页弹出式广告窗口拦截的原理,并给出了在Delphi7.0环境下自动关闭网页广告窗口的两种实现方法及关键部分的程序代码。

    This paper introduces the Intercept Principle of Webpage Pop-up Advertising , and gives two practical implementation method and some Key Parts examples code under Delphi .

  10. 我认为避免这种麻烦缠身的一种方法显然就是用防病毒软件和反间谍软件随时更新你的电脑,而且不要点击弹出式广告。

    I suppose one way to avoid yourself getting into this kind of trouble is obviously to keep your computer upgraded with anti-virus and anti-spyware stuff but also just don 't open those pop-up ads.