
  1. 总的来说,我国商业年金保险市场未来发展路径怎样,将主要取决于社会养老保障制度在今后如何进一步改革和调整。

    In a word , the growing path of annuity insurance market will mainly depend on how social pension insurance system continues to be reformed and regulated .

  2. 在目标市场理论支持下,论证了寿险公司在年金保险产品的市场定位以及目标细分市场的选择上的一些做法,并结合案例进行了研究和分析。

    From the Positioning Theory and the Target Market Theory , we know that right market subsection can make high profit . We will discuss the right subsection to the annuity of life-insurance company , and give out some cases .