
  • 网络Nescafe;Nescaf;Nestle;Nestle coffee
  1. 雀巢咖啡是全世界最受欢迎的咖啡。

    Nescafe is the world 's favorite coffee .

  2. 她是许多品牌的代言人,包括天梭、索尼数码相机、雀巢咖啡、沃格眼镜、美宝莲和百事可乐等等。

    She is an active celebrity endorser for several brands and products , including Tissot , Sony Cyber-shot , Nescafe , Vogue eyewear , Maybelline and Pepsi , among others .

  3. 在广告促销服务领域,常年服务于瑞士雀巢咖啡、美国惠氏、美国肯德基、德国WIBU公司。

    In the advertisement promotion service domain , year to year serves the Swiss Nestle coffee , American Hui , the American Kentuckey , German WIBU Corporation .

  4. 雀巢咖啡是世界性公司,比其他公司都要大。

    Nestle Coffee is worldwide , but one is larger than others .

  5. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)新鲜咖啡比速溶咖啡好。

    The taste is great . Fresh coffee is superior to instant coffee .

  6. 飘香百年的雀巢咖啡

    Nestle Coffee smells aroma for one hundred years

  7. 雀巢咖啡真的味道好极了吗?

    Does the Nestle coffee really taste excellent ?

  8. 和平发展面临全球化,这意味着雀巢咖啡要加入奶味伴侣。

    When peaceful development meets up with globalization , it 's like adding Coffee-mate to Nescafe , taking the different tastes into consideration .

  9. 至于非农业生产,塔尔说,像可口可乐、雀巢咖啡、非洲啤酒厂等都在更加有效地利用水源。

    As for non-agriculture business , Taal said Coca Cola , Nestle and Africa 's beer breweries have been working to use water more efficiently . He says in South African bars , for example , the price of a drink depends on the cost of water used to make ice .

  10. 这次经济衰退可能是上个世纪30年代经济大萧条之后最严重的一次了,但是同时也是Nespresso咖啡的蒸蒸日上的时期一这个隶属瑞士食品大亨雀巢的咖啡品牌几乎无所不在。

    The current recession may be most serious since the 1930s , but these are boom times at Nespresso - the seemingly omnipresent brand of coffee and coffee makers owned by the Swiss food giant Nestle .

  11. 周末的早餐,自己作的三明治和一杯雀巢热咖啡。

    Homemade sandwich for weekend breakfast is my favorite .

  12. 请问您要不要喝一点咖啡?我们有雀巢金牌咖啡和卡布奇诺咖啡。

    Would you like some coffee ? We have Nestle golden coffee and cappuccino .

  13. 位于瑞士韦威的公司周一时称,其拥有了一中国知名品牌公司60%的股份,一起在中国合作生产雀巢速溶咖啡。

    The Vevey , Switzerland-based company said Monday it is taking a60 percent stake in the well-known Chinese brand that already is a co-manufacturer for Nescafe instant coffee in China .

  14. 雀巢公司将咖啡装在胶囊里出售的想法曾经30年没有出路,现在它却价值数十亿。

    Nestl é' s idea of selling coffee in small pods went nowhere for three decades ; now it is worth billions .

  15. 例如雀巢这些速溶咖啡产品在十多年前在美国很受欢迎,在欧洲和亚洲依然流行。

    Instant coffee products such as Nescafe were popular decades ago in the United States and remain popular in parts of Europe and Asia .

  16. 最近,雀巢公司联合优酷网和开心网(一个社交网站),发起了一次宣传雀巢咖啡的在线活动。

    Recently , Nestl é launched an online campaign for Nescaf é coffee in association with Youku and Kaixin , a social-networking site .