
  • 网络acquisition strategy
  1. SAP的收购战略说明它致力于成为云应用领域的领军者,正如上一次在向用户&服务器平台转型过程中,它在企业应用领域大获成功一样。

    Their acquisition strategy to date illustrates that SAP is committed to being a leading player in cloud applications in the same way as it created a massive enterprise applications franchise by riding the previous client-server platform shift .

  2. 王宗南还说,该公司的收购战略将专注于澳大利亚,因为该集团希望将业务进一步扩大至葡萄酒、乳制品和糖类。

    Mr. Wang also said the company 's acquisition strategy would focus on Australia as the group hopes to diversify further into wine , dairy and sugar .

  3. 浅探杠杆收购战略在我国运用的可行性

    The feasibility of leveraged buyout strategy in our country

  4. 我个人完全赞同收购战略,因为我们可以加速赢得市场。

    I am completely in favor of acquisitions because we gain speed in fighting for the market .

  5. 在过去的两年中,宝钢已完成了兼并与收购战略,以提高其高附加值产品的竞争力。

    The steel giant has completed several mergers and acquisitions over the past two years to boost competitive edge for high value-added steel products .

  6. 由于在兼并与收购战略中对目标企业定价是一个核心问题,也是一个急需改进的问题,所以本文尝试采用一些新的方法来对目标企业进行定价,期望能克服传统定价方法的不足。

    Therefore , this paper focuses on a core issue in acquisition - acquired corporation pricing and attempts to present some new pricing methods for acquired corporation .

  7. 探讨杠杆收购战略在我国运用的可行性,可以为我国的企业购并注入新的活力。

    The thesis aims to analyze the status-quo , opportunity and challenge confronting with the enterprises in our country and to verify the feasibility and implication for them to adopt leveraged buyout strategy in the M & A.

  8. 为此在短期内主要实施以相关多元化为主的公司战略,而在长期内将执行一体化战略和兼并与收购战略相结合的公司战略,包含了战略维持、战略扩张和战略深化三个发展阶段。

    So in the short run the company will mainly focus on related diversification , but in the long run integration strategy and merger & acquisition strategy is a must . The whole company strategy includes strategy sustaining , strategy extension and strategy strengthening .

  9. BPM沿着“互通,整合,统一”的路线逐步发展,对甲骨文而言,也是其全部收购的战略。

    BPM is progressing along the path of " interoperate , integrate , unify " which , according to Oracle , is its strategy with all of the acquisitions .

  10. 然后,他们运用其庞大的“主权财富基金”,收购具有战略意义的美国公司的大宗股份。

    Then they use their massive " sovereign wealth funds " to buy large stakes in strategic US firms .

  11. 与此同时,其它基金则在艰难求存,通过收购非战略行业和民营企业的少数股权维持运作。

    Meanwhile , other funds are managing to operate by taking minority stakes in non-strategic industries as well as privately-owned companies .

  12. 如果交易完成,这将是中国企业在非洲收购具有战略意义采矿权的一系列交易的最新进展,也是中国对一家伦敦上市公司规模最大的投资之一。

    If completed , the move would represent the latest in a series of deals in which Chinese companies have acquired strategic mineral concessions in Africa and one of the largest Chinese investments in a London-quoted company .

  13. 近年来,中国的石化、矿业和制造业巨头们在世界各地积极进行资源收购和战略投资,从巴西的深海石油资产到澳大利亚的铁矿石开采都有涉猎。

    China 's petrochemical , mining and industrial giants have been aggressive in recent years in buying resources around the world and making strategic investments , from deepwater oil assets in Brazil to iron ore mines in Australia .

  14. 任何严重依赖收购的经营战略都应引起投资者的注意。

    Any acquisition-heavy strategy should raise eyebrows .

  15. 它也可以保持独立,在欧洲和美国防务业做一些小规模收购,这种战略在其内部被称为“珍珠串”。

    It could also carry on as an independent , making smaller deals in European and US defence , a strategy known internally as the " string of pearls " .

  16. 调查结果的出台,正值自由贸易支持者遭遇挫折之际:多哈回合贸易谈判遭遇搁置,各国政府纷纷反对外国收购本国的战略企业。

    The findings come in the wake of setbacks for supporters of free trade , with the Doha trade talks stalling and governments blocking foreign acquisitions of companies regarded as strategic .

  17. 主要问题不在于中国人收购具有重大战略重要性的欧洲公司;而是如何应对中国等国在欧洲经济影响力的长期累积。

    The main issue is not the Chinese taking over European companies of great strategic importance ; it is how to respond to the longer-term accumulation of economic power in Europe by a country such as China .

  18. 例如,若被收购的企业具有战略意义,英国政府禁止个别外国持股比例超过15%&如国防承包商英国宇航系统公司(BAESystems)和航空发动机制造商罗尔斯-罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)。

    The UK government , for instance , bans individual foreign holdings above 15 per cent in the case of companies held to be strategic , such as the defence contractor BAE Systems and the aero engine-maker Rolls-Royce .

  19. 随着康柏收购DEC及其企业战略的不断发展,我们将继续扩展我们的全球标准领先厂商理念,以满足各种计算需求。

    With the acquisition of Digital and the continuing evolution of Compaq 's enterprise strategy , we are expanding our vision of global , industry standards leadership to encompass every level of computing .

  20. 在9月份,IBM宣布以17亿美元收购Netezza,作为战略的一部分,给用户提供尽可能多的选择来挖掘和利用企业数据。

    In September , IBM announced that it was acquiring Netezza for $ 1.7 billion as part of its strategy for giving customers as many options as possible to mine and exploit enterprise data .

  21. 斯文森指出,进军软件之举也是为了让戴尔进入利润率更高的市场,但他也表示,收购quest是出于战略目标,而不是戴尔“随机寻找软件利润池”。

    The push into software is also designed to take Dell into higher-margin markets , Mr Swainson said , though he added that the quest deal was motivated by strategic goals rather than being a case of Dell " randomly looking at software profit pools " .

  22. 路威酩轩集团和开云集团——后者拥有古驰和伊夫·圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)等品牌——努力支持手表和珠宝等分支,或者让资产更均衡地分布在世界各地,所以这样的小型收购必然是发展战略的一部分。

    As LVMH and Kering - which owns Gucci , Yves Saint Laurent and other brands - strive to bolster sectors like watches and jewelry or to better balance their holdings across geographic markets , such smaller acquisitions are necessarily part of the strategy .

  23. 该公司有意收购非上市公司的战略股权。

    The company was looking to buy strategic stakes in unlisted companies .

  24. 11月,该公司披露了这些收购行动与其Salesforce1战略相融合的情况。

    In November , the company revealed how those purchases fit into its Salesforce1 strategy .

  25. 在美国,人们担忧外国政府收购重要行业的战略股权。

    In the us the fear is of foreign governments acquiring strategic stakes in vital industries .

  26. 如果您的组织有通过收购实现发展的战略,请考虑新收购的实体将如何融入您的设计中。

    If your organization has a strategy of achieving growth through acquisitions , consider how newly acquired entities will fit within your design .

  27. 如果外国的国营企业要收购任何一个战略领域的俄罗斯公司25%以上的股份,也必须经过相同的程序。

    Foreign state-controlled companies will have to go through the same procedure if they want to acquire more than a25-percent stake in a Russian company on the list .

  28. 虽然有些集装箱班轮运输企业采用了联营体及兼并收购等联合发展战略,但往往有极大的盲目性,缺乏理论依据和指导。

    Although some of the container liners have adopted joint development strategy such as alliance , merger and acquisition , this is often done without the guiding of relevant theories .

  29. 互联网正在吸引越来越多的受众和广告份额,对一家想一步跃上网络快车的大型媒体公司来说,收购雅虎将具有战略意义。

    It could make strategic sense for a big media company looking to take a big leap on the web – which is attracting a growing share of audiences and advertising .

  30. 重点从风险抵押金、降价收购、延期收购和冷酷战略4方面分析了违约惩罚对养猪场行为选择的作用及行为选择的影响因素。

    From the fields of risk mortgage , cheap purchasing , deferred purchasing , and grim strategy , the effects of punishment on the behavior selection of pig farm were studied .