
nèi bù fēn xī
  • internal analysis
  1. 第三章,通过介绍APC公司的发展历史、背景和渊源、组织结构、内部分析和外部分析引出APC公司战略目标。

    The third chapter , we will educe the strategic objective of ARC company by introducing the history , background , organic structure , internal analysis and external analysis of ARC company .

  2. 文本分析包括外部分析和内部分析。

    The text analysis consists of external analysis and internal analysis .

  3. 当谈到测量web应用程序的性能,有一系列的工具可用于在web浏览器内部分析应用程序的速度和加载时间。

    When it comes to measuring the performance of a web application , a series of tools is available that allows you to analyze the speed and load time of your application from within the web browser itself .

  4. 结论通过参加CAP能力比对调查,可以比较本实验室与同类实验室结果的一致性,结合室内质控,更好保证和改进实验室内部分析质量。

    Conclusions We could compare the results of our laboratory and others through CAP PT , then assure and improve the analysis quality better together with internal quality control .

  5. 化学实验室内部分析精密度·偏性试验和评估

    Analysis of accuracy , bias experiment and estimation inside Chemistry Laboratory

  6. 将非常规操作比作降息的美联储内部分析显示,或许还需要更多这类操作。

    The staff analysis comparing unconventional operations to interest rate cuts suggests more might be needed anyway .

  7. 二是最终选定新产品过程中采用的外部分析和内部分析的问题(新产品构思的预选和筛选)。

    - external and internal analyzing in procedure of new product confirmation ( pre-election & filtration of new product conceives ) .

  8. 本文首先从文本内部分析《吉姆爷》,即从作品的叙述者和人物出发,分析作品的自我阐释因素、叙事结构、叙述时间等叙事特点;

    My dissertation aims to firstly analyze interior text of Lord Jim , including the self-interpretative elements , narrative structure and narrative time .

  9. 文本内部分析与文学史、文学思潮史视野的考察相结合;

    It can also combines textual analysis internally together with the investigation in the perspectives of literary history and the historical trends of literary thoughts .

  10. 本文通过对交易成本做出新的界定,从交易成本内部分析了减少交易成本的路径和机理。

    Through redefining transaction costs , this thesis analyzes the path and mechanism to reduce transaction costs from the perspective of internal of transaction costs .

  11. 如:归纳研究法,比勘互证法,内部分析法,系统数量比较法,透视分离法。

    For example : inductive research method , comparison proving method , internal analysis method , comparison method in system number , and perspective separating method .

  12. 通过文本的内部分析之后,我们就能清晰地看到所谓真伪荒诞的双方各自言说的背后依据,因而该问题就不言自明。

    It is through this inner analysis of texts that we can see clearly the hidden proofs of various arguments concerning the true and false absurdity , and hence the issue is made self-evident .

  13. 第四部分是内部分析,涵盖了公司历史、生产能力、研发优势、节能高效产品,销售渠道、人力资源、质量保证体系七个方面。

    The forth part made detailed analysis on internal factors including company history , production capability , R & D advantage , high efficiency products , sales channel , HR management and QA system .

  14. 首先,从产业结构内部分析,研究各产业内部的结构即内部各个细分产业的发展状况、各细分产业的构成及它们之间是否协调的发展,是否持续的向更高层次的结构演化。

    Firstly , studying the internal structure which means various industries in the internal and the development of coordination between them may make us understand whether the ongoing evolution is going to a higher level .

  15. 第三章A公司应收账款形成的原因,对A公司应收账款的形成原因进行了外部和内部分析,指出了应收账款管理存在的问题。

    Chapter III , Company A formed the reasons for the accounts receivable , Company A accounts receivable reasons for the formation of an external and internal analysis , accounts receivable management pointed out the problems that exist .

  16. 从品牌个体生态系统内部分析影响品牌寿命的主要管理因素,才能在品牌生存与发展中协调品牌个体生态系统以适应在品牌整体生态系统的演化发展。

    To coordinate the brand individual ecosystems to adapt to evolvement and development of whole brand ecosystem , main factors refers to management which have effect on brand life must be analysed from the interior of individual brand ecosystem .

  17. 在具体的供应链再设计过程中应注意几个关键问题,包括通过内部分析和关系分析决定外包业务,注重供应链流程整合,注重关系能力的衡量。

    During the redesign of the supply chain , we should pay attention to the following important aspects : determining outsourcing activities through internal analysis and relational analysis , attaching importance to process integration , measuring the developing of relational capabilities .

  18. 在内部分析方面,本文利用了价值链模型,首先分析了公司的组织机构和运营流程,发现现有的组织机构不适应快速发展的市场形势;

    As for the interior condition , the author made use of the value chain model to analyze the organized institution and the flow of the company and thought that the existing institution could not accustomed to the market position which developed so quickly ;

  19. CT技术在沥青胶结颗粒材料内部结构分析中的应用

    Application of X-ray Computerized Tomography in Analysis of Inner Structure of Asphalt Mix

  20. 结果表明CT扫描仪是一种纸张内部结构分析的有效手段。

    Results indicate that CT scanner is an efficient mean in inner structure analysis of paper sheet .

  21. 通过对B公司内部环境分析,得出B公司的主要优势是:拥有国际大公司支持,有资金和技术优势;

    From the survey to B Company 's internal environment , it is found that the advantages are : support by strong international mother company ;

  22. LB6&110W2型电流互感器内部故障分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Internal Faults of Type LB_6-110W_2 Current Transformer

  23. COADS月整编资料的内部结构分析

    An analysis of the internal structure about COADS data set

  24. 接下来再对企业的外部环境和内部环境分析研究,并运用SWOT分析法进一步分析了S测试公司所面临的外部机会、威胁以及内部优势、劣势,最后对其进行总结。

    Followed by studying the internal and external environment and using the method of SWOT analysis the Opportunity , Threat , Strength and Weakness , then summarize these information into a list .

  25. 一起110kV变电站主变内部故障分析和处理

    Analysis and treatment on internal fault of the main transformer in 110 kV substation

  26. 第四,在外部环境和内部条件分析的基础上,根据SWOT表推导出总体战略,制定GD公司使命、目标;

    Fourth , on the basis of the thing that external environment condition and inside condition are analysed , derive out the total strategy according to SWOT form , make GD Company 's mission , goal ;

  27. 第二章为理论综述,主要介绍企业战略管理有关理论和战略管理方面的技术方法和分析工具:PEST分析、五力模型、外部因素分析矩阵、内部因素分析矩阵、SWOT分析、平衡计分卡。

    The second chapter is the theoretical overview . Mainly introduces the enterprise strategy management theory and strategic management of technology and analysis tools : PEST analysis , Five Forces Model , EFE , IFE , SWOT analysis , Balanced Score Card .

  28. 介绍了复合土钉支护的设计方法,综述了国内外的内部稳定性分析方法,在相关文献基础上介绍了复合土钉支护体系内部稳定性分析的Bishop方法。

    The design program and kinds of internal stability analysis of composite soil nailing are introduced in this paper . And on the basis of many literatures , the Bishop method for internal stability analysis of composite soil nailing is presented .

  29. 高校基建工程决算内部审计分析及对策&以广西民族学院为例

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Capital Construction Project Final Accounts in Universities

  30. 用于内部故障分析的变压器电感参数计算模型

    An inductance calculation model of power transformer for internal fault analysis