
nián dù bào ɡào
  • annual report
  1. 公司董事长提交了年度报告。

    The chairman of the company presented the annual report .

  2. 在其年度报告中,联合国儿童基金会称每天至少有4万名儿童死亡。

    In its annual report , UNICEF says at least 40,000 children die every day .

  3. 在年度报告上,法官菲茨杰拉德附上了一篇长达120页的讨论稿。

    Justice Fitzgerald included a 120-page discussion paper as an attachment to the annual report .

  4. 这是年度报告。

    It 's an annual report .

  5. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  6. 经过讨论,年度报告获一致通过。

    Following discussion , the annual report was accepted unanimously .

  7. 下周一我得作半年度报告。

    I have to make a biannual report next Monday .

  8. 国际货币基金组织在最新发布的《全球经济前景》(WorldEconomicOutlook)半年度报告相关章节中指出,去年全球石油需求增长了3.4%。

    Global oil demand rose 3.4 % last year , the IMF said in the latest release of chapters from its semiannual world economic outlook report .

  9. 世界银行(WorldBank)在周二发布的《全球金融发展》(GlobalDevelopmentFinance)年度报告中预计,今年发展中国家的经济增长及投资规模仅有温和下降。

    On Tuesday , the World Bank predicted modest declines in growth rates and investment in developing countries this year , according to its annual Global Development Finance report .

  10. 国际清算银行(bankforinternationalsettlements)最新的年度报告显然是在倡导高收入国家收紧货币和财政政策。

    In its latest annual report , the bank for International Settlements apparently argues for monetary and fiscal tightening in high income countries .

  11. 数据主要来自对上市公司公开披露的年度报告和股权激励相关公告的手工采集以及WIND数据库。

    Data is from the WIND database and manually collected from the announcement of the annual report of public disclosure of listed companies and equity incentive .

  12. 以下是中国中心新闻和中国中心年度报告的PDF格式。

    China Center News and the China Center Annual Report are available here in PDF format .

  13. Web站点同时也是名片、宣传册、公文包、目录、邀请函、年度报告和广告。

    A Web site is simultaneously a business card , a brochure , a portfolio , a catalog , an invitation , an annual report , an advertisement , and an outpost .

  14. 《国际宗教自由法》要求发布《国际宗教自由年度报告》(AnnualReportonInternationalReligiousFreedom),调查198个国家和地区的政府和社会尊重宗教自由的状况。

    As mandated by the IRF Act , the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom surveys the status of governmental and societal respect for religious freedom in198 countries and territories .

  15. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)要求企业在提交年度报告时披露实质性的气候变化风险。

    In the U.S. , the SEC requires firms that file annual reports to communicate material climate change risks .

  16. 但正如bis年度报告另一方面显示的,去杠杆化过程在后危机经济体中往往是深入和持久的。

    But , as the BIS annual report also shows , deleveraging tends to be deep and prolonged in post-crisis economies .

  17. 第三,年度报告非强制性信息披露和IFR(网络财务报告)自愿披露都不足。

    Third , non-compulsive information and internet financial report 's disclosure are insufficient .

  18. 中国发布了国防“白皮书”,同时承诺向联合国(un)提交年度报告,通报其军事预算和海外武器销售情况。

    China has published defence " white papers " and has committed to make annual reports to the United Nations on its military budget and international arms sales .

  19. 这一信息披露在美国外国投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestmentintheUS,CFIUS)提交给美国国会的年度报告中。就在它公布之际,多笔来自中国的新并购交易正提交审核。

    The disclosure contained in the annual report to Congress of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US comes amid a number of new mergers and acquisitions out of China being submitted for review .

  20. 在其昨日发布的年度报告中,BIS呼吁对金融监管、经济政策以及全球经济结构进行全面改革。

    In its annual report yesterday it called for an overhaul of financial regulations , economic policy and the structure of the global economy .

  21. 显然,这源自国际清算银行(bis)杰出的最新年度报告中对长期财政趋势的讨论。

    This comes out clearly from the discussion of long-term fiscal trends in the excellent new annual report from the bank for international settlements .

  22. 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)发布的人类发展指数(HDI)年度报告,绝对是一项令人钦佩的努力。

    The annual report of the United Nations Human Development Programme is an entirely admirable endeavour .

  23. 国际清算银行(BIS)在本月发布的年度报告中警告称,信贷规模快速增长通常是金融危机的先兆。

    Rapid credit growth often foreshadows a financial crisis , the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) warned in its annual report this month .

  24. 根据非营利组织国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)周一发布的年度报告,在截至今年5月的学年,有819644名外国学生在美国学习,较前一年上升7.2%。

    In the school year ended in May , 819644 foreign students studied in the U.S. , up 7.2 % from the previous year , according to an annual report released Monday by the Institute of International Education , a nonprofit organization .

  25. 查看IBM年度报告,您将会发现如果一个公司在软件、硬件、咨询和金融服务方面的跨度远远超过其他公司时,该公司则呈强势增长。

    Look at at IBM 's annual report , and you 'll see strong growth in a company whose software , hardware , consulting , and financial services span a range that no competitor can match .

  26. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)昨日发布的产品安全年度报告称,尽管许多召回产品为机动车辆、电子产品和化妆品,但逾三分之一召回产品是玩具或儿童用品。

    More than one in three of products were toys or child care items , although motor vehicles , electrical goods and cosmetics also featured prominently , according to the annual product safety report published yesterday by the European Commission .

  27. 当其他城市物价飞涨之时,巴黎在ECA的年度报告上,反而从2009和2010年的16位下滑到第20位。

    As costs rise in other cities , Paris has dropped to No.20 in ECA International 's annual report , from No.16 in2010 and2009 .

  28. 我国已经规定上市公司在年度报告和中期报告中要求MDA内容作为单独章节披露,由此可见MDA的披露信息具有至关重要的作用。

    Chinese disclosure regulations required MD & A as the independent part of the annual reports and the interim reports , which played a crucial role in the disclosure of information .

  29. 美国育儿网站BabyCenter的年度报告称,今年取名为Apple产品名称的宝宝大幅增加,取名为Apple,Siri和Mac的宝宝都有增加。

    The number of babies named after Apple products has soared - Apple , Siri and Mac have all risen in popularity as baby names this year , according to parenting advice site BabyCenter 's annual report .

  30. imf在其中国经济年度报告中表示,人民币贸易加权汇率水平上升20%这与许多美国议员所要求的升值幅度差不多将使美国经济增长提高0.05到0.07个百分点。

    In its annual report on the Chinese economy , the IMF said a 20 per cent trade-weighted appreciation in the renminbi a level similar to that demanded by many American lawmakers would increase growth in the US economy by between 0.05 and 0.07 percentage points .