
  • 网络NRC;United States National Research Council;National Re search Council
  1. 她说,美国国家科学研究委员会赖以确定排放量上限、及释放的物质会是否影响健康的大量资料已经是几十年前的了。

    She said much of the information the NRC relies on to determine regulatory limits , and how releases might impact health , is several decades old .

  2. 美国国家科学研究委员会于1993年给予地下水脆弱性如下定义:地下水脆弱性是污染物到达最上层含水层之上某特定位置的倾向性与可能性。

    In 1993 , the American State Committee of Scientific Research gave groundwater vulnerability a definition : it is the tendency and possibility of pollutants reaching a certain position above the highest water-containing level .