
  • 网络Search Engine Advertising;search engine advertisement;Search Advertising;Search Engine Ads
  1. iAd标志着苹果首次进入这一潜在的厚利新市场,将正面冲击谷歌的搜索引擎广告模式。

    IAd marks Apple 's first foray into a potentially lucrative new market , and pits it directly against Google 's search engine advertising model .

  2. 接下来,对搜索引擎广告的发展过程进行回顾,分析搜索引擎广告的种类,对其应用现状进行概述。

    Next , review the development of search engine advertising , show the different kinds of search engine advertising .

  3. 由于可能面临反垄断诉讼,谷歌(google)已放弃与雅虎(yahoo)的搜索引擎广告合作计划。

    Google has abandoned its search advertising partnership with Yahoo in the face of an antitrust lawsuit aimed at blocking the deal .

  4. 他认为,如果阿里巴巴想建立与Ebay规模类似的全球消费者基础,就必须使用搜索引擎广告,使自己广为人知。

    He argues that if Alibaba wanted to build a similar base of global consumers , it would have to use search engine advertising to make itself known .

  5. 据市场调查公司eMarketer估计,美国去年的搜索引擎广告开支为199.2亿美元,其中约70.8%被谷歌收入囊中。

    According to eMarketer estimates , Google took in 70.8 % of the $ 19.92 billion spent on U.S. search advertising last year .

  6. 本文主要围绕搜索引擎广告的研究展开。

    The paper mainly centers on search engine advertising study .

  7. 搜索引擎广告商标侵权法律问题研究

    The Legal Issues of Trademark Infringement about Search Engine Advertising

  8. 其它一些因素也把搜索引擎广告变成了更为复杂的一门学问。

    Other factors are also turning search engine advertising into a more complex science .

  9. 谷歌的收入主要来源于搜索引擎广告销售。

    Google earns most of its money from sales of advertising on its search engine .

  10. 所有这些都在其搜索引擎广告上得到过充分考验,而且可能为该公司进军更广泛的广告领域助一臂之力。

    All were honed on its search engine and could give it a leg-up in the broader advertising world .

  11. 搜索引擎广告由于与用户查询的信息具有较高的相关度,因此易于被用户接受,传播效果显著提高。

    Search engine advertising because the information and user inquires of correlation with higher , so easy to user acceptance , communication effect significantly enhanced .

  12. 许多企业也在进行着搜索引擎广告的投放,但是并不所有企业都取得了满意的结果,有的取得高的回报率,有的却收益极差。

    Many companies are engaged in search engine ads , but not everyone has a good result . Some companies benefited , also some businesses are hurt .

  13. 交互式网幅广告、富媒体广告、产品广告网站和搜索引擎广告凭借其强大的技术支持和友好的交互内容成为交互式网络广告的几种典型传播形式。

    Interactive banners , rich media ads , ads sites and search engine ads are the main typical forms in interactive online advertising with its strong technical support and friendly interactive content .

  14. 调研公司comScore估计,在1月份通过搜索引擎查看广告的点击率有所减少,比去年同期下降了0.3%。随后,谷歌(Google)股价再次下猾。

    Google 's share price slid again after comScore , a research firm , estimated that the number of clicks on ads on the search engine had fallen by0.3 % in January compared with the same month a year ago .

  15. 该搜索引擎的广告取笑称,搜索引擎为人们提供了大量无用的结果。

    Ads for it how Web searches often give people a lot of useless results .

  16. 美国电信运营商Verizon准备周一宣布以大约50亿美元收购雅虎的搜索引擎及网络广告工具。

    U.S. telecom giant Verizon Communications is set announce on Monday plans to buy Yahoo 's search and advertising operations for about $ 5 billion .

  17. 与此同时,谷歌公司在搜索引擎和在线广告领域是全球无可争议的领头羊。

    Google , meanwhile , is the undisputed global leader in search and online advertising .

  18. 雅虎曾是互联网领域的领军企业,但是现在已在搜索引擎以及相关广告上远远落后于谷歌了。

    once an internet pioneer , has fallen far behind Google in web search and related advertising .

  19. 搜索引擎百度公司的广告收入在此期间则增长了190%。

    Search engine Baidu Inc 's advertising income grew 190 percent during the period .

  20. 但是,谷歌仍然严重依赖单一产品搜索引擎和相关的广告。

    But Google is still heavily dependent on a single product-internet search and related advertising .

  21. 该委员会还指责谷歌公司在网站上屏蔽其搜索引擎竞争对手的广告。

    It also accused Google of stopping websites from showing adverts from the search engine 's competitors .

  22. 但是,谷歌仍然严重依赖单一产品——搜索引擎和相关的广告。

    But Google is still heavily dependent on a single product - internet search and related advertising .

  23. 在线广告点击率对搜索引擎服务提供商和广告商都是一个重要的量化指标。

    Click-through rate ( CTR ) of sponsored search , plays a major quantitative indicator role for search engine provider and advertiser .

  24. 今年发布于招聘信息搜索引擎Indeed.com的招聘广告,提及社交媒体使用技能的是去年的13倍。

    Compared to last year , there are 13 times as many jobs advertised on Indeed.com that mention the use of social media .

  25. 今年年初,中国最大的网络搜索引擎百度报告其广告收入相比2011年暴涨80%以上。

    Earlier this year Baidu , which is China 's largest internet search engine , reported a jump in advertising revenue of more than 80 % in 2011 .

  26. 作为该项计划的一部分,微软也展示了一种新的商业模型,即只有当人们购买一件产品而非仅仅点击一幅广告时,才向搜索引擎服务商收取广告费。

    As part of the program , Microsoft is also unveiling a new business model that allows search marketers to pay for ads only when people buy a product , rather than when they simply click on an ad.

  27. 从搜索引擎营销的推广模式看,付费型(搜索引擎广告)与非付费型(搜索引擎优化)搜索引擎营销方法各有优势与不足。

    Looks from the SEM promoted pattern , Pay Per Click ( PPC ) with Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) the SEM method respectively has the superiority and the insufficiency .

  28. 我认为搜索与移动产品契合得很好,在搜索引擎中植入广告的效果很棒。

    I think that search is working well on mobile , the ads on search are working well on mobile .

  29. 雅虎的搜索栏将由微软新推出的“必应”(Bing)搜索引擎提供支持,广告则由微软的广告平台依据搜索结果提供。

    Yahoo 's search bar will be powered by Microsoft 's new Bing engine , and ads will be served against search results by the latter 's advertising platform .