
  • 网络American Library Association;Ala
  1. 文章对美国图书馆协会下属机构MARS评出的美国2003年最佳免费参考网站进行了评介并介绍了MARS的网站评选标准。

    This paper evaluates the best free reference websites of 2003 selected by MARS of ALA and introduces MARS ' criteria of selecting them .

  2. 提供1999年美国图书馆协会(ALA)认可的49所大学图书馆学情报学院系的信息,并就其名称、学位授予、课程设置的变化、特点与发展趋势作简要分析。

    Provides the information about library and information studies programs accredited by the ALA in 1999 and analyzes the changes and characteristics of library and information units ( schools or departments ) and their general trends .

  3. 美国图书馆协会(AmericanLibraryAssociation)数字内容工作小组(DigitalContentWorkingGroup)联席主席罗伯特・沃尔温(RobertWolven)称,过去18个月中读者的需求急剧增长。

    Robert Wolven , co-chair of the American Library Association 's Digital Content Working Group , says demand has increased significantly in the past 18 months .

  4. 美国图书馆协会信息素质研究进展报告简介

    An Introduction to The American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy

  5. 美国图书馆协会作用探析

    Study on the Functions of the American Library Association

  6. 以美国图书馆协会为视角看知识自由的维护

    The Preservation of Intellectual Freedom Seen From the Point of View of the American Library Association

  7. 美国图书馆协会去年秋天进行的一项调查显示,超过四分之三的图书馆出借电子书。

    Just over three-quarters of libraries lend e-books , according to a survey last fall by the American Library Association .

  8. 在美国图书馆协会指出,这可能是特别困难的时候,告诉婴儿和学龄前儿童儿童感冒。

    The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu .

  9. 他被美国图书馆协会出版的《世界图书情报百科全书》称为中国现代图书馆之父是当之无愧的。

    It 's qualified that ALA Encyclopedias of Library and Information Services called him " The father of Chinese Modern library " .

  10. 久负盛名的图书馆室内设计奖是由美国图书馆协会与国际室内设计协会联合组织举办的,每两年一次。

    The prestigious Library Interior Design Awards is organized every two years by the American Library Association together with International Interior Design Association .

  11. 美国图书馆协会的《职业道德规范声明》提出了以图书馆事业为中心的具体原则,其《图书馆权利法案》则明确了图书馆的责任和义务。

    Statement on Professional Ethics of ALA presents both specific principles of American librarians and their duty to uphold the Library Bill of Rights .

  12. 因此,美国图书馆协会决心抵制《爱国者法案》对知识、信息自由开放以及行使个人隐私权的限制。

    The ALA has resolved to oppose the suppression of the free and open exchange of knowledge and information , and the intimidation of individuals exercising their rights to privacy .

  13. 《蝇王》是美国图书馆协会历来遭禁最严重图书之中,十分优秀的一本书。它是一本包装成斗争与生存故事的复杂寓言小说。

    Prominently featured on the American Library Association 's list of the most banned books ever , Lord of the Flies is a complex allegory packed into a tale of struggle and survival .

  14. 该文从机构设置、计划和活动等方面对美国图书馆协会进行了论述,分析了其在图书馆事业管理、图书馆服务、图书情报学教育及扩大图书馆社会影响这四个方面的作用。

    It has profound impact on the librarianship . The paper discussed ALA 's effects on library management , library services , LIS education and social influence from the following aspects such as offices and divisions , plans and activities of ALA.

  15. 为了得到这些衡量指标,必须对读者展开相应的调查。2004年3月开始,清华大学图书馆以美国研究型图书馆协会(ARL)开展的LibQUAL+TM项目为蓝本,在读者中开展广泛的服务质量调查活动。

    From March 2004 , Tsinghua University Library started a project based on LibQUAL + ~ TM of the Association of Research Libraries ( ARL ) .

  16. 美国的图书馆协会是世界同类协会中规模最大的。

    The American Library Association is the largest one in the world .

  17. 附录部分引介了美国专门图书馆协会提交的21世纪专门图书馆员必备的素质的报告。

    The appendix introduces the " Competencies for Special Librarians of the 21st Century " prepared by the U.S. Special Libraries Association .

  18. 根据美国法律图书馆协会的道德准则,法律图书馆员有义务“推进信息公开和公众有效获取法律级相关信息。”

    According to the AALL Ethical Principles , a law librarian is obliged to " promote open and effective access to legal and related information . "

  19. 参照美国研究图书馆协会的LibQual+项目,清华大学图书馆组织并实施了面向全校的读者满意度调查项目。

    Referring to the Association of Research Library ( ARL ) 's LibQual + project , Tsinghua University Library organize and carry out the Library Service Quality Survey Project to the campus .

  20. 本文主要对美国研究图书馆协会网络服务平台提供的各类信息资源进行了描述和分析参照美国研究图书馆协会的LibQual+项目,清华大学图书馆组织并实施了面向全校的读者满意度调查项目。

    This article describes and analyzes the information resources in Association of Research Library web . Referring to the Association of Research Library ( ARL ) 's LibQual + project , Tsinghua University Library organize and carry out the Library Service Quality Survey Project to the campus .