
  • 网络Moral responsibility;ethical responsibility;moral duty;moral obligation
  1. 把道德责任和政治责任分隔开来是错误的。

    It is wrong to isolate moral responsibility from political responsibility .

  2. 试论甲型H1N1流感防控中个体的道德责任

    Discussion on Individual Moral Responsibility in The Prevention and Control of H1N1 Flu

  3. 她从小就被教育要有强烈的道德责任感。

    She was brought up to have a strong sense of moral duty .

  4. SA8000是世界上第一个社会道德责任标准。

    SA8000 is the first global social ethical standard .

  5. 社会道德责任标准(SA8000)对我国外经贸影响及对策

    Social Accountability 8000 and China 's Foreign Trade

  6. 为了实现这个目的,金先生已经着手开展一个庞大的培训项目,向全球9万7千名BAE员工宣讲他们的道德责任。

    To that end , Mr King has embarked on a huge training programme to inform all 97000 BAE employees worldwide of their ethical responsibilities . 1-800-MORAL-FIBRE

  7. 乔丹在他的慈善史书上提到,16世纪,一位名叫爱德华迪林(edwarddering)的著名清教徒牧师执著地反对英国伊丽莎白女王时代的济贫法律,理由是它们容易削弱富人必须为贫穷承担的道德责任。

    In the 16th century , Jordan records in his history of philanthropy , a noted Puritan divine named Edward dering consistently opposed the poor laws of Elizabethan England on the grounds that they tended to weaken the moral responsibility that wealth must bear for poverty and need .

  8. 加强学生道德责任感的培养。

    Strengthening the education of students ' sense of moral responsibility .

  9. 政府道德责任的内涵、特征及价值取向

    Intension , Characteristic and Value Orientation of Government 's Moral Responsibility

  10. 企业伦理关系与道德责任研究

    A Study of Ethics ' Relations in Enterprises and Moral Responsibilities

  11. 自然,这影响了通常的道德责任观。

    Naturally , this affects the normal view of moral responsibility .

  12. 确证道德责任是公共健康伦理的根本使命。

    Confirming moral responsibility is the basic mission of public health ethics .

  13. 政府责任的根本在于其道德责任。

    The fundamental responsibility of the government lies in its moral responsibility .

  14. 政府承担社会道德责任的内在序列分析

    Analysis of Internal Sequence of Government Responsibility for Social Morality

  15. 社会再离开道德责任,社会就无法存在,发展就更是妄谈。

    If social leave moral responsibility , social cannot exist .

  16. 义务冲突研究道德责任刑事化的置疑

    On Obligation Conflict Study of Crimination for Moral Obligation Breaches

  17. 如何才能实现公共行政人员的道德责任呢?

    How to realize moral responsibilities of public administration officials ?

  18. 论公务员的道德责任

    Theories of Selection ; Plurality and Selection On the Moral Responsibility of Officials

  19. 公民道德责任视野下的和谐社会构建

    On Moral Responsibility of Citizen in a Harmonious Society

  20. 教师必须履行人格示范的道德责任

    Teacher must perform the moral responsibility of personal demonstration

  21. 个人对自身健康负责是一种道德责任。

    It is a moral responsibility to take charge of oneself 's health .

  22. 作家担负着普遍的道德责任。

    The writer is shouldering the universal moral responsibility .

  23. 小康社会与我国中产阶级的道德责任观刍议

    About China 's Well-off Society and the Moral Duty Assumed by the Middle Class

  24. 其五,注重社会道德责任感教育。

    Lastly , stress the education of sense of moral responsibility in the society .

  25. 公务员道德责任初探

    Probe into the Public Servants ' Moral Responsibility

  26. 儒家政治伦理讲求内圣外王,突显个体应负有的道德责任和历史使命。儒家政治伦理的价值标准是政治利益,西方宗教伦理的价值标准是宗教信仰。

    Ethic value and ethic aims between western religious ethics and Confucian political ethics .

  27. 关于行政道德责任制度化的思考

    Consideration on Systematizing the Responsibility of Administrative Morality

  28. 担负起道德责任不仅是健康人的职责,也是患者的义务。

    Moral responsibility is the burden of the sick as well as the healthy .

  29. 当代大学生道德责任缺失的原因及对策研究

    A Study of the Deficiency Insufficient Moral Responsibility Among Contemporary Undergraduates and Its Countermeasures

  30. 确实,柔性决定论认为,决定论是道德责任的必要条件。

    Indeed , soft-determinists believe that determinism is a necessary condition for moral responsibility .