
měi zhōu bēi
  • Americas Cup;Copa America
  1. 谈谈美洲杯,哪个球队会获得冠军?

    Talk about Copa America , which team will be winner ?

  2. 卢卡斯展望了即将进行的美洲杯,他透露了他的雄心壮志是帮助巴西队在美洲杯上创造历史。

    Lucas Leiva today looked ahead to the forthcoming Copa America tournament and revealed his ambitions of helping Brazil to make history .

  3. 我这辈子最大的遗憾就是没有把美洲杯捧回家。

    My great regret in life is that I didn 't bring home the America 's Cup

  4. 名为“澳洲一号”的船队将成为争夺1995年美洲杯的第6个挑战者。

    The One Australia syndicate is to become the sixth challenger for the 1995 Americas Cup .

  5. 今年夏季早些时候,曾效力于皇家马德里、曼城和AC米兰的罗比尼奥代表国家队出征美洲杯,表现十分出众,他与中国俱乐部签署了一份为期六个月的合同。

    Robinho , formerly of Real Madrid , Manchester City and A.C. Milan , impressed for his country at the Copa America earlier in the summer and arrived on a six-month contract .

  6. 在巴萨同意如果他不参加美洲杯(CopaAmerica)便可以参加奥运会后,内马尔才得以出征奥运会。美洲杯是南北美洲球队竞技的足球赛事。

    He made it to the games only after Barcelona agreed that he could participate in the Olympics if he missed the Copa America , a tournament between North and South American teams .

  7. 上周他第三次加冕美洲杯MVP桂冠,为缺兵少将的阿根廷赢得了一张北京奥运会入场券。

    He added a third MVP designation at the FIBA Americas Tournament last week , helping to lead short-handed Argentina to qualify for the Olympics .

  8. 赫尔南德斯现在已经回到了球队,将要准备与MLS全明星队的比赛。而巴伦西亚正在治疗随厄瓜多尔参加美洲杯留下的伤病。

    Javier Hernandez has now linked up with the squad ahead of the clash with MLS All-Stars while Valencia is recovering from an ankle injury sustained on Copa America duty with Ecuador .

  9. 美洲杯帆船赛(America'sCup)或许是全世界最古老的体育赛事了,但这项比赛的结果至今依然全由金钱和技术决定:这或许正是这项比赛吸引甲骨文(Oracle)创始人拉里•埃里森(LarryEllison)参加的理由。

    The America 's Cup might be the oldest sporting trophy in the world , but money and technology still make all the difference : perhaps that is why Larry Ellison , founder of Oracle , is drawn to it .

  10. 考虑到美洲杯球迷可能会感兴趣,所以Opta提供了去年美洲杯的数据。

    In case Copa Am é rica fans are interested , Opta did provide data for the tournament that took place last year .

  11. 尽管在7月的美洲杯半决赛中他们输给后来的冠军巴西,但OscarTabarez的球队的世界排名已经上升了11位,达到了第19位。

    After reaching their second successive Copa America semi-final in July , losing to eventual winners Brazil , Oscar Tabarez 's side have moved up11 places in the FIFA / Coca-Cola World Ranking .

  12. 海因策的未来将在美洲杯之后决定。

    Heinze 's future will be decided after the Copa america .

  13. 韩国不会再参加美洲杯。

    South Korea now does not enter the Copa america .

  14. 2001年美洲杯足球赛进攻与进球特点的分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of Attack-move and Goal-in in 2001 American Football Cup

  15. 我现在所想的就是和阿根廷一起赢得美洲杯。

    My head is with the Argentina team and the Copa America .

  16. 市场化运作对美洲杯帆船赛中国之队的影响

    Influence of Marketization Operation on the Chinese Team for the America 's Cup

  17. 你是否已经跑过美洲杯级的帆船?

    Have you already sailed on board an america 's cup class yacht ?

  18. 在一艘美洲杯级帆船上不存在误差这个词。

    When it comes to a class america , nothing is left to chance .

  19. 对他来说参加美洲杯实现了他一个长久以来的梦想。

    For him , to do the cup , is a long awaited dream .

  20. 没能为阿根廷赢得美洲杯对他来说实在是太遗憾了。

    It was a pity for Mascherano Argentina didn 't win in the Copa America .

  21. 后来,他又飞到玻利维亚,为本国争夺1997年美洲杯出场。

    He then flied to Bolivia to play for his country at the Copa America 1997 .

  22. 在2007年美洲杯决赛对阵巴西的时候,梅西所在的阿根廷国家队也是输球的一方。

    Messi was also on the losing side against Brazil in the 2007 Copa America final .

  23. 这位美洲杯帆船赛选手相信在比赛中保持冷静是赢得比赛的关键。

    An America 's Cup sailor who believes that being calm ensures success on the racecourse .

  24. “在美洲杯之后的假期中,我会知道下赛季的海因策身在何方。”

    " After that and a holiday , I will know better where I will play next season . "

  25. 老马的离尽情味着阿根廷需为明年的美洲杯赛遴选一位新的主帅。

    His departure means Argentina need to find a new coach for the Copa America regional tournament next year .

  26. 这是我第一次参加美洲杯的比赛,我想捧得奖杯。

    This is the first time I am playing in the Copa America , and I want to win it .

  27. 我们中大部分选择在美洲杯帆船赛上航船和喝酒两个选项之间折中。

    A middle ground between sailing in the America 's Cup and drinking beer does exist for most of us .

  28. 米兰准备为在美洲杯上有着杰出表现的巴普蒂斯塔支付1千万英镑。

    Milan are ready to offer & pound ; 10 million for baptista , who enjoyed an outstanding Copa america .

  29. 后来,这个奖杯被称为美洲杯,仍在纪念着这艘世界上最著名的赛艇。

    Now the cup became america 's cup and still gives its named to the most important regatta in the world .

  30. 分析和比较欧洲杯、美洲杯和亚洲杯足球赛,可为中国足球运动提供一些有益的启示。

    Some enlightenments can be offered for the Chinese football by analyzing and comparing European Cup , America Cup and Asian Cup .