
  • 网络Enterprise Administration;NVQ;LCCIEB-Business Administration
  1. 第四十九条企业行政管理部门为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的管理费用和财务费用,为销售和提供劳务而发生进货费用、销售费用,应当作为期间费用,直接计入当期损益。

    Article 49 Administrative and financial expenses incurred by enterprise 's administrative sectors for organizing and managing production and operation , purchase expenses on commodities purchased , and sales expenses for selling commodities and providing service , shall be directly accounted as periodic expense in the current profit and loss .

  2. 合资企业的行政管理责任该如何划分呢?

    How shall we divide the administrative responsibility of a joint venture ?

  3. 企业的行政管理工作内容包括行政事务管理、办公事务管理、人力资源管理。

    The administration of enterprises including administrative management , office services management , human resources management .

  4. 一家企业的行政管理开支类似于一个国家的政府管理所用的开支。

    Such administrative overheads in a business are analogous to the cost of government in a nation .

  5. 劳动关系之中应该包括劳动合同关系、企业内部行政管理关系以及劳动者权益保护关系。

    It includes labor contract relation , interior administration relation of corporations , and labourer 's rights protect relation in the labor relation .

  6. 例如:在选拔国有企业行政中层管理者时,应特别注重应变能力、激励指导用人能力、经营能力和组织领导能力等指标;

    For example : When selecting middle-level managers , we must notice their competence of contingence , using personnel , business and leadership , etc.

  7. 同时,企业的行政管理和人力资源管理是两项重要的日常工作,也需要协同办公系统体现出来。

    At the same time , two important functions , the administration and human resources management , are necessary to be demonstrated by the system .

  8. 有关研究将是对现有的管理决策理论以及企业和行政管理能力理论的重要补充和完善。

    The related research will be the important supply and the consummation for the existing management decision theory as well as the enterprise and the administration competence theory .

  9. 扩展和完善本系统后,我相信它的效用不只限于该公司,在政府电子办公和企业内部行政管理上会有更大的发展空间。

    The effectiveness of the system which has been expanded and improved , I believe , is not only limited to this company , but also to e-government and other enterprises internal administration .

  10. 减少政府对企业的行政管理职能,通过规范董事和独立董事的任职程序和任职资格,防止大股东或者关键人控制董事会,使真正具备独立性以及专业能力的人员成为上市公司董事会成员。

    Reduce government administrative functions of enterprises , standardize the representation of directors and independent directors of the procedures and qualifications , or critical to prevent major shareholders who control the board of directors , the ability to truly be independent and professional staff of a public company board .

  11. 这些思想无论对军事管理还是企业管理、行政管理都具有重要的理论借鉴意义。

    These thoughts have important theoretical significance for military management , enterprise management and public administration .

  12. 该企业今年的行政管理开支比2002年降低了2/3。

    The enterprise management expenditure this year has decreased by three times as against that of 2002 .

  13. 中国企业持有工商行政管理部门颁发的“企业法人营业执照”;外国企业持有有关部门机构的登记注册证明。

    Chinese enterprises hold the administrative department for Industry and Commerce awarded the " business license "; foreign enterprises hold the relevant departments registered certification .

  14. 未按上述规定办理审批手续的企业,工商行政管理机关不予办理注册登记,其生产的产品禁止在市场上流通。

    Organs of industry and commerce administration shall not process the registration of those enterprises without going through the formalities of examination and approval in accordance with the aforesaid provisions , and the products manufactured by them shall be prohibited from distribution in the market .

  15. 对违反规定的企业,由工商行政管理机关查处。

    Enterprises that commit violations of the provisions shall be investigated and dealt with by organs of industry and commerce administration .

  16. 因此,企业行政部门的人事管理制度改革就成了国有企业现阶段人事管理制度改革的重要内容。

    Therefore , the enterprise sector reform of the personnel system of state-owned enterprises have became the personnel system reform at this stage the important content .

  17. 为企业人力资源、行政管理提供准确的数字、图形化报表,为企业人力资源管理的规划、决策提供有力支持。

    Furnish accurate data and graphical report for enterprise HR and administrative management ; provide strong support for the planning and decision-making of enterprise HR management .

  18. 本篇论文的写作目的不是为了将国有企业改革最终纳入行政管理学科研究的范畴,而是希望从政府的视角审视究竟如何对国有企业进行管理。

    The purpose of this paper is not to put state-owned enterprise reform in the field of public administration , but hopes to examine its management of state-owned enterprises under the perspective of government .

  19. 中国体育用品企业主要通过对行政管理部门和行业协会的纵向依属、与科教、商贸部门的横向连带、与运动队的联系和运动竞赛的辐射获取社会资本。

    Sporting goods enterprise in China obtains social capital mainly through vertically attached to administrative section and trade association , horizontally related to sections of science education and business , connected with sport team and radiation of sport competition .

  20. 长期以来,企业行政部门的人事管理模式一直沿用计划体制下行政机关的管理模式,但目前,这种模式已经不适应国有企业建立现代企业制度和深化的改革需要。

    For a long time , business administration department of the personnel management model has been used under the planned structure to the executive management model , but at present , this model no longer meet the state-owned enterprises to establish a modern enterprise system and the deepening of reform .

  21. 如何根据企业发展的要求,把现有企业行政部门的人事管理制度改革推向深入,成了国有企业需要重点关注的课题。

    According to the requirements of the development of the existing enterprises in the sector to carry forward reform of the personnel system , a state-owned enterprises need to focus on the subject .

  22. 2003年在上海中外合资企业任营运总监,对国内外企业的行政、人事管理有丰富的经验。

    2001-2003 Operations Director of a Shanghai based foreign JV company , responsible in Administration and Human Resource Management .

  23. 企业行政效能监察一直以来就是我国企业行政效能监察管理活动的出发点和落脚点,是行政管理研究中的重点和核心。

    The executive efficiency monitoring of the enterprise has been the starting point and final goal of the efficiency monitoring management activities in china , also is the focus and core in the executive management administration .

  24. 电子商务不但是一种互联网的在线营销模式,更重要的是它标志着企业内部、企业与企业之间、企业与旅游者之间、企业与行政管理部门之间服务过程的变革。

    The electronic commerce is an on-line marketing model of the internet , and more important , it symbolizes the revolution of service process among the enterprises , between the enterprises , between the enterprises and the tourists , the enterprises and the administration departments .

  25. 它与企业的组织结构、部门职责、规章制度、岗位描述等共同构筑成企业行政管理平台。

    It combined with organizational structure of enterprise , department responsibility , rules or regulations and post description so as to establish enterprise 's administrative platform .

  26. 档案行政管理部门要努力营造民营企业档案工作良好的外部环境,对民营企业档案工作的宏观管理要以引导和服务为主,适度监控为辅。按学习型组织的要求搞好国有企业的行政管理改革

    The system consists of the archives administration , the private enterprises themselves and social service organizations & archives intermediary . Making a Good Job of Administration Reformation in State-owned Enterprises According to the Requirements of Leaming Organization