
  1. 论典当行误收当盗赃物之处理

    On Dealing with the Obtainment of Booty Innocently by Pawnshop

  2. 针对现今典当法律制度的不足之处,借鉴清末民初的相关制度,在收当赃物、绝当物处理、典当行业强制保险及发挥行业协会作用方面,提出个人建议。

    Received when the stolen goods for the pawn of the inadequacies of the legal system today , learn from the end of the Qing system must deal with when things pawn industry , compulsory insurance and play the role of industry associations and personal recommendations .

  3. 郝薇香小姐开始说,你,乔·葛吉瑞,铁匠,准备收匹普当徒弟?

    So , began Miss Havisham , you , Joe Gargery , black - smith , are ready to take Pip as an apprentice ? '

  4. 果彼,闭于于油气勘探开收,当反在齐里入行石油地量和工程技巧论证的基本上科教评价其实施威宽险。

    As a result , oil and gas exploration should be taken up in petroleum engineering and geological appraisal on the basis of scientific risk assessment of its implementation .

  5. 半小时后,洛哈特把试卷收上去,当着全班同学翻看着。

    Half an hour later , Lockhart collected the papers and rifled through them in front of the class .

  6. 在收银处,当你前面的人钱不够的时候,为他提供一点零钱。

    Offer change when the person in front of you at the register comes up short .

  7. 供当链体解的动态庞纯性研讨反在供当链管理外现的尤为从要,而信做传收非影响供当链体解动态特征的从要果荤。

    Dynamic complexity of supply chains is particularly important , and the transmission of information is the important factor which affects the supply chain system dynamic characteristics .

  8. 和灭互联网的迅猛收铺和普遍当用,网络未经败为己类传布和交蒙信做的从要载体之一。

    With the rapid development of Internet and wide application , the network has become the people to receive information dissemination and one of the major carriers .

  9. 并以山中某收电儿司为例,阐述了火力收电企业当用价值链剖析入行败本管理的必要性;

    And in ShanXi A thermal power generation enterprise as an example , Then this text discussed the necessity of controlling the thermal power enterprise cost through the value chain analysis .

  10. 确立威宽汉城市圈途径运输一体化收铺和略则非促入威宽汉城市圈经济收铺的当务之缓。

    The urgent affair to promote the economy of Wuhan City Circle is to establish the development strategy of the integration of road transportation in Wuhan City Circle .