
  • queti
  1. 雀替木结构受弯构件相似模型设计与试验研究

    Similarity model design and experimental study of flexural members in QT-wood structure

  2. 雀替构造设计技术的试验研究

    Experimental Study for the Structural Design of QT-Beams

  3. 乔家大院木雕骑马雀替装饰具有典型的清代民居木雕雕刻装饰风格特点。

    The sparrow brace decorations in the Qiao courtyard are typical woodcarvings of the Qing dynasty .

  4. 包括雕刻、楹联、雀替、柱础、八字墙等构件,从装饰的内容、位置、材质等几方面研究。

    Including engraving , couplets , sparrow , base , eight wall components , from decoration content , position , and other aspects of material .

  5. 骑马雀替多在门头两柱之间、额枋之下,是古建筑特色构件之一,在清代演变为纯装饰构件,形式内容丰富。

    The sparrow brace in the shape of a horse , usually built between two gate posts and under the eave , is a special feature of ancient architectures .

  6. 我们设计师所要做的是要在继承的基础上进行发扬和创新。乔家大院木雕骑马雀替装饰具有典型的清代民居木雕雕刻装饰风格特点。

    What our designers have to do is enhancing and bringing forth new ideas into traditional courtyard on the base of inheriting it . The sparrow brace decorations in the Qiao courtyard are typical woodcarvings of the Qing dynasty .