
  • 网络Annual Business Plan;annual plan
  1. 科学全面的预算管理是企业制定年度经营计划乃至战略目标的基础。

    Scientific and comprehensive budget management is the base of enterprise making annual business plan and strategic objective .

  2. 所以你的公司有年度经营计划。

    So your company has an annual operating plan .

  3. 组织实施公司年度经营计划和投资方案。

    Organizing the execution of the company 's annual operational plans and investment plans .

  4. 目前国外大石油公司借助现代信息技术,已实现了战略管理理念、战略计划、年度经营计划、财务预算等的无缝衔接。

    Some major foreign companies have achieved seamless integration of strategic management philosophies , strategic planning , annual operation planning and financial budgets by employing advanced information technologies .

  5. 凭借行业特点确定各指标权重,依据年度经营计划与预算、同行客观标准和以往经验数据制定绩效标准,由此形成中层管理者绩效指标体系。

    This paper established various index with industry characteristic , set out standards of performance according to the annual business plans and budgets , peer objective standard and past experience data , thus forming the performance index for middle managers .

  6. 在生产计划系统中,重点探讨了年度生产经营计划、月生产计划、周生产计划和日装配作业计划的特点与内容,并将启发式方法应用于周生产计划和日装配作业计划模型的求解。

    In production planning system , the features and contents of annual production planning , monthly planning , weekly planning and day assembling planning are discussed , and heuristic algorithm is applied in resolving the model of weekly planning and day assembling planning .

  7. 决定合营年度经营方针和计划;

    Deciding an annual management strategy and plan ;