
  1. 个人抵押商品住房贷款保险研究

    Study on the Insurance of the Home Mortgage

  2. 个人抵押商品住房贷款保险对实现居者有其屋的社会发展目标和经济发展的产业政策目标有着重要作用。

    Insurance of the home mortgage plays an important role for realizing social development goal and industrial policy of economic development on person who occupy their room goal of great importance insurance .

  3. 第四章,就我国现在贷款银行、保险公司及借贷人(被保险人)的在个人抵押商品住房贷款保险业务中的冲突,进行了详尽的分析。

    Chapter four , has carried on exhaustive analysis conflict of the insurance business about our country lending bank , insurance company and debtor ( the assured ) in insurance of the home mortgage now .

  4. 同时,对个人抵押商品住房贷款保险市场发展中的问题进行了分析并提出了解决的对策,可供政府和住房抵押贷款发放机构及保险公司参考。

    Meanwhile , has analyzed and put forward the countermeasure solved to problem of insurance of the home mortgage , market of development , suitable for the government and home mortgage 's granting the organization and insurance company to consult .