
  • 网络SOHU
  1. 搜狐公司的代表说,这一行动是公关的噱头,而不是法律诉讼。

    Sohu representative says this action is more of a public relationship stunt other than a serious law suit .

  2. 上个月,《周六夜现场》对外宣布了一项授权协议,合作伙伴依然是搜狐公司,后者将在旗下的网站同步播出这档新节目。

    Last month Saturday night live announced a deal , again with Sohu , to carry new shows on the site .

  3. 他们包括知名企业家李彦宏,百度公司的CEO,毕业于北京大学,还有张朝阳,搜狐公司的CEO,毕业于清华大学。

    They include big-name entrepreneurs like Robin Li , chief executive of Baidu Inc. , a graduate of Peking University , and Charles Zhang , CEO of Sohu.com Inc. of Tsinghua .

  4. 《艾伦秀》的买家搜狐公司已经购买了50多部美国电视节目。

    Sohu , the Ellen buyer , has purchased the rights to more than 50 U.S. shows .

  5. 搜狐公司人事经理刘宇表示,他理解年轻学生迫切想要展示激情和能力的心情。

    Liu Yu , an HR manager at Sohu . com , says he understands young students ` eagerness to show their passion and ability .

  6. 按照逻辑,中国互联网交易热潮的下一步可能是腾讯控股与搜狐公司视频业务的整合,因为这两家公司已经在搜索业务上展开合作。

    The next logical step in China 's Internet deal frenzy could be a video tie-up between Tencent and Sohu , since the two companies are already allied in search .

  7. 搜狐公司成为北京奥运会互联网内容服务赞助商,意味着互联网公司正式登上了奥运会商业开发的大舞台,奥运会网络传播时代的到来已不可阻挡。

    Sohu . com Corporation becoming the first internet content service sponsor of the Beijing Olympic Games means that the internet company has been involved in the commercial development of the Olympic Games and the Olympic network dissemination is irresistible .

  8. 对那些搜寻电影新闻的人来说,时光网同诸如新浪、腾讯和搜狐等网络公司的娱乐板块是存在竞争的。

    For those seeking movie news , Mtime competes with the entertainment sections of Internet companies like Sina , Tencent and Sohu .

  9. “北京奥运会的赞助商资格是独家性质的,”搜狐(纳斯达克上市公司)奥运项目经理陈陆明表示。

    " The sponsorship for the Beijing Olympics is exclusive ," says Chen Luming , Olympic project manager for Sohu , which is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market .

  10. 搜狐网旗下子公司、中国搜索引擎搜狗,于日前在美国公布了其首次公开募股计划,许多人都认为这是取代中国搜索巨头百度的一项战略举措。

    Chinese search engine Sogou , a subsidiary of Sohu.com , unveiled its initial public offering ( IPO ) in the U.S. , a strategic move that many see as an attempt to take on Chinese search engine giant Baidu .