
shānɡ yè dài lǐ
  • commercial agent;merchant agent
  1. 从法学角度看,商业代理制是一种委托代理制度。

    But form the science of law , the merchant agent is a commission system .

  2. 试论完善我国商业代理制的法规问题

    Perfection of China ′ s Business Agency Laws and Regulations

  3. 商业代理制的内涵及现实运用

    Intension of Merchant Agency system and Its Application

  4. 商业代理协定工作组

    Working Group on Commercial Agency Agreements

  5. 商业代理制以其风险共担、服务优质和市场开拓能力强而成为市场经济条件下的一种新型营销方式。

    Merchant agency system has been regarded as a new marketing style which can offer excellent services and develop markets .

  6. 国际商业代理可分为直接代理、间接代理、隐名代理,在大陆法系和英美法系下,它们各有不同特点。间接代理制度在英美法系和大陆法系的差异非常明显。

    International commercial affairs agent system can be divided into direct agent , indirect agent , and sleeping agent . They have different features under the systems of mainland , Britain and America respectively .

  7. 从19世纪至今,商业代理制作为重要的流通制度之一,在全世界范围不断传播、扩张和发展。

    As a one of important circulation systems , The business agent systerm , from the 19th century until now , has been through several hundred years test in the world scope and not to fade .

  8. 推行商业代理制是物资流通企业改革的重要举措之一。是社会主义市场经济结构中的一种新型的工商关系。

    Abstract Carrying out the business agency system is one of the important measures for the reform of enterprises in the circulation of goods and materials and also a new type relationship of industry and commerce in the economic structure of the socialist market .

  9. 发展商业银行代理中间业务的一些思考

    Some Thoughts on Developing Agent Business of Commercial Banks

  10. 商业银行代理乡镇国库业务监管问题的探讨

    On How to Strengthen Supervision of Commercial Banks Agent of Town National Treasury

  11. 关于商业间接代理制度问题的研究

    Research on the Indirect Mercantile Agency System

  12. 商业银行代理国库业务中的问题及其对策我国创业资本发展中存在的问题及其对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of State Treasury Business by the Agency of the Commercial Banks

  13. 代理层次过多导致国有商业银行代理效率损耗、内部人控制和成本外溢。

    And excessive levels of entrusted agency will lead to the decrease of agency efficiency , the control by inner people and the spillover of cost .

  14. 通过建立商业银行代理开放式基金营销的质量差距模型,对差距模型中的差距点进行细分,模型中提出了五个需要改进的差距。

    By establishing a conceptual model of open fund service quality and analyzing disparity subdivided in this model , five disparities necessarily modified are proposed in the model .

  15. 商业银行代理开放式基金营销的竞争焦点,将集中在金融服务营销理念与管理水平的差距上。

    The contest focus of the commercial bank that acts on behalf of the open fund marketing shall be centralized at the disparity of financial services marketing ideas and management level .

  16. 国际商业系统代理已经创建许多套合法的关系,其中的两个是最重要的:负责人和代理的内在关系和代理和第三方的外在关系。

    2 the system of international commercial agency has created many sets of legal relationships , two of them are the most important : the internal relationships between the principal and the agent and external relationships between the agent and the third parties .

  17. (ⅵ)所有类型的贷款,包括消费信贷、抵押信贷、商业交易的代理和融资;

    ( vi ) Lending of all types , including consumer credit , mortgage credit , factoring and financing of commercial transaction ;

  18. 商业银行开展代理保险业务,应当遵循公开、公平、公正的原则,充分保护客户利益。

    Commercial banks that operate the bancassurance business shall follow the principles of openness , equity and fairness , and fully protect the interests of clients .

  19. 知识产权(IPR)对新理念和经济增长不可或缺,而后两者促进社会的形成。美国国务院经济和商业事务局的代理助理国务卿帕特丽夏·哈斯拉奇说:

    Intellectual Property Rights or IPR are integral to new ideas and the economic gains they bring a society , says Patricia Haslach , who is Acting Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs at the U. S. Department of State :

  20. 商业银行债券结算代理业务及其发展策略研究

    Studies on Bond Settlement Agency of Commercial Banks and its Developing strategies

  21. 作为政策性业务委托商业性保险公司代理;

    Commercialized insurance company agency with policy business entrustment ;

  22. 文章第三章承接上文,基于特许经营的本质特征,侧重与讨论特许经营的法律特征,同时将特许经营与传统商业模式,如代理销售、连锁经营进行比较。

    Franchise is compared with other traditional business modes in the views of law in the third chapter .

  23. 新疆建设兵团农业保险调查&对农业保险商业性保险公司代理模式的分析

    Investigation Findings of Agricultural Insurance of Xinjiang Agricultural Regime & On the Mode of Agency Service Provided by Commercial Insurance Company

  24. 该服务的目的是履行上面勾勒出的商业流程中旅游代理这一角色。

    The intent of this service is to fulfill the role of the travel agent in the business process outlined above .

  25. 商业银行个人金融代理业务探析&工商银行苏州分行拓展个人金融代理业务的实践与思考

    Individual Financial Agent Business by Commercial Banks & Practice and Thought on Individual Financial Agent Business Expanded by Suzhou Branch , ICBC

  26. 在商业领域中,代理销售模式是大型公司广泛采用的一种比较成功的销售模式。

    In the business area , the model of sale agent is widely adopted by large companies as a more successful sale model .

  27. 随着上海黄金交易所黄金投资业务向社会开放,群众可以通过商业银行或投资代理机构进行黄金投资。

    Along with the Shanghai gold exchange gold investment business open to the society , the crowd can through the commercial Banks or investment agency for gold investment .

  28. 美国出口管制法规定:最终在美国管制清单内的市场里销售掉的商业产品运用军事代理技术是违法的。

    The US export control laws make it illegal for companies to use military agent technology on commercial product that ends up in markets that are on the US control list .

  29. 因此,商业银行抓住国库代理行资格,加快客户结构调整,优化结算网络功能,对增强自身经营能力至关重要。

    So it is very important for commercial bank to boost up their own managed capacity through quickening client framework adjustments and optimizing function of balance network with the qualification for exchequer agent .

  30. 在学者们大量研究的基础上,笔者吸收和借鉴了国内外前沿性的研究成果,将国有商业银行多重委托代理关系网络分为五层:即(1)政府与行长之间的委托代理关系;

    Based on extensive research performed by scholars , this thesis also absorbs and refers to the latest domestic and international study achievements , divides multiple commission agent relation network of state-run commercial bank into a fifth : ( 1 ) commission agent relation between government and president ;