
  • 网络Hygeia;Hygieia;Hygia
  1. 医药神阿波罗,阿斯克勒庇俄斯(希腊神话中的医神),阿克索(希腊神话中的健康女神)及帕那刻亚(希腊神话中代表完全治疗的女神)诸神为证,鄙人在此宣誓,愿以自身能力、判断力所及,遵守此约:

    I swear by Apollo , the healer , Asclepius , Akso , and Panacea , and I take to witness all the gods , all the goddesses , to keep according to my ability and my judgment , the following Oath and agreement :

  2. 我祝愿你们永远幸福健康。然后幸运女神消失了。

    I wish you happiness and health forever . ' Then the Luck Fairy disappeared .