
  • 网络Nestle;Nestle SA;Nestl;Nestle S.A
  1. 美国雀巢公司,生产和出售这些家用小饼,已经与FDA和CDC的调查密切配合起来。

    Nestle USA , which manufactures and markets the Toll House cookie dough , is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation by the FDA and CDC .

  2. 长久以来,在预制曲奇饼市场,雀巢公司占据了41%的份额,仅在北卡罗来纳州边界一带就拥有550名员工。其中约半数负责生产TollHouse产品。

    Nestle holds a 41 percent share of the prepared cookie dough market . There are about 550 employees at the facility , just across the border with North Carolina , about half making Toll House products .

  3. 雀巢公司表示,目前(美国)食品及药物管理局(FDA)和疾病控制中心(CDC)正在对此进行调查。有报告称食用TollHouse曲奇可能会导致感染大肠杆菌。

    The company said the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control are investigating reported E.coli illnesses that might be related eating the dough .

  4. 据悉,作为审批此类任命的银行监管机构,印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)在一个月前致函汇丰银行,对这项任命与她在雀巢公司担任的职务可能造成利益冲突感到不悦。

    However , the Reserve Bank of India , which as the banking regulator approves such appointments , is understood to have written to HSBC a month ago indicating that it was unhappy with the potential conflict of interests with her role at Nestl é .

  5. 今年2月,在日本经销这种糖果的雀巢公司(Nestlé)在情人节前及时推出了清酒口味。

    In February , Nestl é , which distributes the candy in Japan , released a sake flavor in time for Valentine 's Day .

  6. 世界最大食品公司雀巢公司(Nestlé)承认在印度犯下战略性错误,忽略了更富有的消费者而把主要目标对准了那些购买较廉价糖果和面条的顾客。

    Nestl é , the world 's biggest food company , has admitted to making a strategic error in India by ignoring more affluent consumers and pursuing buyers of cheaper sweets and noodles .

  7. “哦,亨利”是一种含有乳脂软糖、花生以及焦糖的糖块,它是由雀巢公司在美国和加拿大的赫尔希(Hershey)公司生产的(这两个公司生产的亨利糖块实际上有点不一样)。

    The Oh Henry ! is a candy bar containing fudge , peanuts , and caramel . It 's made by Nestle in the USA and by Hershey in Canada ( the two versions are actually a little bit different ) .

  8. 我认为在雀巢公司的工作是很理想的。

    A job in Nestle would be ideal , I suppose .

  9. 雀巢公司于1994年在天津开设了第一家工厂。

    Nestle opened its first factory in Tianjin in 1994 .

  10. 1984年雀巢公司收购了卡内什公司。

    Nestle Corporation acquired the Carnation Company in 1984 .

  11. 雀巢公司宣布在中国追加投资7.3亿元人民币。

    Nestle has announced an additional investment of 730 million yuan in China .

  12. 双城雀巢公司第三方物流供应商选择

    Third-party Logistics Supplier Selection of Nestle in Shuangcheng

  13. 雀巢公司正在考虑加入这个项目。

    Nestle is considering participating in the program .

  14. 我们还举办一些像金佰利-克拉克和雀巢公司的排他性协议。

    We also hold a number of exclusivity agreements with companies like Kimberly-Clarke and Nestle .

  15. 我一直相信雀巢公司并只给我的儿子喂他们的产品。

    I have always trusted Nestl é and fed my son only with their products .

  16. 食品巨人雀巢公司如何转向健康加值产业?

    How does nestle , the food giant , turn to the health add value industry ?

  17. 朱女士今年3月份为她三个月大的孩子买了一袋雀巢公司的巧克力奶粉。

    Ms. Zhu bought a bag of Nestl é chocolate milk powder in March for her three-year-old son .

  18. 这批牛奶是由雀巢公司在中国青岛的子公司生产的。

    It said the milk was made by a Nestle subsidiary in the Chinese coastal city of Qingdao .

  19. 今年上半年,苹果公司和雀巢公司同样受到中国媒体压力,不得不检讨其售价问题或售后服务问题。

    Earlier this year , Apple and Nestle were also put under pressure to review their prices or customer service .

  20. 雀巢公司将咖啡装在胶囊里出售的想法曾经30年没有出路,现在它却价值数十亿。

    Nestl é' s idea of selling coffee in small pods went nowhere for three decades ; now it is worth billions .

  21. 雀巢公司宣布将其超高温灭菌和现成的喝的奶粉品牌在巴西,从今天开始使用生物塑料瓶盖。

    Nestl é has announced it will begin using bioplastic caps for its UHT and ready-to-drink milk brands in Brazil from today .

  22. 最近,雀巢公司联合优酷网和开心网(一个社交网站),发起了一次宣传雀巢咖啡的在线活动。

    Recently , Nestl é launched an online campaign for Nescaf é coffee in association with Youku and Kaixin , a social-networking site .

  23. Caramac是麦金托什公司生产的一种焦糖巧克力条的品牌,现在则由雀巢公司制造。

    Caramac is the brand name for a caramel-flavoured bar that was created by Mackintosh 's , and is now manufactured by Nestl é .

  24. 此交易使雀巢公司,世界上最大的食品和饮料公司,在一个快速增长的市场上扩张其即时食品的业务。

    The deal lets Nestle , the world 's largest food and beverage company , expand its instant food products in a fast-growing market .

  25. 雀巢公司的总部位于瑞士,该公司正在想方设法增加它在新兴市场上的销量,并且希望在10年之内,将其新兴市场销售额从目前总销量的30%提高到接近50%

    The Switzerland-based company is looking for ways to increase sales in emerging market from about 30 % currently to nearly 50 % within a decade .

  26. 雀巢公司就标榜其抗氧化美容饮品Glowelle是“最强抗氧化美容饮品”,从而将产品本身与抗氧化剂对皮肤有好处联系起来。

    Nestle 's Glowelle Beauty Drink connects to beliefs about antioxidants " skin benefits with its message about being " the highest antioxidant beauty drink . "

  27. 这次爱心交换,热心的爱心义工们得到了雀巢公司南京分公司的大力支持,为孩子们带去了可口的零食;

    This first love-exchanging activity was supported by Nanjing Branch of Nestle Company , thus the love-exchanging volunteers could bring the deaf kids tasty drink and cookies .

  28. 股权分置改革后受限股票全流通问题研究&雀巢公司案例分析及启示

    A study on the full marketability problem of restricted shares after the reform of dual - class equity structure : The case analysis and enlightenments of Nestle Company

  29. 压力集团曾经抵制过雀巢公司,因为它的一种牛奶配方不适合发展中国家,而且定价过高。

    Groups have boycotted the multinational Nestle because of their promotion of a milk formula that was considered inappropriate for the conditions in developing countries and was much too expensive .

  30. 和雀巢公司,它们被提及的次数太多了,这位套利者说这一对就象是晚间新闻里有关不安全自助沙拉台的报导一样,每三个月都会蹦出来一次。

    HSY and Nestle SA , have been mentioned so often that this arbitrager called the pairing'like reports of unsafe salad bars on the nightly news-they pop up every three months .