
shōu shì lǜ
  • viewing rate;rating
  1. 规模巨大,收视率较高,对推动中国国内原创动画的发展,起到了不可忽视的作用。

    Grand production with high viewing rate . It plays an important role in propelling China 's local animation industry .

  2. 如何在纷繁复杂的商品社会中把握自己的道德取向,正确处理收视率和社会责任的关系,这是电视媒体必须下功夫去研究解决的问题。

    How to uphold their moral pursuit while properly handling the relationship between viewing rate and social responsibility is an issue that TV media must deal with seriously .

  3. 这个节目的收视率上升了。

    The show has gone up in the ratings .

  4. 与前一年相比,哥伦比亚广播公司的收视率再次大幅提高。

    CBS 's ratings again showed huge improvement over the previous year .

  5. 在第4频道的收视率调查中《欧洲警察》被《凯特和阿莉》、《希尔街的布鲁斯》和《何方神圣》打败。

    Eurocops was beaten in the ratings on Channel 4 by Kate and Allie , Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere

  6. 由于收视率太低,许多电视节目被砍掉了。

    Many TV shows have been axed because of poor ratings .

  7. 尽管有些读者可能不关心柏林不友好的服务生或休斯顿故障的酒店吹风机这种八卦报道,但在线评论的真正力量不仅在于个人经历,还在于网站聚合大量收视率的能力。

    Although some readers might not care for gossipy reports of unfriendly bellboys in Berlin or malfunctioning hotel hairdryers in Houston , the true power of online reviews lies not just in the individual stories , but in the websites'capacity to aggregate a large volume of ratings .

  8. 尽管BBC旗下的幼儿频道“Cbeebies”仍是孩子们的最爱,但其收视率有所下降。

    While Cbeebies is still their favourite channel , its share of viewing has declined .

  9. 该节目每晚7至7:30播出,涵盖国内外新闻,据信是中国收视率最高的电视节目。

    The program , believed to have more viewers than any other TV program in China , is broadcast live every day from 7 to 7:30 pm and covers domestic and international news .

  10. “媒体不应该仅仅是娱乐大众,还应该承担起培养大众美学意识的责任。媒体不应只追求收视率,或者把艺术转变为娱乐节目。”

    Media should not only entertain the public but also undertake the responsibility of cultivating the public 's aesthetic2 consciousness . Media should not just pursue audience ratings , or just turn arts into entertainment .

  11. 收视率最高的灵异节目,X谈。

    The highest ratings supernatural show , X on .

  12. 此外,当年收视率最高的电视剧——由蒂姆o艾伦主演的时长半小时的家庭情景喜剧《家居装饰》(HomeImprovement)——也属于迪士尼。

    Oh , and the No. 1 TV show - a half-hour family sitcom called " Home Improvement , " with Tim Allen - belonged to Disney , too .

  13. 基于ARMA模型的电视台收视率预测方法设计和实现

    TV Ratings Prediction Method Based on ARMA

  14. 今年在圣安东尼奥NBA总决赛上马刺队对阵迈阿密热火队的场均收视率为9.3。

    The 2014 NBA Finals between the San Antonio Spurs and the Miami Heat earned an average per-night rating of 9.3 .

  15. 来自电视传媒方向的消息称,CNN老板在拼命的寻找可以收视率的人。

    A television source said : 'CNN bosses have been desperately searching for somebody to revamp the show .

  16. 据上周四的报道称,节目收视率下降和布兰妮呆板的表现是她和《X音素》分道扬镳的主要原因。

    It was widely reported Thursday that Spears and X Factor were parting ways after a season in which the show 's ratings fell and Spears received lackluster reviews as a panelist .

  17. 篮球的一些小收益,包括最有名气的NBA巨星们为其保证票房,提高收视率,更改特许经营权,并获得非凡的财富和声誉。

    Basketball 's small collection of most celebrated deities sell tickets , boost ratings , alter franchises and are rewarded with extraordinary wealth and fame .

  18. dvr使用的普及,已促使广告商纷纷要求寻找新的方法来衡量收视率。

    The increase in DVR use has led to calls from advertisers for new ways of measuring television audiences .

  19. 市场研究机构尼尔森(Nielsen)公布的数据显示,7月22日巴西世界杯美国对战葡萄牙的小组赛家庭收视率为7.3。

    The July 22 World Cup game between the U.S.A. and Portugal earned a Nielsen household rating of 7.3 .

  20. 据NPR新闻的内达·乌拉比报道,比赛的平均收视率再创新高。

    As NPR 's Neda Ulaby reports , it was on average the most watched telecast of all time .

  21. 同时,USANetwork的收视率在第二季度下跌了10%,因为其重播节目以及美国职业摔角赛(此外还有一些原创系列节目)都输给了NBA总决赛。

    Meanwhile , USA Network saw its ratings decline by 10 % in the second quarter as its schedule of reruns and WWE wrestling ( along with some original series ) lost out to the NBA finals .

  22. 这三部剧就它们所在时段来说,收视率还不错,但用CBS台的标准来衡量的话,还不算成功。

    Each show has decent ratings for their nights and time slots , but they are not successes by the high standards of CBS .

  23. 据《好莱坞报道》称,Timberlake所参加的这一集节目是继2012年1月CharlesBarkley之后,周六夜现场的收视率新高。

    According to the Hollywood Reporter , Timberlake 's episode was the highest-rated SNL since Charles Barkley hosted in January 2012 .

  24. 今年5月,收视率调查公司尼尔森媒介研究(nielsenmediaresearch)开始发布一组收视率数据,衡量在广告时段还有多少观众在继续收看电视节目。

    Nielsen Media Research , the ratings company whose audience measurements serve as the benchmark for advertising-supported TV , in May started releasing a rating that measures how many viewers continue to watch a TV programme during the commercial breaks .

  25. 这部剧的第四季平均吸引了1300多万名观众,成了PBS台有史以来收视率最高的剧集。

    The show drew an average of more than 13 million viewers in its fourth season , and became the top rated PBS drama of all time .

  26. 该剧收视率依旧超高(即使以CBS的标准来看),新季是否预订目前还在谈判中。

    While the show still boasts impressively high ratings ( even by CBS standards ), negotiations are currently underway over the ordering of a new seasons .

  27. 《权力的游戏》第四季于去年6月结束,平均每集的观众累积达1900万,是HBO原创电视剧中收视率最高的。

    The fourth season of Game of Thrones , which ended in June , averaged 19 million cumulative viewers , making it the most-watched HBO original series ever .

  28. 最近,也许嫉妒高收视率,也许只是奉行上头命令,CCTV举办了一个对贬低的中国文化进行批评的论坛。

    Recently , perhaps jealous of the high ratings , perhaps simply carrying out orders from above , CCTV held a forum that criticized the show for debasing Chinese culture .

  29. 这种状况早有所预料,但上周二的收视率第一次给NBC电视网拉响了警报,日益激烈的收视率大战对NBC造成了严重的影响。

    Much of that was expected , but Tuesday 's rating was the first alarming sign for NBC that increased TV competition has taken a toll .

  30. 嗯……不行。很抱歉,史蒂文,这个角色很重要。再说WEFL电视台需要提高收视率。

    Mmmm ... no.I 'm sorry.Steven , but this is an important role.And WEFL needs better ratings .