
  1. 循序渐进的供应商关系管理模式企业政府关系管理

    Gradual Management of Supplier Relationship Managing Government Relations of Enterprises

  2. 企业政府关系管理企业管理

    Managing Government Relations of Enterprises

  3. 傅丝德指出,在世博会上投资占据一块地盘,是“推进企业政府关系战略”的好方法。

    MS foster points out that investing in a chunk of Expo turf is a good way to " advance your government relations strategy " .

  4. 当前民营企业和政府关系存在两种扭曲现象,对企业经营有很大不利影响。

    There are two relations between private firms and government .

  5. 继而从经济学角度,研究了企业与政府关系。

    Secondly , the thesis has researched the relationship between enterprise and government in the view of economics .

  6. 本文对前者稍作介绍,将主要介绍后者,即企业-政府关系。

    This paper will briefly describe the former , and focus on the latte , which is the business-government relations .

  7. 对企业与政府关系的基本理论进行综述,对相关的概念进行分析界定。

    This chapter gives an overview of the main theories of the relationship between government and enterprise , and defines the relative concepts .

  8. 从资源配置效率出发,本文首先从组织学角度,研究了企业与政府关系。

    Firstly , based on the efficiency of resource allocation , the article has researched the relationship between enterprise and government in the view of organization .

  9. 企业与政府关系是动态变化的,不同的社会制度,不同的历史时期,不同的经济发展阶段,存在着不同形式的企业与政府关系。

    The relationship between them is changing dynamically . It is different in various society systems , in various periods of history , and in various stages of the economy development .

  10. 在保持国家政局稳定的前提下,评价企业与政府关系是否有效的标准,就是资源配置效率。

    Under condition of political stability of the country , the standard to valuate the effectiveness of the relationship between enterprise and government is based on the efficiency of resource allocation .

  11. 各个国家的企业与政府关系,因各国政治、经济、文化、历史不同而不同,并随政治、经济、文化发展而变化,并不存在一个普遍有效的固定模式。

    The relationship between enterprise and government from country to country varies due to differences of their politics , economy , culture and history . It will change with the development of politics , economy and culture and there is no common , effective and constant mode .

  12. 与存续企业、地方政府关系不够融洽,制约油田发展等。

    On Relationship relationship with local government is not very harmonious .

  13. 从政府到企业企业与政府关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Enterprises and Government

  14. 最后一节探讨了国际比较研究跨国公司,家族企业和政府的关系。

    The final section examines internationally comparative research on multinationals , family business and government relations .

  15. 乡镇企业与乡镇政府关系必须进行重新定位,是本文的主旨所在。

    The reorientation of the relation between township enterprise and township government in China is the purport of this text .

  16. 政府关系的主体是企业,政府公共关系的主体是政府。

    The subject of government relationship is the business enterprises , whereas that of government public relationship , the government itself .

  17. 我国又是一个注重关系的人情社会,企业与政府的关系更是密切。

    Our country is a focus on the " relationship " of human society , the relationship between enterprises and government is more closely .

  18. 股份制合作制森林资源管理体制主要涉及企业与政府的关系,特别是双方行为的界定。

    The forest resources management system of share - cooperation system mainly involves the relationship between governments and enterprises , especially the definition of their behaviour .

  19. 西方市场经济发达国家正确处理企业与政府之间关系的先进经验和成熟的模式,对逐步建立适合我国国情的新型企业与政府关系有很好的借鉴作用。

    The advanced experience and ripe mode of approaching the relationship between government and enterprise in occidental developed countries will help us building new relationship between government and enterprise gradually .

  20. 受企业与政府的关系的影响,国有企业在其企业文化的建立过程中,政府起着关键性的作用。

    Affected by the influence of the natural relationship between the enterprise and the government , the government exerts important significance during the process of the culture construction in the state-owned enterprises .

  21. 例如,继续清理我国现存的补贴类型,进一步理顺国有企业同政府的关系,并且在商业化的基础上进一步的加强国有企业改革等。

    For instance , the government should keep integrating the existing types of subsidies , rationalizing the relationship between SOEs and the government , and further strengthening the reform to SOEs on the basis of commercialization .

  22. 在力霸旗下两家公司于去年12月末申请破产之后,曝出了力霸丑闻。对这桩丑闻的处理,被视为对台湾能否摆脱大型企业家族和政府关系暧昧这一传统的考验。

    Handling of the scandal that broke after two Rebar companies filed for insolvency in late December is seen as a test of whether Taiwan can break from a tradition of cosy ties between big business families and government .

  23. 但也正是在这一领域,国家安全问题(有关中国的目的以及中国企业与政府的关系)正使得一些人发出保护美国经济重要行业的呼声。

    But it is also the latest area where national security questions - about Chinese objectives and the links between its companies and the state - are leading to calls for important sectors of the US economy to be ringfenced .

  24. 私营企业和政府之间的关系依然很成问题。

    The relationship between private business and government remains problematical .

  25. 中小企业信用担保与政府关系的探讨

    Discussion on Relation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Credit Guarantee and Government

  26. 他们建议企业和政府建立伙伴关系,加快研究和减少监管障碍为已经发展市场带来新的疫苗。

    They recommend that industry and government form partnerships to accelerate research and reduce regulatory barriers to bring new vaccines already in development to market .

  27. 沿海地区的许多出口导向型民营企业缺乏土地或政府关系之类的担保品,因此依然难以获得资金。

    Many private , export-led companies in coastal areas , lacking collateral in the form of land or government relationships , are still struggling for funds .

  28. 在招聘会上,张岩新还发现一些公司的招聘名单上还有一些令人困惑的职衔:例如企业文化专员和政府关系专员。

    At the job fair , Zhang also found a lot of other puzzling titles on the companies ' recruitment list : for example , corporate culture specialist and government relationship specialist .

  29. 通过博弈论分析企业和政府规制的关系,政府对企业做出相应的规制对策,以此来改变企业排污状况。

    Divides through the game theory analyzes the enterprise and the government rules and regulations relations , the government makes the corresponding rules and regulations countermeasure to the enterprise , changes the enterprise pollution discharge condition by this .

  30. 相对于民营企业,国有企业与政府之间的关系更为复杂,对政府的依赖程度也更大。

    Relative to the private enterprise , the state-owned enterprise and the relationship between the government is more complex , with dependence on government is also a greater degree .