
  • 网络business current funds
  1. 神经网络在企业流动资金需求量预测中的应用

    The Application of Neural Network in Enterprise Flowing Funds Demand Prediction

  2. 企业流动资金的管理和使用模式

    Brief comment on the management and usage that business enterprise flowing funds

  3. 企业流动资金紧张的内部原因及其对策

    Internal Reasons and Measures of Operating Funds Shortage of Enterprises

  4. 国营企业流动资金由人民银行统一管理。

    The circulating fund of state-owned enterprises is regulated by the central bank .

  5. 试论加速企业流动资金周转

    Speeding up the revolving working funds of enterprises

  6. 试论工业企业流动资金紧张成因及对策

    On the Causes and the Countermeasures of the Tightness of Circulating Funds in the Industrial Enterprise

  7. 强化管理扭转局面&缓解企业流动资金紧缺的对策

    Strengthen the Management and Regain the Initiative - A Strategy to Relieve the Tension of Circulating Fund Shortage

  8. 原料采购库存成本的约束是钢铁企业流动资金的制约瓶颈。

    The constraints of raw materials inventory and procurement cost are the bottleneck of liquidity in iron and steel enterprises .

  9. 商业汇票作为企业流动资金的重要组成部分,在企业的经济活动中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Commercial bills , an important part of corporate activities funds , play a very important role in the economic activities of enterprises .

  10. 中国建设银行流动资金贷款定价中存在问题的分析及对策探讨银监会关于印发《重点家禽养殖、加工企业流动资金贷款财政贴息资金管理办法》的通知

    Circular of the China Banking Regulatory Commission , on Printing and Issuing the Administrative Measures for Subsidiary Fund for Loans on Working Capital of Key Poultry Raising and Processing Enterprises

  11. 加强对应收帐款的管理,是企业流动资金管理的一项重要内容,并且直接影响到企业的既得利润和现金流量。

    It is one of important jobs of cash flow management for the enterprise to strengthen the management of the account receivable which affects directly the vested profit and the cash flow of the enterprise .

  12. 论述了引起工业企业流动资金紧张的各种外部因素及内部因素,并通过对这些因素的分析,找出解决流动资金紧张的办法及对策。

    This paper discussed the external and internal factors causing the tightness of circulating funds in the industrial enterprise , analyzed these factors and worked out the methods and countermeasures to solve the tightness of circulating funds .

  13. 实践证明,这种资金管理体制不利于当前经济的发展;银行不宜统一管理国营企业流动资金。

    It turns out in practices that this kind of managerial system can not meet the requirement of present economic development and to unitedly control the current funds of the state enterprises by the banks seems improper .

  14. 在一定的资本集中的基础上,以工商实业为保障,吸收社会闲散资金,充裕企业流动资金,降低信贷成本,是中国近代企业举办储蓄存款业务的主要目的。

    The main purposes for the China neoteric companies to deposit are , on the basis of capital accumulating with the guarantee of industry and commerce , to absorb the idle capital of the society , collect abundant circulating capital for the companies , and reduce the cost of credit .

  15. LendingClub将向从Alibaba.com上的中国供应商那里购买产品的美国企业提供流动资金融资。这家网站是阿里巴巴旗下的英文B2B网站。

    Lending Club will offer working capital financing to US businesses that buy from Chinese suppliers on Alibaba . com , an English language business-to-business website .

  16. 为进园企业的流动资金贷款提供信用担保。

    Provide guarantee for the loan of flow capital of the enterprises in the Park .

  17. 银行业是一个特殊行业,为企业提供流动资金的支持,是货币政策的传播纽带,因此银行业早期是不受反垄断法规制的。

    Banking is a special industry , which provides liquidity for all enterprises and is the link of monetary policy .

  18. 随着国际市场和新兴业务的开拓,中小出口企业对流动资金的渴求与日俱增。

    With the international market and emerging business development , small and medium-sized export enterprises are growing thirst for liquidity .

  19. 我们必须通过降低不良资产带来的风险,放开对消费者和工商企业的流动资金贷款。

    We must free up the flow of credit to consumers and businesses by reducing the risk posed by troubled assets .

  20. 库存量过多,会占用企业的流动资金,会使企业有资金和成本的压力。

    Inventory is too much , will occupy the circulating fund of the enterprise , can make the enterprise funds and cost pressures .

  21. 不管是个人还是企业,流动资金是日常业务中进行交易所需的资金,不能用于投资,甚至是临时的投资也不行。

    Whether held by individuals or corporations , working balances are funds needed in the transaction of daily business and cannot be invested even temporarily .

  22. 在建行的最初两三年内,信贷业务比较少,主要是针对少数大型日资企业的流动资金贷款与中长期的固定资产贷款。

    During the initial few years , the branch handled only a little credit businesses that were mainly short-term and long-term loan for big scale Japanese joint ventures .

  23. 在这种情况下企业可流动资金不足以支付日常管理活动和相关税费时,就需要依靠银行贷款解决此问题。

    In this case enterprises can not be sufficient liquidity to pay day-to-day management activities and related taxes and fees , they need to rely on bank loans to solve this problem .

  24. 银行优先为国债项目提供配套贷款,支持有市场、有效益、有信用企业的流动资金和技术改造贷款需要。

    While giving top priority to providing supplementary loans for Treasury-bond projects , banks also provided working capital and loans in support of technological transformation by credit-worthy enterprises that are profitable and have a ready market for their products .

  25. 由于市场疲软,产品积压,企业普遍存在流动资金不足的问题。

    Due to the weakening market and overstocked products , many enterprises are confronted with the problem of lack of circulating funds .

  26. 钢材的经销模式决定了钢材库存会占据钢材分销企业的大量流动资金,库存管理水平的好坏直接影响钢材分销企业的盈利水平和核心竞争力。

    The sale model of steel decides steel inventory , which holds a large sum of circulating fund of steel products distribution enterprises .

  27. 尽管出口商业发票贴现的表面形式是贸易融资业务,但其实质是银行向企业发放的流动资金贷款,它的风险性丝毫不亚于普通的流动资金贷款。

    Though the discounting of export commercial invoice shows itself a kind of trade financing business on the face , its essence is a sort of floating capital loan that bank offers to enterprises .

  28. 库存占用了企业大量的流动资金,降低了资金的周转率,增加了企业总成本,因此,库存问题已经成为制约我国现代家具制造企业生存和发展的瓶颈。

    Inventory occupied a lot of liquidity of the enterprise , reduced the turnover of funds , and increased the total cost of the enterprise ; therefore , inventory problem has become the survival and development bottlenecks of modern furniture manufacturing enterprises in China .

  29. 同时,融资租赁是近年来我国企业在短期获得流动资金主要融资途径。

    At the same time , the financing lease is received liquidity way obtain main financing in short-term our country enterprise in recent years .

  30. 为企业提供更多的流动资金,同时使得企业资金流加速,企业的资金回报率得到提升。

    Service value is offering adequate flowing capital to increase the capital flow speed for customers and improve the capital return rate for us .