
nián jīn bǎo xiǎn
  • annuity insurance
  1. 以税收形式确保日本年金保险费的缴纳

    Ensure the Payment of Japanese Annuity Insurance Fees Through Tax

  2. 连续年金保险的模型分析

    Model analysis of continuous annuity insurance

  3. 基于MA(q)利息力下缴费预定型企业年金保险中生存年金精算现值模型

    The Life Annuity Actuarial Present Value Models of Defined Contributed Enterprise Annuity Insurance Based on MA ( q ) Force of Interest Rate

  4. 文章主要研究的是寿险公司的年金保险业务中的长寿风险对冲。

    Our research aims at hedging the longevity risk of life insurance .

  5. 第二章:团体年金保险责任准备金的评估基础。

    Chapter 2 : Valuation Basis for Group Annuity .

  6. 在现代保险中投资分红型保险已经逐渐取代年金保险。

    In contemporary insurance investment share out bonus insurance has replaced pension insurance gradually .

  7. 摘要本文对日本的厚生年金保险制度做了一个比较全面的介绍。

    This article made one quite comprehensive introduction to Japanese welfare pension insurance system .

  8. 您对我们的复活节年金保险或者个人退休金帐户有兴趣吗?

    Can I interest you in one of our Easter annuities or IRA accounts ?

  9. 此模型具有实际的背景:典型的负风险和过程是寿险年金保险,一个较大的寿险公司除了经营寿险年金保险外还常常有人身意外保险。

    A big life insurance company has life annuity insurance and personal accident insurance also .

  10. 我国团体年金保险的风险分析及风险控制

    Risk Analysis and Control on Group Annuity

  11. 同性夫妇在指定配偶作为年金保险受益人时需要特别留意。

    Gay married couples need to be especially careful when naming their spouse beneficiary of an annuity .

  12. 年金保险的购买者通常获得这样的保证:投保者最后所得要高于最初的投资。

    Annuity buyers often are guaranteed that they will get back no less than their original investments .

  13. 研究结果显示,劳退新制提拨比例与国民年金保险费率越高,越不利于经济成长。

    In my work , apes , monkeys , and lemurs serve as visual metaphors for human growth .

  14. 论文各章主要内容:第一章:团体年金保险及其责任准备金概述。

    The main content of the thesis including four chapters : Chapter 1 : Group Annuity And Group Annuity ` s Reserving .

  15. 事业单位实行前项规定之年金保险者,应报请中央主管机关核准。

    A business entity that purchases the annuity insurance mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall apply with the central competent authorities for approval .

  16. 所幸中国保监会已于2011年5月5日公布变额年金保险之试点办法,开启了年金保险新纪元。

    Fortunately , The China Insurance regulator has published a variable annuity guideline meaning China has entered into a new annuity insurance era .

  17. 接着对年金保险定价的中外研究进行纵向比较,使我们对年金定价的历史有一定的了解。

    Then compare the research of annuity in China and foreign countries which also make us have a certain knowledge of annuity-pricing 's history .

  18. 总的来说,我国商业年金保险市场未来发展路径怎样,将主要取决于社会养老保障制度在今后如何进一步改革和调整。

    In a word , the growing path of annuity insurance market will mainly depend on how social pension insurance system continues to be reformed and regulated .

  19. 然后,考虑市场上存在多种相互独立的随机投资利率的情况下,依据投资组合理论得出企业年金保险中多种生存年金组合的精算现值模型。

    We then get the life annuity actuarial present value models of annuity portfolio insurance through the portfolio theory , under the independent stochastic interest rates environment .

  20. 本文在第一部分介绍了年金保险的基本概念和其与人寿保险的差异,从而让我们对年金保险有一个总体的认识;

    The first part of the text introduce the difference between life insurance and annuity , so as their conceptions which make us have a wholly understanding to annuity .

  21. 变额年金保险保单连结多个投资账户的,保单账户价值应当将保单在各个投资账户中的价值加总计算。

    Where a variable annuity insurance policy is linked to two or more investment accounts , the account value shall be the sum of values of all investment accounts .

  22. 因此本文建议中国家庭可将年金保险纳入其金融资产决策的规划中,尤其在家庭成员处于退休理财的阶段。

    Thus , we suggest that Chinese families can be included in the annuity plan of its financial assets in decision-making , especially in family members in a retired financial stage .

  23. 劳工无法提缴时,年金保险契约之存续,依保险法及各该保险契约办理。

    In the event that the employee is not able to pay the premium , the survival of the annuity insurance shall be governed by the insurance law and the relevant insurance contract .

  24. 长期均衡关系方面,本研究发现存款余额与变额年金保险保费或利率变动型年金保险保费皆呈现正向关系。

    For the long-term equilibrium relationship , the study finds the following results : 1 . There is a positive relationship between bank deposits balance and the premium of variable annuity and interest-sensitive annuity .

  25. 此外,股价指数与变额年金保险保费呈现正向关系;但与利率变动型年金保险保费呈现负向关系。

    Furthermore , there is a positive relationship between the stock index and the premium of variable annuities . However , there is a negative relationship between the stock index and the premium of interest-sensitive annuities . 2 .

  26. 本文共分为七个章节,第一章主要提出选题背景、文献回顾与研究方法,第二章则探讨个人年金保险需求之理论基础与论述个人年金保险商品对于国家之正面功能。

    Chapter I describes the background , literature review and the research methods of this study . Chapter II covers the theory of individual annuity insurance demands and a commentary on the positive function of annuity insurance for the country .

  27. 在目标市场理论支持下,论证了寿险公司在年金保险产品的市场定位以及目标细分市场的选择上的一些做法,并结合案例进行了研究和分析。

    From the Positioning Theory and the Target Market Theory , we know that right market subsection can make high profit . We will discuss the right subsection to the annuity of life-insurance company , and give out some cases .

  28. 此外,当家庭金融资产的投资标的中包含年金保险时,在不同变量的不同情况下,投资较多的年金保险能提高家庭生命周期的效用水平。

    In addition , when the household financial assets of the investment targets included in the annuity , in the different variables under different circumstances , greater investment in the annuity can increase the utility level of the family life cycle .

  29. 日本在战前就存在诸如恤救规则、救护法的救贫制度及健康保险、工人年金保险等社会保险,但作为比较成体系的社会保障制度的建立则是在二战以后。

    Relief-providing systems such as Relief Payment Rules and First-aid Law and social insurance such as health insurance and worker 's annuity insurance already existed before the War in Japan , but a systematic social security system was not established until after World War II .

  30. 新旧雇主开办或参加之年金保险提缴率不同时,其差额应由劳工自行负担。但新雇主自愿负担者,不在此限。

    In the event that the new employer and the ex-employer purchase or participate in different annuity insurance schemes to the effect that respective premiums are different in amount , the employee shall be responsible for any surplus , unless otherwise agreed to by the new employer .