
jiàn kānɡ bǎo xiǎn
  • health-insurance;health insurance
  1. 有钱的老年人要为健康保险支付更高的保险费。

    More affluent old people would pay higher premiums for their health-insurance coverage .

  2. 现存的以雇主为基础的健康保险系统加剧了正在考虑生育的妇女的问题。

    The existing employer-based health-insurance system exacerbates concerns for women who are considering having a child .

  3. 公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和免费健康保险。

    Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance .

  4. 附加福利包括免费健康保险。

    The fringe benefits include free health insurance .

  5. 这个学生的健康保险计划是一种宝贵的效益所带来的成员,你的学生政府。

    This student health plan is a valuable benefit made possible by membership in your student government .

  6. 健康保险提供商Aetna做的一项员工研究表明,参加办公室瑜伽和正念课程的人中,大约四分之一的人报告其压力水平降低了28%,睡眠质量改善了20%。

    A study of employees at health insurance provider Aetna revealed that roughly one quarter of those taking in-office yoga and mindfulness classes reported a 28 % reduction in their stress levels and a 20 % improvement in sleep quality .

  7. 当健康保险公司还在配合改革力量时,它们的交易部门提供了能自动处理流程的标准化表格。

    When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts , its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing .

  8. 参议院金融法案将针对个人费用高于8000美元或家庭费用高于21000美元的健康保险计划征收消费税。

    The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $ 8,000 for an individual or $ 21,000 for a family .

  9. 个人托管要求所有人都要购买健康保险。

    Individual mandates would require all people to purchase health insurance .

  10. 此外,这种隔断的需要还因为隐私、健康保险携带和责任法案(HealthInsurancePortabilityandAccountabilityAct,HIPAA)和其它的合规要求而加强。

    Additional requirements for this type of separation can be reinforced by privacy , Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPAA ) and other compliance requirements .

  11. 根据NHS(英国国民健康保险制度)的这个方案,那些减重的人将会获得现金或者购物券。

    Under the NHS-backed scheme , those who shed the pounds will be rewarded with cash or shopping vouchers .

  12. 第四章对我国商业健康保险行业市场进行分析并提出GW公司的市场定位。

    In chapter 4 , we focus on our commercial health insurance market analysis and GW insurance company market position .

  13. 为了帮助支付这样的VIP待遇(和治疗),越来越多的中国消费者开始选择附加健康保险&这纯粹是美国人的理念。

    To help pay for such VIP treatment ( and treatments ) , a growing number of Chinese consumers are turning to supplemental health insurance & a thoroughly American concept .

  14. 文章第二部分详细介绍了目前国内外通行的几种较为流行的社会健康保险筹资比例计算模型和方法,包括ILO模型和合成粗估法。

    The second part introduces several kinds of popular models and methods of social health insurance , including the ILO model and synthetic roughly estimation method .

  15. 在医疗领域也是如此,他引入了新的市场和经济规章,也鼓励了私人公司介入NHS(英国国民健康保险制度)。

    In the National Health Service , too , he has introduced new market and financial disciplines as well as encouraging private firms to add to the NHS 's capacity .

  16. 生物标记物还暗示,可以减少英国国家健康保险制度(NHS)引入新肿瘤药物的成本,因为只有使用那些药物有效的病人才会接受相应治疗。

    Biomarkers also have implications for reducing the cost burden of introducing new cancer drugs on the NHS , as only the subset of patients that would see a benefit would receive the treatment .

  17. 所产生的税收用于为美国国家儿童健康保险计划,即SCHIP的扩大提供资金。

    The revenue is being used to finance an expansion of the State Children 's Health Insurance Program , or SCHIP .

  18. “国家健康保险方案是中央政府和各邦政府第一次作出综合努力,向非正式阶层提供社会健康保护”,Nair说。

    " The National Health Insurance Scheme is the first integrated effort by the central and state governments to provide social health protection to the informal sector ," says Nair .

  19. 借鉴发达国家健康保险制度和药品分类管理的经验,创建有中国特色的非处方药(OTC)管理制度,是我国宏观药事管理的一项新举措。

    To build the OTC ( over the counter ) drug management system with Chinese characteristics by using the experience of developed countries ' health insurance system and classified medicines management for reference is a new measure in the macro - management of Pharmaceuticals affairs in China .

  20. 本文首次将ILO筹资模型引入我国,详细阐述了其建模的思想和步骤,同时给出了中短期社会健康保险筹资比例的计算框架,并依据计算框架进行了实例运算。

    So the calculation of contribution rate in social health insurance is a brand-new topic . 2 . It is the first time to introduce the ILO model to our country . The article elaborates its thought and step in detail .

  21. 皇家汉普斯特德国民健康保险管理信托会,意大利佛罗伦萨Careggi大学的研究人员以及外科医生尝试应用新技术治疗威胁生命的疾病。

    Scientists and surgeons at UCL , GOSH , the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust , and the Careggi University Hospital in Florence , Italy , developed a new technique to treat the life-threatening condition .

  22. 长期健康保险保单准备金计算方法研究

    Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance

  23. 我国商业健康保险医疗费用控制机制研究

    Research on Expenses Restriction Mechanism of Commercial Health Insurance of China

  24. 律师就像健康保险

    Lawyers -- you know , we 're like health insurance .

  25. 这不是健康保险与税收孰轻孰重的问题。

    This is not an argument about health insurance versus taxes .

  26. 基本医疗需要的界定和健康保险支付模式

    Delimitation of Basic Medical Need and disbursement model for Health Insurance

  27. 米歇尔。戈麦斯今年23岁,是一个没有健康保险的单身妈妈。

    Michele Gomez is a23-year-old single mother with no health insurance .

  28. 健康保险需要进行专业化经营已成共识。

    Specialized operation of health insurance business has become a consensus .

  29. 能给我的健康保险开个收据吗?

    May I have a receipt for my health insurance ?

  30. 健康保险免赔额条款与保单限额条款的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis about the Deductibles and Policy Limits of Health Insurance