
què xíng mù
  • Passeriformes
雀形目[què xíng mù]
  1. 湖南鸟类初步调查Ⅱ.雀形目

    A preliminary survey of birds of Hunan Province part ⅱ . Passeriformes

  2. 雀形目25种鸟羽的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning Electron Microscope Observation on Feather of Twenty five Species of Passeriformes

  3. 基于线粒体细胞色素b基因序列的雀形目18种鸟系统发育关系

    Phylogenetic Relationship among 18 Passerines Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences

  4. 同时,利用Beast软件对雀形目主要类群的分歧时间进行了估算。

    Meanwhile , divergence times of major lineages were estimated with Bayesian dating .

  5. 基于12SRRNA基因的雀形目23种鸟类的系统发育和分子进化研究

    Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of 23 Species Birds ( Aves : Passeriformes ) Based on 12S rRNA Gene

  6. 本试验结合线粒体DNA细胞色素b(Cytochromeb)和核腺苷酸激酶内含子5(AdenylateKinaseIntron5)两个基因,采用DNA测序的方法研究了雀形目9科38种鸟类的系统发育关系。

    In this paper , we conducted the comparative study of the relationship among 38 passerines based on mitochondrial cytochrome b genes ( Cytb ) and nuclear adenylate kinase intron 5 ( AK5 ) sequences .

  7. 窝雏数处理对两种雀形目幼鸟生长的影响

    Effects on Nestling Growth by Brood Manipulation in Two Passerine Birds

  8. 青海北部高寒草甸雀形目鸟类繁殖生态学的研究进展

    Breeding Ecology of Passerine Birds in Alpine Meadows of Northern Qinghai

  9. 高寒草甸雀形目鸟类繁殖方式的定量分析

    The quantitative analysis of reproductive pattern of passerine birds in alpine meadow

  10. 关于或具有非雀形目鸟特征。

    Relating to or characteristic of birds that are not perching birds .

  11. 其中非雀形目鸟类103种,雀形目鸟类107种。

    Among not Passeriformes 103 species and Passeriformes 107 species .

  12. 主要是非雀形目中短腿树栖的鸟,它们在洞里筑巢。

    Chiefly short-legged arboreal nonpasserine birds that nest in holes .

  13. 四川非雀形目鸟类区系的结构分析

    An analysis of faunal composition of Sichuan non-passeriformes birds

  14. 高寒草甸三种雀形目雏鸟热调节机制的比较研究

    A comparative study on thermoregulation of three species passerine nestling in alpine meadow

  15. 包含草地鹨在内的雀形目鸟的一个属。

    A genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks .

  16. 四川省非雀形目鸟类的新记录

    New records of non-passerine birds of Szechwan

  17. 有特殊发音器官的雀形目鸟。

    Passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus .

  18. 雀形目鸟占野生鸟类种总数60%。

    There are 36 species of Passeriformes and they occupy 60 % of all wild birds .

  19. 北京云蒙山森林公园雀形目鸟类的组成和分布

    The Species Component and Distribution of Passerine birds Communities of Yunmeng Mountain Forest Park in Beijing

  20. 鸟类动物在浙江省分布有19目,其中45.5%的物种属于雀形目。

    There were 19 orders of birds in Zhejiang , and 45.5 % were passerine birds .

  21. 从类群(科种)多样性分析,以中大型鸟类为主的非雀形目鸟类对该地区鸟类多样性贡献最大。

    The birds of Non-Passeriformes have most important contribution to the group diversity in this area .

  22. 在所调查到的鸟类中雀形目鸟类最多,仅此1目就占总数的49.74%。

    The species number of Passeriformes was the highest , accounting for 49.74 % of total species .

  23. 温州地区4种雀形目鸟类基础代谢率与器官重量的相关性分析

    Correlation between Basal Metabolic Rate and Organ Masses among Four Passerine Birds in Wenzhou , Zhejiang Province

  24. 这些条件结合在一起提供了理想的避难所,对于早春迁徙到此的雀形目鸟类尤其如此。

    The combination of these conditions provides an ideal refuge , especially for passerine migrants in early spring .

  25. 主要是在黄昏或夜间活动的非雀形目鸟,斑驳的灰褐色羽毛,大眼;以昆虫为食。

    Mainly crepuscular or nocturnal nonpasserine birds with mottled grayish-brown plumage and large eyes ; feed on insects .

  26. 营巢类型、巢捕食和窝卵数对高寒草甸雀形目雏鸟生长期的影响

    Effects of Nest Type , Nest Predation and Clutch Size on Growth Period for Passerine Birds in Alpine Meadow

  27. 一种鸟,尤其指雀形目鸟中鸣禽亚目中的一种,其歌声或叫声宛啭动听。

    A bird , especially one of the suborder Oscines of passerine birds , having a melodious song or call .

  28. 岩石悬崖和草原生境之间猛禽组成很相似,但雀形目鸟类有明显的区别。

    The formation of raptor in Stone cliff and grassland were very similar , but there were obvious difference in PASSERIFORMES .

  29. 非雀形目中大头、短尾并尖嘴的鸟;通常颜色鲜艳并有羽冠;主要以鱼为食。

    Nonpasserine large-headed bird with a short tail and long sharp bill ; usually crested and bright-colored ; feed mostly on fish .

  30. 其中雀形目和鹳形目占有绝对优势,分别占鸟类群落组成的40.9%和32.8%。

    The birds of Passeriformes and Ciconiiformes were the dominant species and they comprised 40.9 % and 32.8 % of the species of the community respectively .