
  • 网络SALES;Sales Information;POS;Selling Leads
  1. 我们的销售信息是用计算机处理的。

    Our sales information is processed by computer .

  2. 文章介绍了一种基于Web的销售信息管理系统的构建方法及其特点。

    This paper discusses a structure method of sales information management system based on Web and its char-acteristics .

  3. 集成ERP系统以实现共享ERP中的客户和销售信息资源;

    With ERP to share customers and sales resources ;

  4. 基于Delphi的销售信息管理系统的开发

    Development of Marketing Information Management System Based on Delphi

  5. UML和CPN在企业销售信息管理系统开发中的应用

    Application of UML and CPN in Developing Enterprise Marketing Information Management System

  6. 本文详细研究了建立电子商务企业中CRM的关键成功因素,并分析了企业综合销售信息的特征。

    The CSFs of building up CRM in electronic business enterprises , together with the analysis on features of integrated management information , are carefully studied .

  7. 例如,网上购物的应用程序可能允许用户使用他们的Facebook凭证进行登录,并允许他们向Facebook发布销售信息。

    For example , an on-line shopping application might allow a user to sign in with their Facebook credentials and provide a means to post offers to that site .

  8. 据路透社(Reuters)援引中国反垄断监察机构负责人张茂(音译)的话称,他们怀疑微软的Windows和Office软件销售信息不够透明。

    Reuters quoted Zhang Mao , head of an antitrust watchdog , as saying that his agency suspects the company of not being fully transparent with information about its Windows and Office sales .

  9. 以C/S体系结构为基础,设计并实现了煤炭销售信息管理系统(MIS),并分析了系统的各部分功能。

    Management Information System ( MIS ) for coal sale based on C / S structure are designed and realized , and the functions of each section of the system are analyzed .

  10. 该系统在能完成对常规的商品信息、库存信息和销售信息等录入与查询统计的同时,重点突出了引入RFID技术以后,系统在商品跟踪识别定位等方面所具有的新特征。

    This system emphasizes the new characteristics after introducing the RFID into Chain-Supermarket . Certainly , it can also complete the conventional functions of inquiring goods information , inventory information and sales information .

  11. 该文以企业销售信息管理系统为实例描述了通过UML进行建模的过程,并用CPN对所建立的模型进行了分析和检验。

    This paper describes the process of UML in developing the enterprise marketing information management system , and makes analysis and validation of the model through colored Petri net .

  12. 针对传统C/S结构和普通Web方式的缺陷,本文提出了以销售信息管理系统为代表的面向联机事务处理和综合查询应用的三层分布式处理模式,给出了三层分布式系统的分析与设计方法。

    Directing against the defect of the traditional C / S structure and ordinary Web pattern , this paper presented a three-layer distributed handle pattern which can be applied in OLTP and comprehensive inquire , and presented the analysis and design method of the three-layer distributed system .

  13. 在CRM系统中,销售信息是企业关注的焦点,将数据仓库技术与CRM系统结合,针对销售信息数据仓库的具体实施进行了研究。

    In CRM system , the enterprise focuses on the sale information . The thesis did some research on the execution of Data Warehouse for sale information , combining Data Warehouse technology with CRM system .

  14. 因此沃尔玛提供了RetailLink系统,供应商可以通过RetailLink系统下载自己商品在沃尔玛的各种信息(销售信息、库存信息、订单信息、促销信息等)。

    Walmart provides a system named Retail Link , suppliers can download all kinds of information ( sales information , inventory information , order information , promotion information , etc. ) about their goods in the Walmart through the Retail Link system .

  15. 这个经销店已经保存了所有其过去的销售信息及有关购买过BMW、留意过BMW或是来过BMW展厅的每个客户的信息。

    The dealership has stored all its past sales information and information about each person who purchased a BMW , looked at a BMW , and browsed the BMW showroom floor .

  16. 在本文中,我将使用来自滑板制造商FluffyBoards的一个场景,开发一种格式,使用它捕获称为Cumulus的新款滑板的销售信息。

    In this article , I 'll use the scenario of a snowboard manufacturer , Fluffy Boards , developing a format to capture marketing information about a new model of board called the Cumulus .

  17. 如果您设置了一个搜索某个价格范围内的照相机的提要,那么当有人发布在您定的价格范围内的照相机销售信息时,您就会在您的RSS提要中看到它!

    If you set up a feed for a search for cameras within a certain price range , you can see when anyone posted a camera for sale within your price range , on your RSS feed !

  18. 香港居民通常会在圣诞节后,得到大批高端百货公司和设计师的降价销售信息,其中包括克里斯汀•迪奥(ChristianDior)、巴宝莉(Burberry)以及Loewe。

    Residents of Hong Kong have been showered with invitations to sales , which typically take place after Christmas , by high-end department stores as well as designers , including Christian Dior , Burberry and Loewe .

  19. 具体研究内容包括:1、将时间序列预测、多元回归、岭回归相结合,并将销售信息作为销售量的解释变量,构建了CPFR流程下的混合协同预测模型。

    The main research contents include : 1 、 This paper constructs the mixed collaborative sale forecasting model based on CPFR via integrating time series forecasting , multivariate regression and ridge regression . In addition , the model takes sale information as explanation variable .

  20. 在指导下,负责收集和和安排销售信息。

    Be responsible for collecting and arranging sales information under guidance .

  21. 结合信息系统能提供销售信息和供应商细目。

    The integration information system can provide marketing information and supplier details .

  22. 例如,请考虑一个跟踪销售信息的数据仓库。

    For example , consider a data warehouse that tracks sales information .

  23. 阿拉伯国家鱼类销售信息、促销和技术咨询服务

    Fish Marketing Information , Promotion and Technical Advisory Services for Arab Countries

  24. 面向客户关系管理的企业销售信息系统

    Enterprise Sale Information Systems Based on the Customer Relation Management

  25. 汽车公司销售信息系统的研究

    Research on the sale information system of the automobile company

  26. 将此产品按销售信息发布?

    Also post the product as a selling lead ?

  27. 机床制造企业销售信息系统的分析和设计

    The Analysis and Design of the Marketing Information System for a Machine Tool Plant

  28. 本文对CIM-MIS中的销售信息管理与决策子系统CIM-SIMDS进行了研究。

    Sale information management and decision system ( SIMDS ) in CIM-MIS is studied .

  29. 离散制造企业的进货、库存和销售信息的数据量非常庞大,数据统计分析困难。

    Purchasing , Inventory and Distribution are three of the key problems in the enterprise management .

  30. 收集所有我们需要的信息和销售信息为新业务创造机会;

    Collect all the required information and sales information to create opportunity for new business development .