
  • 网络Directory Advertising
  1. 里奇:什么事儿?李:您能看看里切尔做的这些产品目录广告吗?

    Li : Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Rachel did ?

  2. 而代之对有关的产品信息,如产品目录产品广告内容等,进行评审。

    Instead the review can cover relevant product information such as catalogues or advertizing material .

  3. 针对不同系统规模进行了实验分析,和其它文献的方法进行了比较,验证了资源目录全局广告算法的优势。

    From experiments of different system scales and comparison with methods of other papers , the advantages of the global advertising algorithm of resource directory is verified . 4 .

  4. 在产品目录、广告和社交媒体渠道中,它们会使用极具震撼力的展示原生态景观的照片,而且内容往往包含环保思想和对采取环保行动的呼吁。

    In their catalogues , advertisements and social media channels , they use stunning pictures of pristine landscapes and often include messages of conservation and calls for environmental action .

  5. 他在纽约的时装秀比巴黎世家提早两个半星期——这样在自己品牌的发布结束后,他紧接着就去欧洲,为巴黎世家的发布拍摄造型目录和广告。

    since his New York show occurs two and a half weeks before the Balenciaga show , following the Wang presentation , he goes immediately to Europe , where he stays through the show to shoot the look book and ad campaign .

  6. 这些目录目前为常规广告扮演着一个补充性的角色,帮助浏览者回忆和比较主要在电视上看到的品牌。

    These directories presently perform a complementary role to conventional advertising , helping viewers recall and compare brands primarily seen on television .

  7. 本文首先针对搜索引擎营销的典型模型进行对比分析,重点介绍了搜索引擎营销中免费登录分类目录、付费登录分类目录、关键字广告和搜索引擎优化这四种搜索引擎模式。

    Four types of search engine models were discussed in the paper , including the Free login classified catalogue , Pay login classified catalogue , keyword advertising and SEO .