
rén shòu bǎo xiǎn
  • life insurance;assurance
人寿保险 [rén shòu bǎo xiǎn]
  • [life insurance] 人身保险的一种。被保险人在保险期内死亡或生存至一定年龄时由保险人给付保险金的保险

人寿保险[rén shòu bǎo xiǎn]
  1. 你必须先购买信用人寿保险,方可购买伤残保险。

    You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance

  2. 为防万一,我还给他买了一份人寿保险。

    I have also taken out a life insurance policy on him just in case .

  3. 人寿保险额是多少?

    What is the sum assured ?

  4. 我办了5000英镑的人寿保险。

    I insured my life for £ 5000 .

  5. 他投保了人寿保险。

    He has a life assurance .

  6. 保险由人寿保险集团签发。

    Insurance is issued by Live Life Insurance Group .

  7. 他去年付了人寿保险费

    He paid premiums on his life insurance last year .

  8. 例如:她在一家呼叫中心做电话员的工作,专门打推销电话卖人寿保险。

    She had worked as a call center operator1 making cold calls to sell life insurance .

  9. 一位男子去一家保险公司给自己投人寿保险。保险公司经理问他,他父母去世时他们是多大岁数。

    A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured . The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died .

  10. 综合来看,影响P人寿保险(公司)保险代理人流失的主要组织因素有:(1)行业类型;

    There are eleven factors effects greatly : ( 1 ) industry type ;

  11. 人寿保险是用来,保护有年幼小孩的父母的,Life,insurance,is,designed,to,protect–,他们是最重要的申请人。

    Ideally , it protects parents with young children & that 's the most important application .

  12. 第四章:PA人寿保险公司的产品策略构建。

    Up the product tactics of PA Life Insurance Company .

  13. TA人寿保险公司客户服务管理研究

    The Customer Service Management Research of TA Life Insurance Corporation

  14. PA人寿保险公司如何面对这场竞争?

    How does PA Company face this competition ?

  15. 结合对寿险市场、消费者行为、竞争对手以及监管政策等影响因素的分析,依托服务营销等相关理论,对PA人寿保险公司的产品策略进行了深入的研究和探索。

    In marketing in service , made the thorough study to the product tactics of PA Company .

  16. 第三章:PA人寿保险公司产品策略的影响要素分析。

    Chapter 3 : The analysis of main influence factors of product tactics of PA Life insurance Company .

  17. 美国国际集团成员公司是美国最大的工商保险机构,旗下的AIGAmericanGeneral更是全美最顶尖的人寿保险机构之一。

    In the United States , AIG companies are the largest underwriters of commercial and industrial insurance and AIG American General is a top-ranked life insurer .

  18. 第一章:PA人寿保险公司产品发展现状分析。

    The full text is four-part totally to divide : Chapter 1 : The analysis of present condition of PA 's product .

  19. 并通过将NP算法应用于某人寿保险公司的客户特征选择问题,说明了该方法的有效性。

    The validity of the method is demonstrated by its application to the customer features selection problem of a life insurance company .

  20. 英国健康和人寿保险公司VitalityHealth委托研究机构兰德欧洲(RandEurope)和剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge),对影响劳动者生产力的因素进行研究。

    Vitality Health , a UK health and life insurance company , commissioned research organisation Rand Europe and the University of Cambridge to study factors that affect workers ' productivity .

  21. 驻亚洲的银行业人士表示,美国国际集团对美国人寿保险公司(AmericanLifeInsuranceCo)的出售也接近尾声&该业务估值逾100亿美元,在日本拥有主要业务。

    Asia-based bankers said AIG was also closing on the disposal of American Life Insurance Co ( Alico ) – a business with an estimated value of more than $ 10bn that has large operations in Japan .

  22. 基于以上原因,C人寿保险公司提出了抢占两乡的农村业务发展战略,以期在不断满足农民保险保障需求的进程中,实现跨越式发展。

    Base on the above reasons , C Life Insurance Company released " seize two villages " rural business development strategy , in order to continuously meet the insurance needs of the fanners in the process of development by leaps and bounds .

  23. 5月11日,布朗克斯出生、布鲁克林长大的酒店经营人伊恩·施拉格(IanSchrager)揭幕了自己的最新地产——纽约艾迪逊酒店(NewYorkEdition)。它坐落在麦迪逊大道的地标建筑大都会人寿保险大楼(MetropolitanLifeTower)里。

    Ian Schrager , the Bronx-born , Brooklyn-raised hotelier , will unveil his latest property , the New York Edition , in the landmark Metropolitan Life Tower on Madison Avenue on May 11 .

  24. 个人寿险营销作为人寿保险销售最有效的方法,在全世界已经有超过100年的历史,寿险代理人最高的荣誉组织MDRT(MillionDollarRoundTable)早在1927年就已经成立了。

    In the world it has more than 100 years of history . MDRT ( Million Dollar Round Table ) was established in 1927 for the supreme honor of life insurance agent .

  25. 2008年金融风暴的强劲冲击造成美国国际集团AIG、美国大都会人寿保险、日本大和生命人寿保险先后出现严重的危机。

    American International Group AIG , Metropolitan Life Insurance , Yamato Life Insurance Company had a serious crisis caused by the strong impact of 2008 financial crisis .

  26. 尤其是2003年12月,中国人寿保险股份公司在香港和美国两地上市,成为2003年全球最大IPO,受到资本市场的热烈追捧。

    Particularly , in December 2003 , China Life Insurance Company Ltd was listed both on America and HK capital market , which is the largest IPO and the shares are sold well .

  27. 本文深入分析了XT人寿保险公司的客户关系管理现状,发现其客户关系管理中存在的主要问题在于CRM系统与管理不能有效整合。

    By analyzing current customer relationship management ( CRM ) situation of XT life insurance Company to know the main defect is how to integrate CRM system with management methods .

  28. 英国《金融时报》上月率先报道,大都会正与AIG洽谈收购美国人寿保险公司。该交易可能为AIG带来大约150亿美元的资金。

    As first reported by the Financial Times last month , MetLife is in talks to buy Alico in a deal that could raise around $ 15bn for AIG .

  29. 在入境并购交易中,外国企业寻求把业务扩张到成本较低的二线城市和服务,例如,高盛(GoldmanSachs)上周向一家中国人寿保险公司投资了9亿美元。

    Into China , companies have been looking to expand into lower-cost second tier cities and services , such as Goldman Sachs ' $ 900m investment into a Chinese life insurance companies last week .

  30. 他也曾为富国银行(WellsFargo)、企业租车服务公司EnterpriseRent-a-Car、西北互助人寿保险公司(NorthwesternMutual)和金融咨询公司EdwardJones等公司培训高管最大程度地发挥脑力。

    He also coaches executives at companies like Wells Fargo ( WFC ) , enterprise rent-a-car , Northwestern Mutual , and financial advisors Edward Jones on how to get the most out of their brains .