
  • 网络management;reinforcement management;strengthen administration
  1. 提出了强化管理,提高PCB的可焊性,提高波峰焊接质量的措施。文中特别指出波峰焊与手工焊的区别,对焊点的概念作了明确的阐述。

    Measures of improving management , weldability and quality of welding is provided .

  2. 落实责任强化管理切实做好安全生产工作

    Fulfilling Responsibility and Intensifying Management to Do Production Safety Work Conscientiously

  3. 通过强化管理,提升品牌价值。

    By the strengthened management and promote the brand value .

  4. 强化管理是输血工作发展的动力和保障

    Consolidating Management Should be Motivity and Guarantee of Transfusion Development

  5. 开发新的旅游项目;强化管理。

    Exploring the new tourism items and strengthening the management .

  6. 强化管理职能防止医疗纠纷

    Consolidate the function of management to prevent from medical dispute

  7. 从严治内强化管理把环境保护工作提高到新水平

    Harnessing Interior , Strengthening Management , Raising Environmental Protection Level

  8. 优化设计强化管理创新矿井建设模式

    Optimize design , strengthen management , create constructing model of mine well

  9. 强化管理创新推进素质教育

    To Enhance Management Innovation and Push forward Quality Education

  10. 完善工艺强化管理降低介耗

    Improving technology , strengthening management and reducing medium consumption

  11. 强化管理搞好函授教育的教材供应工作

    Strengthening the management for a better supply of teaching materials for correspondence education

  12. 糖尿病患者的社区强化管理和治疗:195例报告

    Community strengthened administration and treatment of diabetic patients : report of 195 cases

  13. 强化管理全面贯彻环保法规

    Strengthening Management and Roundly Carrying out Environment Protection Criterion

  14. 重视对知识的组织与控制,强化管理学科色彩;

    Giving emphasis to knowledge organization and control and adding elements of management science ;

  15. 强化管理狠抓落实努力开创全公司技术监督工作新局面

    Strengthening Management and Opening a new situation of Technological Monitoring work in Qinghai Power Company

  16. 强化管理合理用能

    Strengthen management and reasonable utilization of energy

  17. 严法弼教强化管理&对城市绿化成果的保护

    Strengthening the Control by Enforcing Law and Education & Protecting the result of city afforestation

  18. 强化管理促进使用探索创新

    Intensifying Management Promoting Application Exploring Innovation

  19. 信息时代网络化是提高工作效率,强化管理的重要手段。

    The information network is the important means to improve work efficiency and strengthen the management .

  20. 深化改革强化管理推进冶金矿山企业的新发展

    Deepening the Reform and Intensifying the Management to Promote the New Development of Metallurgical Mine Enterprises

  21. 强化管理是实施管护经营的主题

    Strengthening Manage Is Topic of Prosecution

  22. 强化管理机构;

    Reinforcement of management institutions ;

  23. 进而提出了国家行政机关收费管理的概念及强化管理的目的和意义;

    Secondly , the thesis put forward the notion of administrative collecting fees and significance of strengthening it .

  24. 强化管理,特色服务是树立医院品牌的重要手段。

    To strengthen management and offer services with characteristics is the main measure to develop well-known brand of hospital .

  25. 为适应经济增长模式的巨大变化,强化管理审计已是当务之急。

    To adapt to the dramatic change of economic growth mode , reinforcing management audit of enterprises becomes a must .

  26. 民办高等教育应强化管理,加强特色教育,建立稳定的校内外实训基地,启动科研机制。

    So we should strengthen its management and specialized education , establish stable practical training bases , and develop scientific system .

  27. 目的健全聘用护士管理制度,强化管理,提高聘用护士队伍素质。

    Objective To perfect the management system and strengthen the management of employed nurses , and to improve the quality of employed nurse team .

  28. 要加强小城镇基础设施建设,就要进行科学规划,强化管理,加强精神文明建设。

    So we should strengthen the building of infrastructure , project with science , intensify the management , strengthen the construction of intellectual civilization .

  29. 自动缫缫丝生产的技术总结(1)&强化管理,做小生丝纤度偏差、总差及缫折

    Summary about the Technique of Auto-Reeling Production & to Strengthen Management and to Reduce Raw Silk Size Deviation , Total Deviation and Reeling Discount

  30. 长远目标是防范风险、强化管理、规范秩序、维护公平、提高效益、促进发展。

    The long-term goal is to keep watch risk , strengthens administration , standard order , defends fairness , improves beneficial result , promotes development .