
  • 网络Thüringen;Thuringian;thuringia
  1. 周五,图林根州的一个叫做Wickersdorf的小山村的残疾人的院子里发现了一只死鹅,经检测,其阳性基因正好与H5N1禽流感病毒相符。

    A dead goose found in the yard of a home for disabled persons in the hill village of Wickersdorf in Thuringia tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird flu on Friday .

  2. 图林根州还是著名的德国香肠制造艺术的故乡(图林根州的烤香肠)。

    Thuringia is also home to the famous German art of sausage making ( Thuringian fried sausages ) .

  3. 无论是在全国立法机构选举中获得12%选票的瑞典民主党(SwedenDemocrats),还是在勃兰登堡州(Brandenburg)和图林根州(Thuringia)议会选举中得票率分别为12.2%和10.6%的德国新选项党(AfD),都谈不上是大获全胜。

    Neither the Sweden Democrats , with 12.9 per cent of the vote in national legislative elections , nor Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) , with 12.2 per cent and 10.6 per cent respectively in elections to the state parliaments of Brandenburg and Thuringia , came anywhere near outright victory .

  4. 图林根州是众所周知的香肠,蒸,规模,品种和治愈都准备。

    Thuringia is well-known for its sausages , steamed , scaled , and cured varieties are all prepared .

  5. 农业数字高度融入饮食的图林根州与大约一半的国家被用于农业。

    Agriculture figures highly into the diet of Thuringia with about half of the state being used for agriculture .

  6. 事实上,德国东南部图林根州的大学城已经成为了繁荣的高科技中心。

    In fact , the university town in the south-eastern German state of Thuringia is a thriving high-tech hub .

  7. 有三分之一的图林根州的森林覆盖,并且被认为是最好的一个狩猎区域在德国。

    One-third of Thuringia is covered in forest , and is considered to be one of the best game hunting regions in Germany .