
  • 网络the value of an enterprise as a whole;Business Enterprise Value
  1. 针对机会价值的评估,引入期权理论,特别是Black-Scholes的期权定价模型,较为成功地解决了机会价值评估的问题,为网络企业整体价值的评估做了很好的铺垫。

    The theory of option is introduced when value of opportunity is valuated , especially Black-Scholes model , which resolve the problem of valuation of opportunity and lay a good foundation for valuation of Internet enterprise .

  2. 接着,将价值贡献度与指标得分相乘得出企业整体价值。

    Next , use the value contribution multiple index score equal enterprise overall value .

  3. 其中企业整体价值是评价企业经营管理绩效的有效指标。

    The whole valuation is the efficacious index that evaluate the performance of the management .

  4. 随着实物期权理论的不断发展,该种方法也逐渐的被应用于企业整体价值的评估当中。

    With the development of real-options theory , it has been gradually implemented into the valuation of enterprises .

  5. 商誉作为企业整体价值的构成部分,不能脱离企业资产而单独存在。

    The overall value of goodwill as a component of enterprise can not exist independently from the corporate assets .

  6. 有利于管理者通过企业整体价值的增减情况,分析经营管理中存在的问题,及时采取措施,促进企业价值的不断增长;

    For supervisor to analyze the problem in the course of management and take steps to improve the valuation increasingly ;

  7. 间接计量模式下对商誉的计量主要是通过企业整体价值扣减可辨认净资产的公允价值。

    And in the indirect way goodwill can be measured as the excess of the value of the whole company over the fair value of net assets .

  8. 展望未来,美居乐将坚持高瞻远瞩的战略方针,以企业整体价值最大化为目标,努力创造中国最有价值的家纺品牌。

    Looking to the future , Le Mercure will adhere to the vision of strategic objectives to maximize the value of their overall goal , and strive to create the Hometextile China 's most valuable brands .

  9. 该模型以作业的相关信息为基本元素,既把组织业务流程融化为清晰的作业要素组合观念,又为企业整体价值链竞争战略和经营规划提供关键价值决策变量。

    The model transforms organization ′ s business process into a clear concept of combined activity elements , and it also provides key value decision variables for company ′ s whole value-chain competition strategy and operation planning through the basic information elements of activity .

  10. 讨论了系统思考、价值链向上下游延伸、提高协同效率、实现企业整体价值最大化,以及企业无形价值链的充分发掘和增值等问题。

    Various issues were also discussed , such as systematic thinking , extending of value chain to up and backward positions , enhancing cooperative efficiency , maximizing overall enterprise values , as well as fully digging and value-adding of virtual value chain in an enterprise .

  11. 企业的整体价值是企业资产组合未来整体收益的综合反映。

    The whole valuation is the integrate reflect of the whole assets .

  12. 只有经济价值与社会价值相一致,企业的整体价值才能实现。

    Only those values consistent with , Overall enterprise value can be achieved .

  13. 企业整体资产价值的评估主要应用公司自由现金流量折现模型,笔者也做了相应的介绍。

    The whole of the enterprise valuation applies discounted firm free cash flow model .

  14. 企业整体资产价值评估在企业之间合作经营、并购、企业内部股份制改革、资产抵押或者担保、资产损失索赔、企业破产清算等方面有着广泛地应用。

    Overall asset evaluation method has a wide application in cooperation between enterprises , mergers and acquisitions , joint-stock enterprise reform , asset-backed or guarantees , asset loss claims , bankruptcy and liquidation .

  15. 企业整体人力资源价值计量模型研究

    Research on Enterprise 's Whole Human Resources Value Measure Models

  16. 本文围绕企业整体人力资源价值计量模型展开研究和探讨。

    This paper researches and discusses on the enterprise 's whole human resources value measure models .

  17. 商誉是无形资产中最‘无形’的,其价值和企业的整体资产价值密切相关。

    Goodwill is most intangible of intangible assets . It 's valuation is connected with whole company value .

  18. 本文针对企业整体人力资源价值模型进行研究,具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。

    The research of enterprise 's whole human resources value measure models of this paper has very important theory meaning and realistic significance .

  19. 人力资本价值包含企业整体人力资本价值、团队人力资本价值和个体人力资本价值三个层次。

    The value of human capital includes three levels : the value of total human capital , the value of group value , the value of individual human capital .

  20. 企业人力资源整体实现价值计量

    Measurement of the Total Realized Value of Human Resource in Enterprises

  21. 根据该模型可以确定企业的整体知识资本价值以及单项核心竞争力价值。

    The model can determine the overall value of the knowledge capital and the individual value of the core competence .

  22. 高新技术企业定价是对高新技术企业整体价值进行判断、估计的过程。

    The pricing of the high-tech enterprise is to estimate the total corporate value .

  23. 企业价值评估的对象是企业整体价值、股东全部权益价值或股东部分权益价值。

    The object of business valuation is the value of enterprises as a whole , the value of the stock shares in whole or in part .

  24. 在公司购并和重组时,税收筹划有着重要的意义,通过统筹考虑、全面权衡,制订合理筹划方案,既能降低企业税负,又能提高企业整体价值。

    During the company merger and reorganization , the tax revenue preparation has important significance , through the overall consideration , comprehensive measures , making reasonable preparation project , both can reduce the enterprises tax burden and can improve enterprise overall value .

  25. 企业兼并涉及的重要问题是企业整体价值的评估。

    Merger involves an important issue is the assessment of the whole value of an enterprise .

  26. 首先,它从战略价值的角度对实物投资进行评价。它将单个投资项目与企业的总体发展战略、企业的整体价值联系起来,强调了战略性投资的价值。

    At first the essay evaluate the real investment from the strategy value and connect the single investment project , the integral developing strategy and the integral value emphasizing on the value of strategy investment .

  27. 第二种方法是采用差额法来计算企业的信用资产价值,即以企业的整体价值与企业可辨认净资产公允价值的差额,来作为企业信用资产的计量价值。

    The second is using balance method to calculate the value of enterprise credit asset , that is to use the difference between the total value of the enterprise and the fair value of the net asset .

  28. 终极股东对私有收益的追逐使企业投资决策的目标可能不再是追求企业整体价值(包括股权价值和债权价值)最大化,而是寻求大股东财富最大化,股东间的利益冲突进一步加剧。

    Ultimate shareholders ' pursuing private interests makes goals of companies ' investment decisions to be fortune maximum for big shareholders , instead of company value maximum ( including equity value and security value ), therefore interests conflictions amongst shareholders is further strengthened .

  29. 在利益相关者理论下,企业追求所有利益相关者利益最大化或者企业整体价值最大化。

    According to stakeholder theory , corporates pursue the maximization of all stakeholders ' profit or the value of the enterprise .

  30. 企业价值评估是指对评估基准日特定目的下企业整体价值、股东全部权益价值或部分权益价值进行分析、估算并发表专业意见并撰写报告书的行为和过程。

    Enterprise value evaluation is a kind of behavior and process , which is to assess the whole enterprise value , shareholders under all rights value or part of the rights in the date of assets evaluation for the specific goals .