
  • 网络new home sales
  1. 近来美国新屋销售等先行指标的企稳令你感到欣慰?

    You draw comfort from the recent stabilisation of forward-looking indicators such as new home sales in the US ?

  2. 美国商业部数据显示,7月新屋销售同比下降32.4%,经调整的年度销售数量为27.6万户,达到创纪录低点。

    New home sales fell by 32.4 per cent in July year-on-year to a record low adjusted annual rate of 276000 , commerce department figures showed .

  3. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)分析师指出,新屋销售中由内地买家购得的比例已从去年第三季度的42%峰值下降至今年第三季度的23%。

    It is down from a peak of 42 per cent of new sales in the third quarter of last year to 23 per cent in the third quarter of this year , according to Credit Suisse analysts .

  4. 新屋销售为1963年开始报告该数据以来的最低水平。

    Sales of new homes were at their lowest since the series began to be reported in 1963 .

  5. 房屋始终供大于求和房屋建筑商信心处于历史低位,表明新屋销售也不会很快复苏。

    A nagging oversupply of houses and record-low home-builder confidence suggest new-home sales won 't perk up soon , either .

  6. 商务部发布的报告显示,新屋销售经季节性调整年率为39.4万户,下降13.4%。

    The Commerce Department is reporting the sales of newly built homes drop 13.4 % to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 394000 .

  7. 受电器补贴终止以及新屋销售放缓这是电器销售的两大推动因素影响,电器销售额大幅跳水。

    Appliance sales have slumped because of the end of subsidies and a slowdown in new home sales , which were the primary drivers of Electricals revenue .

  8. 今天的晚些时候将公布一系列美国经济数据,包括新屋销售、3月耐用品订单。

    The data due to be released in the US later today include the new homes sales figures and the durable goods orders figures for last month .

  9. 我们很可能看到新屋和汽车销售继续处于停滞状态,企业支出和投资保持平缓尽管这一环节对于经济复苏至关重要。

    We are likely to see continued stagnation in new home and car sales and only moderate corporate spending and investment , even though this is vital for recovery .