
  • 网络new brand;brand new
  1. TextPride已经改名为SwyftMedia,并推出了一个能将新品牌表情符号和贴纸推送到短信应用中的新平台。

    TextPride changed its name to Swyft Media and launched a platform that pushes emojis and stickers from new brands into messaging apps .

  2. 瑞银(UBS)分析师梁裕昌(SpencerLeung)警告称,进军中国市场的新品牌千万不要吝惜广告支出。

    Spencer Leung , UBS analyst , warned that new brands entering China must not stint on advertising .

  3. 苹果公司在全球目前正在打造的新品牌就是隐私。

    Appl 's emerging global brand is privacy .

  4. 正如中国之旅负责人史翔所说,"丝绸之路作为吸引外国游客的新品牌,有利于游客更多地了解中国,特别是中国的西北地区。"

    As Shi Xiang , head of the China Tours , says , " Being a new brand to attract foreign visitors , the Silk Road is good for people to know more about China , especially the northwestern part of the country . "

  5. 本田(Honda)计划明年开始销售其新品牌轿车&理念。

    Honda plans to start selling sedans under its new Li Nian ( philosophy ) brand next year .

  6. 福田中心区两大购物广场&星河COCOPARK和怡景中心城最近在租户调整中均成功为区内引入了新品牌。

    COCO PARK and Yijing Central Walk , two major shopping centres in Futian CBD , recently introduced new retail brands to the area .

  7. 加上大陆轿车,福特在中国销售的林肯汽车将达到五款。福特首席执行官马克·菲尔茨(MarkFields)称这对于一个新品牌来说是“颇有意义的进展”。

    With the addition of the Continental , Lincoln will have five models available in China , which Ford 's chief executive , Mark Fields , called " meaningful progress " for a fledgling brand .

  8. 成立以来,NastyGal发展良好,成为了1万亿美元电商市场中引人注目的新品牌。

    Since its founding , nasty gal has taken off and become a notable new name in the $ 1 trillion e-commerce market .

  9. 目前,Vosges在包括全食超市(WholeFoods)在内的3000家商店销售;此外,主打低价优势的新品牌WildOphelia则在沃尔格林连锁店(Walgreens)等商店销售。

    Vosges is now sold in 3,000 stores , including whole foods ; a new lower-priced brand named wild Ophelia sells in places like Walgreens .

  10. 这就是东芝新品Kirabook,是东芝主打新品牌Kira中的一员。

    It 's called the Kirabook , part of a new Toshiba brand called Kira .

  11. 以新品牌必应(Bing)重新推出的搜索引擎本月出现小小失误在网站完全准备好迎接1亿美元营销攻势引起的市场关注前,就发布了新产品。

    The relaunch of its search engine under the new brand of Bing this month was slightly muffed by announcing the product before the site was entirely ready for the attention drawn by a $ 100m marketing blitz .

  12. 海外消费者会更积极地发现并购买新品牌,因为比起买最新的Birkin包包,穿着别人没有的衣服更让人印象深刻。

    Overseas consumers are more inclined to discover and buy new brands because it 's impressive to wear something nobody else has as opposed to buying the latest Birkin bag .

  13. 其中,logit需求框架下的分析使得考虑新品牌产品相对于替代者的相对吸引力、边际成本、产品差异水平以及消费者偏好的差异对于创新技术许可决策的影响成为可能。

    The analysis under logit demand framework makes it possible to consider the impacts of the comparative attractive of new brand product with substitutes , marginal cost , the level of product differentiation , as well as differences in consumer preferences on licensing schemes .

  14. 与此同时,他发誓将在意大利生产奢华车型Alfas和玛莎拉蒂,而且可能创建一个面向发展中国家的低成本汽车新品牌。

    Meantime , he is vowing to build luxury Alfas and Maseratis in Italy and may initiate a new low-cost car brand for developing nations .

  15. 这个新品牌经验中心将叫仓库。

    This new brand experience center was to be called the Storehouse .

  16. 只有少数新品牌有可能生存下去。

    Only a handful of the new brands are likely to survive .

  17. 公司名称对新品牌引入的影响

    The Influence of Company Name on the New Brand Introduction

  18. 全国传播平台上的新品牌效应

    New Brand Effect on the Platform for Countrywide Spread

  19. 经过一年的宣传,这一新品牌已经与世界上许多知名品牌并驾齐驱了。

    After one-year publicity this new brand rises alongside many world famous brands .

  20. 中国的消费者可能会觉得跟踪新品牌有些烦人。

    Chinese consumers might find keeping track of new brands a bit of chore .

  21. 最近,她换了新品牌,而那味道相对的闻起来强多了。

    Recently , she got another new brand that the smell is comparatively stronger .

  22. 苹果正在全球显露的新品牌是隐私;

    Apple 's emerging global brand is privacy ;

  23. 葡萄牙航空公司在不断变化进取之中-已推出新品牌的产品

    TAP is changing – New Branded Products launched

  24. 更新观念打造医院新品牌

    To change ideas and build new brand hospitals

  25. 但随着计算机市场的逐步成熟,众多新品牌及众多代理商加入市场,竞争加剧。

    As computer market matures , many new brands and agents enter the market competition .

  26. 所有受欢迎的新品牌名称。

    All-new favorite brand name low-carb cooking .

  27. 为了适应海外营销,推出的新品牌容易识别。

    To accommodate the overseas marketing , new brands will be launched for easy recognition .

  28. 你永远不知道,说不定你会爱上一个新品牌。

    Your never know -- you may just fall in love with a new brand .

  29. 梅格:不了,我想我不得不尝试一些新品牌了。

    Meg : No , I guess I 'll just have to try some new brands .

  30. 问题是她是否同时能让新品牌高贵而且具有吸引力。

    The question is whether she can make it appealing and dignified at the same time .