
  • 网络Revenue Management;yield management
  1. 航线收益管理的边际分析方法

    A study on the marginal analysis method for the airline yield management

  2. 收益管理又称收入管理,二十世纪七十年代末起源于美国航空业。

    Yield management / Revenue management originates from US airline industry in the end of 1970s .

  3. 最后介绍了一个为航空公司收益管理设计的基于Agent的智能决策支持系统。

    At last , a agent-based IDSS which is designed for airlines revenue management is introduced .

  4. 基于J2EE的民航收益管理系统的设计

    Design of Civil Aviation Revenue Management System Based on J2EE

  5. 所谓收益管理(RevenueManagement),是指把产品按不同的价格适时地卖给不同类型的顾客,从而获得最大的利润。

    Revenue management ( RM ) can be defined as the same production sell the different price to different customer at duly time to maximize the profitability of a company .

  6. 国内GDS在收益管理方面的应用不多。

    There few applications of the revenue management in domestic GDS .

  7. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)前首席执行官杰克•韦尔奇(JackWelch)承认,通用电气的高管们乐于进行收益管理,尽管这么做完全合法。

    Jack Welch , former chief executive of General Electric , has admitted that his executives at GE were willing to engage in earnings management , albeit perfectly legally .

  8. 其中自动售票机(TicketVendingMachine,简称TVM)是使用最为频繁和要求最高的终端设备,而且其与运营和收益管理密切相关。

    Ticket vending machine ( TVM ) is the most frequently used and most demanding terminal equipment , and closely related to its operations and revenue management .

  9. EMSR在航空收益管理系统中的应用

    Application of EMSR in Airline Revenue Management System

  10. 本文认为,H酒店目前存在实施客房收益管理的条件和基础,收益管理的市场细分策略、需求预测、客房超额预定、客房差别定价和团队管理将有助于酒店收益提高和整体发展。

    This article holds that H hotel exist the conditions and a basis that implement room revenue management . And revenue management strategy of market segmentation , demand forecasting , over-scheduled , room differential pricing and management team will help improve receipts and overall development .

  11. 介绍了笔者开发的收益管理决策支持系统的体系结构,该系统由人机对话子系统、数据库管理子系统和模型管理子系统3部分组成,集成了OLTP和OLAP两种处理。

    This study presents a framework of airline revenue management decision support system . The system includes 3 sub-systems , interface , model management and database management which integrate OLTP and OLAP techniques .

  12. 利用EMSR(期望边际收入)模型,根据收益管理系统中多航段座位分配的特点,建立了分离航班的多航段座位优化分配模型。

    Based on the character of multisegment seat inventory in revenue management system , utilizing the model of EMSR , the paper advances the multisegment seat inventory model which separates flight .

  13. 航空收益管理及对中国企业的启示

    Airline Revenue Management : A Signal to Other Business in China

  14. 易逝性高科技产品收益管理定价的随机模型研究

    Stochastic Models for Pricing Perishable High Technology Products with Revenue Management

  15. 基于收益管理的季节性商品动态定价策略

    Dynamic Pricing Policy of the Seasonal Products Based on Revenue Management

  16. 浅析收益管理在航空公司客运销售中的应用

    Application of revenue management in passenger transportation ticket sales of airlines

  17. 航空客运收益管理的发展与重要性(上)

    History and Importance of Air Passenger Revenue Management ( Part ⅰ)

  18. 风景名胜区门票上涨与收益管理定价方法研究

    Research on Scenic Spot Ticket Prices and Revenue Management Pricing Method

  19. 它提供的服务包括薪水支付以及收益管理。

    It provides such services as payroll processing and benefits administration .

  20. 基于收益管理的广告业时段最优分配模型

    A Period Of Time Allocation Model about Ads Based on RM

  21. 基于收益管理的集装箱海运能力分配优化

    Analysis of Capacity Allocation for Sea Cargo Based on Revenue Management

  22. 基于投标价格法的铁路客运收益管理方法改进

    Revenue Management Improvement of Railway Passenger Transportation Based on Bid-Price Method

  23. 而这个先进的管理方法就是收益管理。

    The advanced management method is boiled down to revenue management .

  24. 介绍收益管理的概念、产生、发展和适用条件等。

    Introduce Revenue Management 's concept , creation , development and qualification .

  25. 航空收益管理中不定期票的优化控制方法

    Optimal Control Method of Aperiodic Ticket in Airline Revenue Management

  26. 收益管理及供应链管理中的多阶段问题研究

    A Study on Multi-period Problems in Revenue Management and Supply Chain Management

  27. 网络数据流价格变动的收益管理研究

    Research on Earnings Management of Network Data Flow Price Changes

  28. 航班预测是航空公司收益管理的关键技术。

    Flight demand forecasting is the core technology for airline revenue management .

  29. 区域航空收益管理数据仓库设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Regional Airline Revenue Management Data Warehouse

  30. 浅析目前中国航空公司收益管理面临的问题及对策

    Analysis of China 's Air-cargo Revenue Management Problems and Solutions