
  • 网络Renren;Renn
  1. 在校园论坛和人人网等社交网站上,新生向学长们提出各式各样的问题。

    In college BBS and on social networking websites such as renren . com , freshmen bombard upperclassmen with all kinds of questions .

  2. 但是人人网是否真的当得起“中国的Facebook”这个称号?

    But can Renren credibly be called the Facebook of China ?

  3. 人人网的第三方收入份额也远低于facebook。

    Revenue shares for third parties on Renren are also much lower than on Facebook .

  4. 人人网在某些方面和Facebook很相像。

    In some ways Renren resembles Facebook .

  5. 人人网在销售和广告上的支出是营收的一半,而Facebook只有四分之一。

    Renren spends half of its revenues on sales and advertising , compared with one quarter at Facebook .

  6. 沉迷于facebook上市宣传的投资者应当记住,人人网可是一个不一样的“朋友”。

    Investors caught up in the hype of Facebook should remember that Renren is a friend with differences .

  7. 如我们所熟知的Facebook、人人网等社交网络平台,也已经拥有超过亿真实注册用户。

    As we are familiar with the Facebook and " Renren " also has more than million registered users .

  8. Rose是由人人网、糯米网提供的、基于Servlet规范、Spring“规范”的开放源代码WEB开发框架。

    Rose is the all network , network to provide rice-based Servlet specification , Spring " norms " of the open source development framework for WEB .

  9. 简而言之,好消息是人人网是Facebook的成功版本,未来几年内还会继续增长。

    In short , the good news is Renren is a successful version of Facebook , one poised for years of growth .

  10. 不过人人网和LinkedIn的表现都差强人意。

    But Renren and LinkedIn have stumbled .

  11. 一些评论员指出,如果按照人人网的估值倍数,谷歌(google)的股价将会变成6000美元,而不是目前的540美元。

    Some commentators have pointed out that , applied to Google , the Renren multiple would result in a share price of $ 6000 instead of $ 540 .

  12. 这是因为Facebook的股票只在二级市场上交易,因此这些无缘Facebook的投资人可能将目光转向人人网。

    But in this one , it could be so much catnip to investors who have been shut out of Facebook shares traded on private secondary markets .

  13. 尽管去年销售额增加了约五成,但人人网用户每个月贡献的收入仅占7%(而Facebook达到41%)。

    Although sales picked up by about half last year , Renren 's users generated just 7 cents per month , compared with 41 cents at Facebook .

  14. 人人网还有一个对手,那就是腾讯(Tencent)旗下的社交网站朋友网(Pengyou),该网也把用户定位于年轻人。

    Yet another rival is Tencent 's social network site Pengyou ( meaning friend ) , which focuses on teenagers .

  15. 像Facebook一样,人人网最初也是一个鼓励人们实名登录的社交网站,后来为了外部业务而增加了社交游戏和电子商务功能。

    Like Facebook , Renren started out a social network that encouraged people to use their real identities , then added social games and e-commerce features for outside businesses .

  16. 而且它的平台也面向第三方应用的开发者开放,这一点也和Facebook一样,而且人人网还提供了一个链接程序,允许用户分享来自600多个合作网站的内容。

    And like Facebook , its platform is open to developers creating third-party apps and it offers a connect program letting users share content from more than 600 partner sites .

  17. 近几年,国内的联络家、人人网、开心网、等提供SNS服务的网站也如雨后春笋般破土而出。

    In recent years , contact the family home , all net , happy network services such as provision of SNS websites have mushroomed up shot .

  18. 照此基准,groupon得分相当可观,仅次于facebook和人人网,后者是一家在美上市的中国社交网络公司(见图)。

    By this benchmark , Groupon scores well , just below Facebook and Renren , a Chinese social network with a listing in America ( see chart ) .

  19. IPO价格为14美元/股的人人网首日开盘涨幅超过70%(见上图),早间更是一度突破24美元。

    Its shares jumped more than 70 % ( see chart , right ) when trading started , topping out at $ 24 early on their first day after pricing at $ 14 .

  20. 新浪与MSN中国合作大力发展微博,人人网也在积极扩张的进程中兼容第三方控件。

    Sina has teamed up with MSN China to boost its microblog services , while Renren is expanding aggressively to include third-party-developed tools .

  21. 每个人都玩社交网站(Myspace、人人网、开心网等),但你无需上传一些坦胸露肩的照片。

    Everybody has a MySpace page , but you don 't need to load it up with revealing photos of yourself . Don 't overpost .

  22. 拿校内网(现改名为“人人网”)上流行的组件“开心农场”为例,该游戏是由一群80后青年研发。包括首席运营官(COO)徐成就是其中一员。

    For example , the popular Renren.com game " Happy Farm " was developed by a group of post-80s youngsters , including COO ( chief operating officer ) Xu Cheng .

  23. 广告业高管表示,上周在纽约上市的人人网(renren)facebook在中国的翻版,在2009年就已经超过在线电子公告板,成为中国在线营销领域的中流砥柱。

    Advertising executives say that in 2009 Renren , the Chinese Facebook clone that listed in New York last week , became the mainstay of online marketing in China , overtaking online bulletin boards .

  24. 人人网首日收于18美元,较日内高点低25%,并且接下来连跌6个交易日,最低至12.60美元,比IPO价格还低10%。

    The stock dropped 25 % from its peak on opening day to close at $ 18 , then dropped in each of the next six trading sessions before bottoming out at $ 12.60 , 10 % below the IPO price .

  25. 人人网的招股书先是指出Facebook拥有一些社交媒体专利,然后表示:“我们的技术、产品、业务方法或服务的某些方面,可能涉及到了其他公司的一些已经发布或暂未发布的专利。”

    After noting that Facebook has a number of social networking patents , Renren said that " there may be patents issued or pending that are held by others that relate to certain aspects of our technologies , products , business methods or services . "

  26. 第三部分,以人人网为例调查大学生使用校园SNS的情况,从问卷设计、调查状况、统计状况及样本的信度和效度等方面来描述调查的基本状况以及调查的分析结论。

    The third part describes the basic condition of the survey , the analysis and the final conclusion from the design of the questionnaire , the survey condition , the statistic condition and the reliability and validity of samples .

  27. 那些认为谈论新的科技泡沫是被错误导向了的人指出,像LinkIn和人人网(Renren)这样的公司拥有证实的商业模式和健康的收入。

    Those who think that talk of a new tech bubble is misleading point out that firms such as LinkedIn and Renren have proven business models and healthy revenues .

  28. 5月4日,社交网络公司人人网(Renren)在交易日首日眼见着股价上涨了29%,尽管之后又跌回到接近发行价位。

    And on May 4th Renren , a social network , saw its share price rise by 29 % on the first day of trading , though it has fallen back almost to where it started .

  29. 值得警惕的一个例子是中国社交网站人人网。

    A cautionary tale here is Chinese social networking giant RenRen .

  30. 他们的节目曾在人人网和微信平台上受到学生们热捧。

    Their shows were welcomed by students on Renren.com and WeChat platform .