
  • 网络distribution chain;sales chain
  1. 现代商店经营技术是不断完善商店经营链的过程,是进行销售链,商品链和供应链建设的过程。

    Modern store operation technique is a process in which the operation chain is continuously perfected . It is also a process in which the sales chain , commodity chain and supply chain are constructed .

  2. 世卫组织还愿意在创新的高技术和低技术解决办法方面看到更多进展以便在制造阶段预防和在销售链中发现。

    WHO would also like to see more developments in the areas of innovative high and low tech solutions for prevention at the manufacturing stage and for detection in the distribution chain .

  3. 公司的一些工厂被毁,销售链被中断。

    Some of the company 's factories were damaged and its distribution lines disrupted .

  4. 随着现代移动通信技术的飞速发展和广泛应用,为销售链上存在的以上问题提供了一种新的解决思路。

    With the rapid development and extensive use of mobile communication technique , a new scheme of the problems above has come into being .

  5. 客户是企业发展最重要的资源之一,因而应对企业与客户发生的各种关系进行全面管理和进一步延伸企业销售链管理。

    The thought involves taking the customer as one of the most important resources for enterprises development , overall administrating the multifarious relationships between the enterprise and the customer , further advancing the marketing-chain management etc.

  6. 在市场销售链方面,一家一户小规模分散养殖方式、河蟹质量较差以及加工河蟹能力相对乏力等,影响了泗洪县河蟹市场销售和加工转化;

    In market sale chain , the dispersive cultivation on a small scale , inferior quality of river crab and weak ability to process river crab influences the market sale and process of river crab .

  7. 因此,反过来,美国人会起诉腰包更鼓的美国公司&一般是瑕疵产品在美国的分销商,或是销售链上任何一个与美国关联密切、足以将之送上美国法庭的人。

    So instead , Americans will sue US companies , who have deeper pockets – usually , the US distributor of the flawed products , or anyone in the distribution chain who has enough links with the US to be terrified of a US court .

  8. 提出了基于销售服务链的集成销售服务模型,分析了该模型潜在的问题。

    An integrated sales service model based on sales service chain was suggested and potential problems of the model were analyzed .

  9. 多数大品牌的店都开在类似于亚马逊(Amazon)的天猫上,让这些品牌更好地控制其销售和供应链。

    Most big brands set up on Tmall , which resembles an Amazon market place , a platform where big brands can set up stores and have more control over their sales and supply chains .

  10. 联系电话应包括当地的和SLT的质量,运营,销售和供应链等成员的电话,以及公司管理机构和公司的法律电话。

    The contact numbers should include local as well as the SLT members for Quality , Operations , Sales and Supply Chain plus corporate Regulatory and Corporate Legal .

  11. ONIX是世界出版行业针对图书出版发行和销售的供应链制定的元数据标准,2005年2月推出了最新2.1版。

    ONIX is a metadata standard in the publish industry which apply to describe the book 's publication and distribution .

  12. 例如,让我们来看看每月销售数据书店链。

    For Example , let us look at the monthly sales data for a bookstore chain .

  13. 摘要:当前,钢铁行业已经进入了高成本、低利润的经营状态,钢铁企业销售物流产业链普遍较短。

    ABSTRACT : The steel industry has been in a state of high-cost and low-margin business , while distribution logistics chains of iron and steel enterprises are generally short .

  14. 他们抽取领域范围(销售、供应链等等)并完成业务流程再设计、过程建模、服务鉴别、服务分析和复合应用需求搜集。

    They pick a domain area ( Sales , Supply Chain , etc. ) and perform Process Reengineering , Process Modeling , Service Identification , Service Analysis and Composite Application Requirements Gathering .

  15. 通过分析湛江对虾出口产业发展状况,指出对虾养殖、加工、出口各环节存在的问题,提出提升产业链价值的对策,即建立以对虾出口企业为龙头的养殖、加工、销售一体化产业链;

    The article analysed the status of prawn export in Zhanjiang , pointed out the problems in the processes of breeding , machining and export , and gave some suggestions that establish a industrial integration including breeding , machining and export under the leader of trade corporations ;

  16. 基于退货合同的两期销售易逝品供应链的协调研究

    Coordination Study of Two Sales Stages in Perishable Goods Based on the Return Contract

  17. 经营者迫切地去寻找变革,以尽可能地降低商品在从生产到销售的整个供应链上所占用的成本和费用比例。

    The operators are eager to change order to reduce the proportion of the costs and expenses .

  18. 服装终端销售是服装产业链的终端以及实现价值的最后一环。

    Apparel Terminal Sales ( ATS ) is terminal unit of apparel industry chain and the last step of value creation and distribution .

  19. 本文应用价值链理论分析了销售企业的价值链构成及其特点,并为某地矿物资公司建立了价值链模型,从竞争力优势分析出发,明确了能给公司带来最大价值的重点业务活动。

    This paper apply value chain theory to analysed value chain component part and it characteristics of sales channels enterprises , and set up value chain model for a geology minerals material company .

  20. 中国家电企业,应该趁此机会,进入全球家电行业的生产、销售、服务价值链,成为真正意义上的国际化企业。

    China household appliances enterprises should take advantage of this opportunity and enter into the global household appliances industry 's value chain of production , sales and services in order to become the multinational companies .

  21. 锤子公司的副总裁李剑叶表示,第一批手机的销售受到了供应链问题的影响,但仍然售出了近25万部。

    Sales of the first batch of the company 's phones were constrained by supply chain hitches , but the company still sold nearly a quarter-million smartphones , said Li Jianye , a vice president with the company .

  22. 其中自营渠道包括自建营业厅、合作营业厅和自助受理渠道的改善策略;代理渠道是由卡号销售渠道、终端销售链渠道以及、值业务营销渠道组成的渠道解决方案体系。

    Self-channels includes improving strategies of self-building offices , cooperation offices and self-helping channels ; agent channels are composed by solution systems of card sales channels , end-sales chain channels , value-added marketing channels as well as 3G Deputy channels .