
  • 网络Commodity Currency;Commodity money
  1. 各国间是怎样分配商品货币的世界供应量的呢?

    How was the world supply of commodity money shared among nations ?

  2. 我国在利用商品货币关系上的历史发展

    The History of Using Commodity Money Relations in China

  3. 例如,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)认为,美元兑欧元、日元和瑞士法郎的汇率被低估了10%至15%;兑澳元等大宗商品货币的汇率被低估了近三分之一。

    Morgan Stanley , for example , reckons the dollar is now 10-15 per cent undervalued versus the euro , yen and Swiss franc , and almost a third too cheap against commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar .

  4. 从盯住一篮子非美元货币(特别是欧元),到哈佛大学(harvard)杰弗里弗兰克尔(jeffreyfrankel)所提倡的盯住大宗商品货币等创新方案,寻求增强国内和国际稳定的改革者有大量方案可以选择。

    From basket pegs involving currencies other than the dollar , especially the euro , to innovative solutions such as the commodity peg advocated by Jeffrey Frankel of Harvard , there is a large menu of options to choose from for reformers looking to strengthen domestic and world stability .

  5. 其资源转化的基本模式是:资源产品商品货币资源。

    The basic model of resource conversion is : resource-product-commodity-money-resource .

  6. 论商品货币的历史作用及局限

    On The Historical Effect and Limitation of Commodity Currency

  7. 最后,分析商品货币经济的发展状况。

    Finally , it analyzes the development status of merchandise and currency economy .

  8. 其次是商品货币关系一定程度上的发展;

    Second , the development of the relationship between the commodity and currency ;

  9. 消灭了商品货币关系,实行产品经济。

    The abolishing of commodity economy and currency and the implementing of product economy .

  10. 商品货币形式成为分配媒介;按劳分配的对象是实现价值;

    Distribution object is to " realize value ";

  11. 商品货币通常是以贵重金属,特别是以黄金或白银作为其基础的。

    Commodity money typically is based on valuable metals , particularly gold or silver .

  12. 他们现在正把曾经的“大宗商品货币”变为避险货币。

    They are turning what was once a " commodity currency " into a safe-haven one .

  13. 商品货币经济的发展使农奴制处于总危机状态。

    The development of commodity economy caused the serfdom to be at the general crisis situation .

  14. 持有加拿大元等商品货币也给不少基金带来了丰厚回报。

    Owning commodity currencies , such as the Canadian dollar , also proved lucrative for some funds .

  15. 美元兑欧元和澳元等大宗商品货币的汇率被低估得更为厉害。

    It is even more undervalued against the euro and commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar .

  16. 商品货币形式中人与人的关系表现为物与物关系的虚幻形式,就是商品货币的拜物教性质。

    The fetishism property of money is the relation of persons representing the shadowy forms of relation of substances .

  17. 货币主要有两种形式:商品货币和纸币。最初的货币形式是商品货币。

    There are two forms of money : commodity money and fiat money . The first money is commodity money .

  18. 人类似乎已经懂得如何使人造货币的世界(与商品货币相对)保持稳定。

    We seem to know how to make a world of man-made ( as opposed to commodity-based ) money stable .

  19. 货币在发展过程中经历了三个阶段:商品货币、纸张货币和电子货币。

    The money has gone through three stages in the course of developing : commodity money , paper money and electronic money .

  20. 打工经商农民与商品货币经济的发展及城市化进程联系密切。

    The peasants of being hired and doing business were related to the development of the commodity money and the urbanization process .

  21. 托马斯·孟等人的重商主义经济思想大大促进了商品货币关系的发展,加速了资本原始积累,为资本主义生产方式的确立创造了必要的条件。

    And the economic thought of Thomas Mun had promoted capital accumulation , created the necessary conditions of capitalism mode of production .

  22. 西汉前期,由于休养生息政策的实施,社会经济日益繁荣,商品货币经济得到长足发展。

    During the early Xihan Period , due to the implementation of low-taxation policy , the social economy and currency economy developed quickly .

  23. 传统的对货币本质的认识,要么局限在商品货币的形式,要么侧重于功能的论述。

    The traditional understanding to the currency essence confines to the form of the goods currency or lays particular emphasis on the discussion of the function .

  24. 当一个国家使用商品货币时,货币供应的规模取决于生产该商品的成本和生产速度。

    When a nation uses commodity money , the size of the money supply is determined by the cost of producing the commodity and the rate of production .

  25. 一是认为社会主义在实质上是与商品货币关系截然对立的,不可相容的,必须逐步消灭商品货币关系;

    One is the opinion that essentially socialism is on the opposite and sharply antagonistic to the relation between commodity and currency , which should be gradually eliminated .

  26. 本文试图论证实物分析建立在商品货币理论上,存在明显的逻辑缺陷,而货币分析的货币理论更符合经济史实。

    The dissertation tries to demonstrate that real analysis , basing on commodity money theory , has obvious deficiencies , and the monetary theory of monetary analysis is more realistic .

  27. 东亚货币合作的阶段确定与形态选择货币主要有两种形式:商品货币和纸币。最初的货币形式是商品货币。

    Monetary Cooperation in the East Asia : Stages and Styles ; There are two forms of money : commodity money and fiat money . The first money is commodity money .

  28. 事实上,当时马克思提出消除市场,消除商品货币关系,是以生产力高度发达作为条件的。

    In fact , at that time , that Marx put forward to eliminate the market and commodity money relations , was on the condition of a highly developed productive forces .

  29. 所以唐政府对特殊商品货币的管理,也主要是围绕这两个问题展开。

    Therefore , The government of tang dynasty of special commodity money management , also mainly around the these two problems begin . Fourth , the Chang ' an City businessman management .

  30. 究其原因,农村经济发展水平的地区不平衡,农村商品货币经济的普遍不发达,是当时的统治集团无法克服上述计赀定课的制度性缺陷的客观经济原因。

    Incompatibility in economic development in the rural areas and the under - development of a commodity and monetary economy constituted a barrier that was difficult for the ruling group to pass .