
dào dé
  • morality;moral;ethics
道德 [dào dé]
  • (1) [morals;ethics]∶社会意识形态之一,是人们共同生活及其行为的准则和规范

  • 道德之归也有日矣。--唐. 韩愈《朱文公校昌黎先生集》

  • 作为校长,他要求在学校里保持高的道德标准和礼貌规矩

  • (2) [moral]∶合乎道德的

道德[dào dé]
  1. 现在的年轻人根本不讲道德。

    Young people these days have no morals .

  2. 宗教价值观常常和人本主义道德观相去甚远。

    Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals .

  3. 一些医生涉嫌有不道德行为。

    A number of doctors came under suspicion of unethical behaviour .

  4. 想多赚点钱没什么不道德。

    There 's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money .

  5. 她认为,是与非是道德上的绝对准则。

    Right and wrong are , for her , moral absolutes .

  6. 他开始对他的立场是否符合道德准则提出质疑。

    He began to question the ethics of his position .

  7. 道德问题和财政问题不能截然分开。

    The moral question is not entirely separable from the financial one .

  8. 他道德十分高尚。

    There was not a hint of badness in him .

  9. 人们强调学校为道德价值观的传输者。

    Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values .

  10. 死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。

    Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral .

  11. 通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?

    Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising ?

  12. 她因违反职业道德而被判罪。

    She was found guilty of unprofessional conduct .

  13. 她的主要论据是道德上的。

    Her main argument was a moral one .

  14. 她决不是道德高尚的典范!

    She was certainly no paragon of virtue !

  15. 道德标准似乎在下降。

    Standards of morality seem to be dropping .

  16. 他是个不讲体育道德的球员,喜欢猛力冲撞对方。

    He was a dirty player and loved to kick hell out of the opposition .

  17. 是非界限是所有道德问题的核心。

    The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality .

  18. 我抛开了道德方面的顾虑。

    I overcame my moral scruples .

  19. 他很有道德。

    He has high moral principles .

  20. 偷盗是不道德的。

    It 's immoral to steal .

  21. 说谎是不道德的。

    It is sinful to lie .

  22. 堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?

    Is abortion morally defensible ?

  23. 为了获得海豹皮而用棍棒打死幼海豹是不道德的。

    Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong .

  24. 北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。

    NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions .

  25. 我们不指望候选人在道德上尽善尽美。

    We don 't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue .

  26. 堕胎再次成为一个有争议的政治和道德议题。

    Abortion is once again a controversial political and moral issue .

  27. 此举只是权宜之计,不关乎道德问题。

    This was a matter less of morals than of expediency .

  28. 她认为新政策“在道德上是站不住脚的”。

    She described the new policy as ' morally indefensible ' .

  29. 他还因行为违反了职业道德而被罚150美元。

    He was also fined $ 150 for unprofessional conduct .

  30. 他确实认为欧洲文明道德沦丧。

    He really thinks that European civilisation is morally bankrupt .