
mù biāo lì rùn
  • target profit
  1. 某房产公司ABC项目目标利润管理研究

    The Research on Target Profit Management of ABC Project in a Real Estate Company

  2. 政策性补贴商品的目标利润预测分析

    Projected Target Profit Analysis of the Policy-related Subsidiary Goods

  3. 建立以目标利润为导向的高速公路营运预算管理模式

    The Establishment of Commanded - Profit Oriented Budget Management Mode of Expressway Operation

  4. 基于作业的保本点及目标利润分析

    The Activity-based Analyses of BEP and Target-profit

  5. 市场经济条件下黄金工业品位与目标利润品位的分析研究

    Analysis and research on production-grade of gold ore deposits and target profit grade of gold mines

  6. 计算过程中增加目标利润指标还可计算确保实现目标利润的边际地质品位和边际出矿品位。

    Target profit index can be added to calculate the cut-off grade for target profit and margin grade .

  7. 通过实例分析,寻求工业区目标利润最大化的有效途径。

    By the instance analysis , to seek the effective way of the goal profit maximizing of industrial area .

  8. 企业只有真正成为市场主体,才能在竞争的压力下,在目标利润的驱动下,创造出最佳的经济效益。

    Only this can the enterprise create the most economic benefits under the pressure of competition and the drive of profits .

  9. 投资收益率定价法是先按照企业的投资总额确定一个资金利润率,然后按照资金利润率计算目标利润额。

    In targe-return pricing , the firm determines the price that would yield its target rate of return of investment ( ROI ) .

  10. 普通商品房价格受成本、税收、目标利润和供求关系等多种因素影响。

    The price of the ordinary commodity house is influenced by such factors as cost , tax , target profit and supply-demand relationship .

  11. 因此,必须对目标利润和目标成本进行再造以及对作业的趋势进行动态监控和持续不断的组合。

    So we have to rebuild target profit and target cost , keep dynamic monitoring and continuous combination on the trend of activity .

  12. 在本文定价模型中,将贷款的权益资本占用成本与贷款的目标利润有机结合起来;

    In the model for fixing a price in this article , the engrossed cost of capital is well combined with the objective profits ;

  13. 全面预算管理,是指以目标利润为导向,对整个企业的所有经营活动实施全面的预算管理。

    The budget management refers to taking the goal profit as the guide , implementing the comprehensive budget of an enterprise 's entire managements .

  14. 风险评价是国际工程承包商风险管理中的关键环节,其评价的结果直接影响到承包商的战略举措以及公司目标利润的实现。

    Risk evaluation is one of the most critical processes of the risk management ; its results directly affect the contractors ' decision-making and their profits .

  15. 对应价格定位,选择合适的定价方法进行价格修订是解决价格竞争与企业目标利润矛盾的有效方法。

    Accordingly , differentially pricing using a proper pricing method is a feasible way to solve the problem between price competition and profit target of the company .

  16. 它有利于企业目标利润的预测和实际利润的完成,变被动为主动,实现企业利润最大化。

    It helps enterprises to realize their target profit forcast and actual profits , helps to change these two realizing processes from passiveness into positiveness and maximizes enterprises profits .

  17. 为此,具体讨论了如何运用变动成本法计算产品边际贡献额,建立量、本、利分析模式,测算目标利润,制定产品的价格。

    Therefore , it is discussed in this paper on how to use mobile cost to calculate the gross profit and the target profit and how to decide the price of the products .

  18. 在工程项目中,目标利润分为正常利润和经济利润,分析工程成本利润弹性、追加价格利润弹性、创优增量成本利润弹性对经济利润的影响。

    In project evaluation , target profit is divided into normal profit and economic profit . Impact of profit elasticity of the cost , additional cost and increment cost on economic profit is analyzed .

  19. 事实上美联储官员的预期中值为,到2016年底目标利润率仅会调高至1.75%,而通过典型的泰勒规则得出的结果是利率将超过3%。

    Indeed , Fed officials ' median projection is for the target rate to have risen to just 1.75 % by the end of 2016 ; typical Taylor rules would prescribe over 3 % .

  20. 电解铝规模迅速扩张导致生产所需原材料氧化铝价格居高不下、电力供应日趋紧张,企业在原材料供应和产品销售方面存在较大的价格风险,电解铝企业面临大面积亏损或者无法实现预定的目标利润。

    And there are very big price risks on the materials supply and product sales for enterprise , so the aluminum enterprises are facing a lot lose and can not achieve the target profits .

  21. 宏:目标利润从全球经济的变化,通常对政府政策带来的变化中,影响利率,进而影响货币,股票和债券市场。

    Macro : Aims to profit from changes in global economies , typically brought about by shifts in government policy which impact interest rates , in turn affecting currency , stock , and bond markets .

  22. 实践证明,运用量本分析进行经营决策是科学可靠的,是实现目标利润、预测产量控制成本的行之有效的方法。

    The evidence shows that the application of CVP analysis to formulate the policy-making of management is scientific and reliable , which is an effective method for attaining objective profit and forecasting output control cost .

  23. A企业实行的是目标利润导向的全面预算管理,以目标利润作为预算编制的起点,按责任中心分别编制和执行预算。

    What enterprise A practices is the complete budget management of the direction to the target profits , which starts at the target profits and is drawn up and carried out respectively by the responsibility center .

  24. 目标利润则是企业持续发展目标的体现,因此,目标成本管理法是将企业的经营战略与市场竞争有机结合起来的全面成本管理系统。

    It shows the market oriented for being calculated by competitive market price and target profit , at the same time , the target profit shows the of the enterprise sustainable development which combine business strategy with market competition .

  25. 商业银行能否在业务经营中处于有利地位,实现利润最大化,除了要积极扩大收入来源外,很重要的一个方面是加强成本的控制与管理,以保证目标利润的实现。

    For commercial banks to have a good position and to maximize its profit , besides to enlarge actively the source of income , to enhance the controlling and management of cost is another important measure to ensure goal profit .

  26. 该章论述了四川省烟草公司全面预算管理的模式,即以企业战略规划为指导,目标利润为导向,成本费用控制为基础,现金流量为核心的全面预算管理模式。

    This chapter brings forward a feasible mode of implement CBM upon Sichuan Tobacco , which is directed by enterprise strategic layout , guided by target profit , based on control of cost & charge and focus on cash flow optimization .

  27. 然后在此基础上提出以同业拆借中心公布的货币市场基准利率为基础,以初级法下信用风险溢价为核心,兼顾银企关系的目标利润率的贷款定价模型。

    Fourthly , based on that , this essay put forward a loan pricing model in the fundamental of which centralizing the loan risk price , taking into account the bank 's profit margin goal and the relationship of bank and customer .

  28. 在这种方式指导下的贷款价格由内部资金转移价格、该笔贷款的营运费用率、违约风险补偿率、银行目标利润率、利率的调整幅度五部分构成。

    In concrete , the loan price is made up of five parts , including inner capital transmitting price , working fee rate for certain loan , default risk compensation rate , goal profit rate of the commercial bank , rate adjusted extent .

  29. 江铜集团坚持走传统经济与新经济相结合的道路大力发展虚拟经济,实行虚实并举,充分利用期货市场发现价格、套期保值的功能来规避风险,确保企业实现目标利润。

    Jiangxi Copper Corporation insists in tracks of combining traditional economy and new economy to make full use of the function of futures market - - - " Price finding and hedging " to avoid risks and ensure company to realize profit target .

  30. 但是,大部分建设工程企业还是实行一种以目标利润为导向,以事后核算为重点、孤立强调成本目标的传统模式,对新方法新理论不够重视。

    However , most of the construction engineering firms still use traditional methods that is led by target profit , pay attention to after-accounting for the traditional model , emphasize on cost targets only , and not give enough attention to new methods and new theory .