
  • 网络book market;book trade
  1. 关系营销在图书市场中的应用关系营销:G公司节水灌溉西南业务的拓展措施

    Application of Relation Marketing in Book Market Relation Marketing : Exploration Measure for Water-saving Irrigation Business of G Company in Southwest , China

  2. 我国电子图书市场的问题、成因与对策

    The Problem , Reson and Measures of Chinese Electronic book Market

  3. 但对于价格离散,网上图书市场的离散度大于传统市场,而网上CD市场的离散度小于传统市场。

    However , with respect to price dispersion , the dispersion degree of online book markets is larger than that in traditional markets and the dispersion of online CD markets is lower than that in traditional markets .

  4. 问题是这并非仅仅是Foyles书店、而是整个书店行业面临的问题:图书市场正不断萎缩。

    The problem here , not just with Foyles but with the entire trade , is that books are a dwindling market .

  5. 福伊尔兄弟创业伊始(他们公务员考试失利后,把存放在母亲霍克斯顿(Hoxton)家中厨房的相关教材拿出去卖)的图书市场如今开始向网络转战;

    The educational market in which the Foyle brothers started out ( they sold textbooks from their failed civil service exams out of their mother 's Hoxton kitchen ) is moving online ;

  6. 这一点在图书市场上或许最为明显。

    This is perhaps most evident in the market for books .

  7. 网络信息技术对图书市场逆向物流模式的改进

    Improvement of the Inverse Logistics Mode in Book Market through Network Technology

  8. 我国中文电子图书市场竞争分析

    Analysis of Competition in Chinese Electronic - Book Market

  9. 北京市体育图书市场现状的调查与分析

    Investigation and Research on the Current Situation of Sport Book Market in Beijing

  10. 图书市场存在的问题及整治建议

    Problems in book market and suggestions for regularization

  11. 科技图书市场的灰色预测

    Grey Prediction of Science and Technology Book Market

  12. 文学翻译作品从来没有在美国图书市场占很大的份额。

    Not that literary translation were ever a large part of the US market .

  13. 旅游培训图书市场&机遇与挑战并存

    Tourism Training Books Market & Chance and Challenge

  14. 外资企业在中国图书市场营销的浅析&以贝塔斯曼为例再次谢谢您!

    The sample analysis in China books marketing to foreign-capital enterprise . & as Bertelsmann .

  15. 杂志书是目前活跃于图书市场的新型出版形态。

    MOOK is a new publishing form that is currently active in the book market .

  16. 电子图书市场展望

    Look forward to E - book Market

  17. 我国信息技术图书市场是一个每年不少于60亿元销售总余额的市场。

    China IT book market has at least has 6 billion RMB sales amount annually .

  18. 教育结构调整与图书市场变化的实证分析

    Relationship between Adjustments of Education Structure and Changes in Publishing Market : An Empirical Analysis

  19. 图书市场与图书采购刍议

    On Book Market and Book Purchasing

  20. 畅销书是图书市场最活跃的部分,同时也是出版单位盈利的重要来源。

    As a vital part of profits , Bestseller is the most active part in book market .

  21. 他表示:2006年,英国管理图书市场增长了25%。

    The UK market for these titles was up 25 per cent in 2006 , he says .

  22. 有许多工具,您可以使用您的图书市场都在线和离线。

    There are many tools that you can use to market your book both online and offline .

  23. 奇幻小说近年来在中国图书市场形成了一股不可忽视的热潮。

    The fantasy fiction has made a sweeping fad in recent years in the Chinese book market .

  24. 从此,读者又重在图书市场上见到了心仪的上音版图书。

    Henceforth , the readers again saw their well-beloved books of SMPH brand in the domestic book market .

  25. 繁荣教材和图书市场,促进工业工程的应用与推广

    Make the Market of Text books and Books Prosperous , Accelerate the Application and Popularization of Industrial Engineering

  26. 和苹果的很多产品一样,史蒂夫•乔布斯的传记快速横扫了中国的图书市场。

    Like many Apple products , the biography of Steve Jobs has quickly swept away the Chinese book market .

  27. 参赛出版物必须登记有国际书号,并在图书市场上流通。

    All entries should have International Standard Book Numbers ( ISBNs ) and are distributed in the retail book market .

  28. 图书市场的发展与繁荣,为图书馆的中文图书采购工作提供了极大的选择余地。

    Chinese books purchasing work for the library provided very big selection leeway to the books developments of market and flourishing .

  29. 随着经济的繁荣,雕版印刷技术的发展,宋代图书市场相当活跃。

    In Song Dynasty , the book market is very brisk along with the economic prosperity and developed wood - engraving .

  30. 随着特价图书市场的日益繁荣,对特价书的采购日趋广泛。

    With the booming of the market of special offer books , the tendency on purchasing these books are becoming abroad .