
  • 网络display advertising
  1. 而E-mail营销、文字链广告、搜索引擎结果文字链、网络图片广告、搜索引擎结果登录、搜索引擎竞价排名等这些因特网资源作为最常用的方法也被企业所运用。

    However , such Internet resources as E - mail marketing , letter-chain ad. , letter-chain of search engine result , cyber-photo ad. , logging of search engine result and competing list of search engine are used by enterprises as the most common methods .

  2. 阿莫鲁索利用模板加上自己的风格设计制作了公司的Myspace页面,整个视觉效果完全不同于那种假人模特身穿一件旧摇滚T恤的劣质照片――eBay上的大多数图片广告都属于这种。

    The entire looks Amoruso constructed , using models and her own styling , were far from the bad photos of an old rock T-shirt on a mannequin that comprises the majority of visual presentation on eBay .

  3. 选择两个图片广告和文字广告。

    Opt in for both image ads and text ads.

  4. 而且如果75%都是图片广告,那我真感觉自己是个傻子。

    If75 % of those graphics are then ads , I start feeling like a fool .

  5. 很多广告客户被电视广告模式或半页的报纸图片广告限制了思维。

    Many advertisers are stuck in the TV advertising mode , or the half-page newspaper display ad mode .

  6. 网络上的幸福家庭啊,快乐青春啊等等的图片广告都不是让漂亮的人来代言的吗?

    Network of well-being of the family , ah , ah so happy youthful image ads are not so beautiful people to speak of it ?

  7. print:印刷品,图片ad:广告我12岁时给GAP拍过一个广告而已怎么,你是要公开征友吗?

    I did one print ad for GAP when I was 12 . What , are you holding an open call or something ? -

  8. 内容分析包括新闻报道、评论、副刊、图片、广告,是论文的核心部分。

    The content analysis includes news reports , reviews , supplements , pictures and advertisements .

  9. 在一家在线论坛上可以找到许多关于耳廓狐的图片和广告。

    Many pictures and ads for the animals can be found on an online forum .

  10. 最近所发生的大事要闻连同图片及广告等,你都能在报纸上找到。

    You will find printed in a newspaper infor-mation about recent events , together with pic-tures , advertisements , etc.

  11. 自动电饭锅用年轻妈妈带着孩子们去公园的图片打广告,而不是用职业妇女在离家上班前预置正餐的图片来打广告。

    Automatic cookers are advertised by pictures of pretty young mothers taking their children to the park , not by professional women presetting the dinner before leaving home for work .

  12. 此外,内容使用者还要能够排除混淆所找内容的各种干扰(比如动画图片和flash广告)。

    Content consumers also have the burden of filtering out distractions , such as animated graphics and flashy advertisements , that can obscure the content they 're trying to access .

  13. “服务”不得在地图图片中展示广告。

    The service does not include advertising in the maps images .

  14. 《体育画报》主管特里麦克多内尔协助创作了一段未来风格的视频,内容是一期假想的杂志,充满了神奇的图片和互动广告。

    Terry MCDONELL , who oversees sports illustrated , helped create a futuristic-seeming video of a hypothetical issue filled with whizzy graphics and interactive ads.

  15. 尽管《Vogue》杂志每年都有年龄特辑,刊登各个年龄段的完美(通常是性感)女人,但一年只有一次。并且,如果你数一数图片,算上广告,里面的模特很少有超过50岁的。

    While Vogue magazine has its annual age issue , which highlights accomplished ( usually gorgeous ) women of various ages , that 's only once a year . And if you count the images , including advertising , there are precious few with anyone over 50 in them .

  16. 贬义词,指那些获得了一名聪明拷贝作家、一些漂亮图片以及一点点广告预算的公司。

    A pejorative term for what companies can pull off with a clever copy writer , some nice graphics , and a bit of an advertising budget .

  17. 阐述该信息系统的设计原理及实现的关键技术,详细叙述了如何实现信息的模糊查询、显示图片时的多样化切换、企业文字及图片形式广告的自动播放等功能并给出简单的Delphi实现代码。

    The paper interprets simply the designing of this system and then explains in details about the implement methods of fuzzy search , multi-ways of the switch of images and the automatically playing of enterprises ' advertisements using Delphi .