
  1. 基于AIDA模型的广告英语的语言特点

    Linguistic Features of Advertising English Based on AIDA Model

  2. 该模型由广告形式、触觉模式和广告时刻组成。

    The model consists of advertisement type , haptic model and appearing time .

  3. 第五章主要研究了一个经济模型的广告时滞脉冲模型的控制问题。

    In the fifth chapter , the stable problem of a economic model with advertising time-delayed and impulsive is discussed .

  4. 根据阶梯步骤模型把广告效果划分为3类,提出了广告情感效果的概念并界定其范畴,验证了情感效果的两个心理步骤(喜欢与偏好)之间存在显著的因果关系。

    This study compartmentalizes the advertising effectiveness into three types based on the stair-step model and defines the conception of the advertising affective effectiveness . The study finds significant relationship between the two steps of the advertising affective effectiveness : liking and preference .

  5. 其中有些商业模型是以广告为基础的。

    Some of those business models are advertising-based .

  6. 该模型能让广告主自由的表达广告机会之间的无差异及互补效用。

    The model can let advertisers express their non-discriminate and super-additive utility of advertising slots .

  7. 更新扩散模型与最优广告费用控制

    Diffusion of innovations and control of advertising

  8. 本文讨论了广告行为及其属性,利用成本&效益分析方法对广告行为进行了评价,并通过线性规划模型给出了广告媒体组合的选择方法。

    This text discussed the advertisement behaviors and their attributes , and used the cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the advertisement behaviors , and gave out the choosing methods of advertisement medium combination through linear programming model .

  9. 本文利用裂谷模型对手机广告的受众进行研究,并将电信标准人概念引入本文,以此提取用户的典型特征作为营销手段制定的依据。

    Furthermore , this article takes advantage of the valley model to study audience , while introducing the telecom concept of " standard person " to identify typical features of the audience as the basis of making marketing measures .

  10. 提出一个基于V-W销售广告反应模型的二维离散广告竞争动态模型。

    This paper presented a two-dimensional discrete dynamic competitive model in advertising based on the classic V-W model , namely the sales-advertising response model .

  11. 最后,通过对水果购买这类低涉入行为的分析,运用相同的工具和方法构建了广告效果模型,分析影响广告效果的主要因素。

    At last an advertising model was constructed by the same method based on the analysis of low-involvement purchasing behavior .

  12. 这一假想是这场颇有感染力的小型展览的核心,它包括照片、人体模型、视频和广告图片。

    That assumption is at the heart of this small but affecting exhibition , one that encompasses photographs , mannequins , video and advertising imagery .

  13. 并采用杆系模型建立了此广告牌结构的三维空间模型,对此结构体系进行动力特性、风荷载作用下构件截面弯矩-曲率全曲线研究以及构件的荷载-挠度曲线研究。

    The 3-D member structure model of the advertisement board structure , and dynamic characteristics , section moment-curvature relationship curves and load-deflection relationship curves of members are studied .

  14. 最后采用该模型对网易网络广告效果评价进行了的改进研究,证明了该模型的可行性和实用性。

    At last , it introduced the improvement research for the NetEase advertising effectiveness evaluating by using this model , and it proved the feasibility and practicality of this model .

  15. 因此,本文把心理模型理论应用于广告,歇后语,演讲和翻译等生活语篇的分析,来证明其实用性。

    Therefore , mental model theory has been applied into daily discourses such as advertisement , Chinese Xie Hou Yu , speech and translation etc in order to prove its practicability .

  16. 针对这些问题,本文通过建立理论模型来研究企业广告投入行为特征,并通过事后的广告投入数据予以验证。

    In view of these questions , this article studies the enterprise advertisement through establishing theoretical model to research the behavior characteristic , and validate by the data of the advertisement puts .

  17. 第二节主要针对于非价格竞争的一个主要方面,提出了广告博弈模型,分析了广告竞争与市场占有率之间的关系,然后对企业如何选择广告宣传方法进行了分析并提出建议。

    In section 2 , the advertisement game model as a main side of non-price competition is introduced , which analyzes the relation between advertisement competition and market dominance ; how businesses choose proper advertisement method for propaganda , with some helpful suggestions given .

  18. 本产品适用于各种泡沫的保护和装饰。水性环保泡沫漆被广泛应用于模型飞机、模型轮船、广告宣传品、塑料模具、儿童玩具、工艺品等产品上。

    Application : mainly used in protection and ornament of the foam products like plane models , ship models , advertisement products , plastic models , and children 's playing toys and other art wares .