
hé bīn
  • Riverside;streamside;riverlet
河滨 [hé bīn]
  • [riverlet]〈方〉∶小河

河滨[hé bīn]
  1. 平顶山市河滨公园总体规划说明

    Overall Plan of Pingdingshan Streamside Park

  2. 曲阜河滨两种鸻形目鸟类觅食行为对人为干扰的响应

    The Effect of Human Disturbance on Foraging Behaviors of Two Kinds of Charadriiformes in Qufu Streamside

  3. 他们约定一大清早7点在河滨公园见面。

    They arranged to meet in Riverside Park at the unearthly hour of seven in the morning .

  4. 加州大学河滨分校有400多个组织,包括政治组织、空手道俱乐部,想象一下,当我踏进它的校园时,我有多么吃惊。

    Imagine my surprise when I stepped foot onto UCR 's campus , where over 400 organizations exist , ranging from political organizations to karate club .

  5. 直到我加入了学生会,我才有信心在加州大学河滨分校的主席办公室的帮助下做我创建的项目。

    It was not until I became involved in student government that I gained the confidence to handle projects that I created with the help of ASUCR Office of the President .

  6. 在加州大学河滨分校的第一个学期里,我想学习政治学,主要是国际事务,所以我就申请了这个专业。

    During my first quarter at University of California , Riverside ( UCR ) , I thought that I wanted to study Political Science with its focus on International Affairs , so that 's what I applied for .

  7. 长江口吴淞-浏河滨岸带沉积物AVS和SEM含量的空间分布特征

    Contents and spatial distributions of AVS and SEM in Wusong-Liuhe coastal sediments in Yangtze Estuary

  8. 这个名为InlandRegionalCenter的服务中心,为河滨市和圣贝纳迪诺市超过3.02万名残障人士提供服务。在这次枪击案中,至少还有17人在该中心受伤。

    At least another 17 people were wounded at the Inland Regional Center , which provides services for more than 30200 individuals with disabilities in Riverside and San Bernardino counties .

  9. 运用科克兰(Cocnran)Q检验法,将黄河流域湿地分为河道湿地型、河滨湿地型、河口型3类。

    Based on Cochran-Q Test , wetlands of Yellow River valley could be divided into three types : channel wetland , riparian wetland and estuary wetland .

  10. JohannesVerreynne现在就职于斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity),CarolLovatt来自加州大学河滨分校(UniversityofCalifornia-Riverside)。

    Johannes Verreynne is now at Stellenbosch University in South Africa . Carol Lovatt is at the University of California , Riverside .

  11. 来自加州大学河滨分校的心理学家SonjaLyubomirsky进行了更为深入的研究,她从现有文献和自己的实验同时入手,其结果发表在《心理学》上。

    To investigate the matter further Sonja Lyubomirsky , a psychologist at the University of California , Riverside , decided both to study the existing literature , and to conduct some experiments of her own .

  12. 你可以参观一个非常精彩的地方&河滨公园。

    You can also visit a wonderful place & the Riverwalk .

  13. 这趟汽车开往韦斯特维尔吗?开往河滨镇。

    Does this bus go to westville ? It goes to riverside .

  14. 宝丰县净肠河河滨公园规划设计

    Design of the park along Jingchang River in Baofeng County

  15. 他离开河滨村,上了新城路。

    He goes out of riverside Village up to new Town Road .

  16. 她驶出河滨大厦向右拐。

    She drives out of riverside house and turns right .

  17. 基于城市河流半自然化的生态防洪对策&河滨缓冲带与柔性堤岸设计导引

    Design guide of riparian buffers and soft banks design

  18. 河滨区警方在林峰找到一个狗场。

    Riverside Sheriff found a dog breeder in woodcrest .

  19. 河滨公园第三场,最后下注。

    Last call on the third at Riverside park .

  20. 园艺推广技师,园艺推广中心,加利福尼亚大学河滨校区。

    Extension Horticulture Technologist , Agricultural Extension Service , University of California , Riverside .

  21. 待售房产:一栋带有三间卧室和三间半浴室的河滨当代住�

    WHAT : A riverfront contemporary with three bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms

  22. 他的家在河滨村,在地图的左上方。

    It is in Riverside Village at the top left hand side of the map .

  23. 我们选择河滨地区和新合并的南岸地区作为重点。

    We chose to focus on the waterfront area and the newly incorporated southern bank .

  24. 他们住在河滨街24号。

    They live at No.24 Riverside Street .

  25. 城市河滨地区是城市景观环境建设及改造整治的重点地段。

    City 's riverside areas are the major parts for urban environment planning and refreshment .

  26. 这条河滨步道是柬埔寨人傍晚散步的胜地。

    The riverfront promenade is a popular place for Cambodians to take an evening stroll .

  27. 你就到斯特林奇大臣剧团来,在河滨的玫瑰剧院工作吧。

    Come and work with Lord Strange 's Men at the Rose theatre on Bankside .

  28. 事故发生在加利福尼亚的河滨市。

    The accident occurred in Riverside California .

  29. 他在2006年于加州大学河滨分校获机械工程博士学位。

    He received his Ph.D.degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Riverside in2006 .

  30. 在这个过程中,他结识了日后的客户,比如普罗维登斯资本公司和河滨资本等。

    Along the way he formed a network of future clients like providence equity partners and riverside .