
  1. 商事制度创新:兼论商事制度变迁中的文化约束

    The Innovation of Commercial Systems : On Cultural Restraint in the Change of Commercial Systems

  2. 保险是一种典型的商行为,是现代社会的一项重要商事制度。

    Insurance is a typical commercial behavior , meantime animportant commercial system of modern society .

  3. 商事制度的演化受到文化的直接的非正式约束和间接的强制性约束。

    The change of commercial systems is subject to both direct informal and indirect compulsory restraints of culture .

  4. 近代商事制度的形成与人的理性商事观、商事精神、契约文化和信用观念密切相关。

    The development of the modern commercial system is closely related to man 's concept of rational commercial affairs , commercial spirit , bond culture and credit concept .

  5. 着力改革商事制度,新登记注册市场主体达到1293万户,其中新登记注册企业增长45.9%,形成新的创业热潮。

    We channeled great effort into the reform of the business system . The number of newly registered market entities reached 12.93 million , with that of enterprises increasing by 45.9 % , creating a fresh surge of entrepreneurial activity .

  6. 我们推进商事制度改革后,每天就有上万家企业登记,比上年增加了50%。

    With the reform of the business system , a daily average of up to 10,000 new businesses are now registered , an increase of 50 percent over the previous year . This shows that our people represent the largest source of vitality for economic activity .

  7. 我想起去年在我们推进简政放权、商事制度改革的时候,我去一个地方的企业登记场所,遇到一位已经退休的妇女。

    Last year , when the government pursued the reform of the business systems to streamline its administration , I recall that I paid a visit to one of the local venues for business registration , and I came across a woman who was already retired .

  8. ADR中的国际商事调解制度及其对中国的启示

    Enlightenment of International Commercial Mediation System for China

  9. 本文旨在对世界各国的国际商事ADR制度进行介绍、分析和比较,对国际商事活动主体的选择权、国际商事争端解决方式的多元化进行理论研究,对国际商事ADR的运行机制进行探讨。

    In order to make an inquiry into the international commercial ADR scheme , the thesis introduces , analyses and contrasts the different methods in the range of ADR , theoretically studies on the option and the multi-valued pursuit of the international transaction subjects .

  10. 商事信托制度的现代发展

    On the Development of Trust of Commercial Cases in Modern Times

  11. 清末民初商会的商事仲裁制度建设

    The Construction of Business Arbitrage System in Late-Qing and Early-Republican China

  12. 中国商事登记制度现状及完善路径研究

    Chinese Commercial Registration System Status Quo and Improve the Path of Research

  13. 商事法律制度的初步建立,又从制度上保障了我国社会主义市场经济体制的完整性和稳定性。

    The system of commercial law makes socialistic market economy system steady .

  14. 商事登记制度立法目的研究

    A Study on the Legislative Purpose of Business Registration

  15. 本文分五个部分研究了国际商事仲裁制度。

    There are five parts of the study of international commercial arbitration system .

  16. 商法的现代化与商事登记制度商事登记法律制度研究

    Modernization of Commercial Laws and System of Commercial Registration

  17. 我国现行民商事登记制度与民法原则多有不合。

    China 's present registration system is not compatible with civil law principles .

  18. 商事能力制度重构

    The Theoretical Reconstruction of Ability System of Business

  19. 国际商事代理制度研究

    Researches in International Commercial Affairs Agent System

  20. 海牙《代理法律适用公约》与我国涉外商事代理制度的完善

    Hague " agent law applying treaty " and China relating foreign issue agent system 's perfection

  21. 本文主要讨论欧盟成员国间的民商事送达制度。

    This article mainly discusses the system of service process among the member states of European Union .

  22. 因此在商事登记制度中,证券登记制度应是重要的内容之一。

    So , in the system of commerce registration , the system of security registration should very important .

  23. 使学生大致熟悉富有国际性特征的外国商事法律制度;

    Helping the students to have preliminary knowledge of foreign civil and commercial Law system with international features .

  24. 这也从另一个方面反映出我国现行商事登记制度存有诸多值得研究与改进的地方。

    It also reflects another aspect that there are many worthy research and improvement in our current commercial registration system .

  25. 在商事主体制度的研究中,商事登记法律制度处于十分重要的地位。

    In the research of the commercial subject system , the commercial registration legal system is in very important position .

  26. 广告代理作为一种商事代理制度,是保障广告业健康运行的重要手段。

    Advertising agency is commercial agency legislation and an important means to ensure the healthy operation of the advertising industry .

  27. 而近现代的商事登记制度在1861年《普通德意志商法典》中诞生。

    The 《 Germany Business Act 》 in 1861 was regarded as the birth of business registration in the modern times .

  28. 本教材侧重以下几个方面:其一,注重介绍现行商事法律制度;

    This book pays special attention to the following aspects : first , the introduction to the current commercial law systems ;

  29. 与此相关的法律因素是法律的稳定性与中立性、财产权制度、商事登记制度、法律实施机制等。

    The legal factors concerning these are the property rights system , business registering system , law implement system and ect .

  30. 同时,应该完善相关的配套制度,如:商事登记制度、个人信用体系、公司法人人格制度等。

    Meanwhile , supporting system shall be consummated , such as registration system , personnel credit system and legal entity system .