
  1. 美国新能源战略初探

    The New Energy Strategy of The United State

  2. 天津市热电联产新能源战略研究

    The Research on New Energy Strategy of Combination of Heating and Power in Tianjin

  3. 从里海石油之争看俄罗斯的新能源战略

    The New Russian Energy Strategy in Light of the Scramble for Oil in the Caspian Sea

  4. 在基于生物质的新能源战略中,多元醇正在成为新一代的能源平台。

    In the new energy strategy based on biomass , polyols are becoming a new generation of green energy platform .

  5. 日本大地震引发的核电站事故引起各国政府及业内人士对新能源战略的重新思考。

    Japan 's big earthquake that triggered the nuclear accident cause governments and industry insiders to new energy strategy rethought .

  6. 近年来,随着国家新能源战略的提出,海上风电技术发展迅猛。

    In recent years , with the raising of new national energy strategy , offshore windpower technology is developing rapidly .

  7. 汽车工业采取新能源战略和轻量化技术来更好的面对加剧的能源危机。

    In order to cope with energy crisis , the automotive industry needs to use the new energy strategy and lightweight technology .

  8. 在美国探寻新能源战略的当口,电动汽车具有重大的意义,但前提是不能让消费者觉得电动汽车随时会无电可用。

    Electric cars can provide a jolt as America explores a new energy strategy & but not if consumers feel like they 're riding on empty .

  9. 上海市太阳能利用课题是市实施新能源战略目标之一,目的是在解决限制太阳能大规模利用器件与材料的关键技术,在此基础上形成太阳能利用与研究新产业。

    The study of utilizing solar energy in Shanghai is an open of one of the strategic objects that develops new energy resources . Its purpose is to solve some key problems of largely application .

  10. 在美国新能源战略的促进和影响下,各国各地区也纷纷展开新一轮的新能源开发,这或将可能在未来对全球地缘政治格局产生革命性的影响。

    Under the influence of the United States ' promoting new energy strategy , many countries and regions have also launched a new round of new energy development , which may have a revolutionary impact on the global geopolitical pattern in the future .

  11. 怎样利用企业现有的资源、技术和人才优势,选择合适的发展模式,在新能源发展战略中有所为、有所不为,是决定山东能源集团新能源发展战略成败的关键。

    How to make use of existing resources , technology and talent advantages , choose the right development model , and the right strategy , is the key factor to determine the success or failure of new energy development strategy of Shandong Energy Group .

  12. 我国新能源汽车企业战略成本管理应用研究

    Research on Strategic Cost Management of China 's New Energy Auto Enterprises

  13. 其次,给出了BYD公司新能源汽车的发展战略选择。

    Secondly , makes the choices of the development strategy of BYD new energy vehicles .

  14. 能源发展趋势及主要节能措施新能源发电设备的战略研究

    Trends in the Development of Energy Resources and Major Approaches to Their Economization

  15. 新能源公司的发展战略

    The Strategic of Development of New Energy Company

  16. 大力发展村镇新能源是可持续发展战略重要的组成部分,因为在村镇层面同样受到能源危机的困扰,急需规划的指导。

    To develop new energy in rural region is an important component of sustainable development , because there is also energy crisis in the rural level , the planning is urgently needed .

  17. 开展该盆地能源矿产地球化学及相关流体研究,不仅对丰富成藏(矿)理论本身具有重要作用,而且对寻找能源矿产新基地、扩大能源战略储备都有十分重要的意义。

    Geochemical analysis of the Energy Minerals and the relative fluid research in Ordos Basin becomes very important , not only for enhancing reservoir formation and mineralization theory , but for finding new Energy Minerals base and enlarging energy margin .

  18. 在能源生产上,要积极开发各种能源,尤其是对新能源的开发和利用,实施新能源战略;

    For the energy production , China should be focused on development and utilization of new energy resources .