
rén shòu bǎo xiǎn dān
  • life insurance policy
  1. 有一位年轻的父亲,买了相当小的一份人寿保险单。他同意每年支付的保险费钱数是200美元,连续支付40年--总额共达8000美元!

    A young father who purchases a fairly small life insurance policy agrees to pay a sum of $ 200 every year for 40 years - a total of $ 8000 .

  2. 有一位年轻的父亲,买了相当小的一份人寿保险单。他同意每年支付的保险费钱数是200美元,连续支付40年&总额共达8000美元!

    A young father who purchases a fairly small life insurance policy agrees to pay a sum of $ 200 every year for 40 years - a total of $ 8,000 .

  3. 一张人寿保险单的价值是多少?

    What 's the worth of a life insurance policy ?

  4. 按她仗夫的人寿保险单,她获得了50000美元。

    She collected $ 50000 on her husband 's life insurance policies .

  5. 现在他们发现这家公司从患有艾滋病、癌症和其他慢性病的人手里购买人寿保险单,然后再将这些保单出售给投资者。

    Now they found company purchased life insurance policies from people with AIDs , cancer and other chronic illnesses , then sold them to investors .

  6. 而人身保险单(主要是人寿保险单)在投保人交付一定期限的保险费后,开始享有现金价值,此时的保险单不丧失价值,因此在担保债权的实现上具有可靠性。

    When the applicant has consigned the insurance premium of certain term , life insurance policy has begun enjoying the cash value , and has the non-forfeiture value . Therefore , the realization of the warranted obligation has become reliable .

  7. 这是给你的人寿保险申请单。

    This is a application foryour life insurance .

  8. 保险合同法适用于人寿保险的保险单。

    The Insurance Contracts Act applies to life insurance policies .

  9. 人寿保险精算准备金经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿保险单的全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。

    An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force .