
  • 网络Experiential Learning;experimental learning;Experimental-based learning
  1. 拓展训练,又称外展训练(OutwardBound),是一种新颖的体验式学习方式。

    Outward Bound , also known as the Outward Bound , is a novel way of experiential learning .

  2. 罗杰斯(Rogers,2004)认为体验式学习更能促进个体的全面发展。

    What ' more , Rogers ( 2004 ) proposed that experiential learning can promote the comprehensive development of individuals .

  3. 围绕学生实践能力和创新能力培养这一核心问题,本研究构建了了基于LivingLab的体验式学习模式。

    Around the students ' practical and innovative ability to develop the core issues , this study was constructed based on the Living Lab experiential learning mode .

  4. 文中采用SPSS分析软件对两组学生的学习满意度与学习成绩进行测量与分析,以此来检验体验式学习的有效性。

    The paper adopts analysis software SPSS to survey and analyze the learning satisfaction and records of studies from experimental group students and control group students , in order to verify the effectiveness of experiential study .

  5. Moran有关文化教学过程中文化知识的体验式学习循环模式。该模式从学习者视点出发规范课堂文化教学,为教师中介作用的研究提供了主要的研究方面。

    Moran 's experiential learning cycle of culture knowings is introduced , which offers the major aspects of the study on teacher 's role as mediator in classroom culture teaching .

  6. 基于体验式学习的案例资源库系统的实现。

    The realization of case resource database system on experiential learning .

  7. 体验式学习案例资源库的建设与研究

    The Construction and Research on the Case Database of Experiential Learning

  8. 体验式学习&市场营销教学方法的新探索

    Experiential Learning : A New Inquiry into the Teaching Method of Marketing

  9. 用体验式学习培养小学科学课教师

    To Cultivate Science Course Teachers in Primary School By Means of Learning-through-practice

  10. 体验式学习理念服务于双语学习词典编纂

    Compile a Bilingual Learners ' Dictionary from The Theory of Experiential Learning

  11. 语文体验式学习是生成语文素养的有效途径

    Learning Chinese Through Lived Experience is One Effective Way of Chinese Accomplishment Attainment

  12. 体验式学习理论在培训师培训中的应用研究

    Research on Experiential Learning Theory Applying to " Training the Trainer Program "

  13. 体验式学习耦合于教育实习的理论价值

    Theoretical Value of Applying Experiential Learning to Teaching Practicum

  14. 其次,引导学生对于戏剧文本实行分角色朗读或表演剧本的体验式学习。

    Secondly , to guide the students read in roles and perform script .

  15. 这样还可以腾出课堂时间让学生进行小组讨论或体验式学习。

    It also frees up class time for group discussion or experiential learning .

  16. 近年来,体验式学习作为一种学习理论或学习方式受到广泛关注。

    Recently , experiential learning has been widely concerned as a learning theory or method .

  17. 论员工培训的体验式学习方式

    On Experiential Learning in Employee Training Program

  18. 体验式学习与和谐人格教育&高校德育课教学改革的实践

    Experiential Learning and Syntonic Personality Education & Practices of Teaching Reform of Moral Education in Universities

  19. 体验式学习在教育领域得到了充分的支持与长足的发展。

    In the field of education , experiential learning has been full supported and got considerable development .

  20. 还有镇里的每条街是不是都修建完善,学生们真的得到强大的体验式学习。

    and whether or not the streets were done well , and really had this robust experiential learning .

  21. 总之,应该鼓励体验式学习模式在具有相似教育条件的大学的英语教学中进行推广。

    In conclusion , experiential learning should be encouraged to be applied in the universities with similar educational conditions .

  22. 那么一个将海量的案例资源数字化、网络化,构建体验式学习案例资源库就成为体验式学习发展的必然需求。

    So , construct a case database on experiential learning to operate these resources has gradually become a necessary demand .

  23. 首先,普通教育学理论,包括体验式学习理论及建构主义论,为依托式外语教学提供了有力支持。

    In the first instance , general educational theories , including experiential learning theory and constructivism , provide support to CBI .

  24. 其发展趋势是减少教师的讲解,增加学生的体验式学习,这无疑是对的。

    Its development trend is to reduce the teacher to explain , to increase students ' experiential learning , which undoubtedly is .

  25. 道德学习的心理机制本质上是体验式学习,是以体验为核心的知情行整合学习。

    Moral learning is the learning of experience in nature , that is , the integrated learning unified by knowledge , emotion and behavior .

  26. 体验式学习不仅是教师教育中行之有效的教育教学手段,更是构建学习者知识能力情感价值观的重要学习方式,对小学科学教师的专业发展具有重要意义。

    Learning-through-practice is not only an effective teaching method , but also an important learning mode , which constructs the social value of the learners .

  27. 他补充道,未来,送员工参加在校课程将是有问题的&除非相关课程有明确界定的体验式学习环节。

    He adds that , in future , sending employees to residential courses will be questionable unless there is a clearly defined experiential learning component .

  28. 《体验式学习入门:分析和复习》,麻省理工学院工商管理硕士论文,2004。

    Balachandra , Lakshmi . " Introduction to Experiential Learning : An Analysis and Review . " MBA Thesis , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , 2004 .

  29. 教师也有意识地通过开展体验式学习活动来提高学生学习历史的兴趣,促进创新意识和实践能力的发展。

    The teachers adopt the Experiential Learning Activities ( ELA ) to raise the students ' interest in history and promote the capability of innovation and practice .

  30. 体验式学习能够为高管提供一个罕见的机会,让他们脱离收入目标和关键绩效指标的日常压力,转而关注于更大的挑战。

    Experiential learning can give executives a rare chance to escape from the day-to-day pressures of revenue targets and key performance indicators and focus on bigger challenges .